Systemwalker Operation Manager Troubleshooting Guide
FUJITSU Software

2.1.7 The Warning Message "The Web Link function will be installed. However, Setup will not be performed because IIS is not installed. " is Displayed during Installation [Windows Versions]

Error message

<IIS is not installed.>The Web Link function will be installed. However, Setup will not be performed because IIS is not installed.

Applicable versions and levels



IIS has not been installed.


Depending on the installation type of Systemwalker Operation Manager, the installation process of the Web linkage functions checks whether IIS (which is required for the function) is installed. If IIS in not installed in Windows, the Web linkage function is installed without the performing setup of the IIS environment. If the Web linkage function will be used after installing Systemwalker Operation Manager, you will need to set up IIS manually. If IIS is installed in the Windows environment, the environment setup will be automatically performed for IIS during installation of the Web linkage function.