PRIMECLUSTER Wizard for Oracle (PRIMEQUEST) 4.3 Configuration and Administration Guide
FUJITSU Software

4.5 clgetoralog - Collect Troubleshooting Information


Super user


/opt/FJSVclora/bin/clgetoralog [ -n RMSconfiguration ] [ -d output_directory ] [ -a ]


clgetoralog collects Oracle database information for troubleshooting. "clgetoralog" command collects Oracle setup database information and log files on a PRIMECLUSTER system. The information will be collected in the "<hostname>_<yymmddHHMMSS>_clgetoralog.tar.Z" (or tar.gz) file.

The "clgetoralog" command collects

  • Initialized parameter file



  • Oracle database alert log



    Some files under $ORACLE_HOME/log/diag

    Some files under $ORACLE_BASE/diag

  • listener.ora, tnsnames.ora


  • Listener log


  • V/L, configuration, and log files of PRIMECLUSTER Wizard for Oracle

  • V/L and log files (switchlog) of RMS

  • V/L, configuration, and patch information of PRIMECLUSTER

  • System information

    uname -a (system basic information)

    uptime (system operating time)

    cat /proc/cpuinfo (CPU information)

    cat /proc/version (Linux version)

    sysctl -a (kernel parameter)

    ipcs (shared resources)

    cat /proc/swaps (swap information)

    ptree -pal, ps -efw (process information)

    ntpq -p (NTP information)

    /var/log/messages file

  • UpdateSite(MW) information

    uam showup


"pclsnap" command can also be used to collect troubleshooting information. (When -a, -A or -h option is specified.)

[ -n RMSconfiguration ]

Specify the RMS configuration name for RMSconfiguration.
If this option is specified, "clgetoralog" command will collect RMS configuration information in addition to the information described in "Function". You can check the RMS configuration name using the following command if RMS is running.

# /opt/SMAW/SMAWRrms/bin/hvdisp -a | grep Configuration
Configuration: /opt/SMAW/SMAWRrms/build/

If this option is omitted, the command will collect information described in "Function" only.

[ -d output_directory ]

Specify the directory where information is collected.
Then, the command will store the "<hostname>_<yymmddHHMMSS>_clgetoralog.tar.Z" (or tar.gz) file in the directory. If the directory specified does not exist, it will automatically be created.
If this option is omitted, the command will store the "<hostname>_<yymmddHHMMSS>_clgetoralog.tar Z" (or tar.gz) file under the default directory (/var/tmp).

[ -a ]

The option will collect the following information in addition to the information described in "Function":

  • Group of currently active RMS configuration files (all RMS configuration files with the -n option)

  • RMS log files (/var/opt/reliant/log/*)

  • RMS environment variable configuration file (/usr/opt/reliant/bin/hvenv.local)

  • /var/log/messages (all generations)

  • /etc/hosts

  • /etc/passwd

  • /etc/services

  • /etc/fstab

  • /etc/fstab.pcl

Exit status

0: Normal termination

Non-0: Abnormal termination


This command gets the value of BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST or DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter from the initialized parameter file or the server parameter file, and searches the Oracle database alert log and the listener log. However, if these parameter files cannot be read(e.g. the server parameter file exists on a shared disk that is not mounted), the alert log and the listener log are not also collected.
To prevent it, define the alert log the listener log in /opt/FJSVclora/etc/clgetoralog.conf using the full path so that you can acquire them.
Where the alert log and the listener log are stored is defined in BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST parameter.
(BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST / DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter can be found in the initialized parameter file or the server parameter file. It can be also displayed by SQL "show parameter dest".)

The following shows how to define /opt/FJSVclora/etc/clgetoralog.conf.
(Example: BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST is "/oracle/admin/orclsid/bdump"):

COLLECTOBJ=/oracle/admin/orclsid/bdump/alert_orclsid.log   (an Oracle alart log)
COLLECTOBJ=/oracle/product/network/log/listener.log   (a listener log)

Start with "COLLECTOBJ=" and specify the file name using the full path after "=".

Wild card characters "*" cannot be used in the middle of the path name.

COLLECTOBJ=/oracle/admin/orclsid/bdump/*.trc        (OK)
COLLECTOBJ=/oracle/admin/*/bdump/*.trc              (NG)

If the size of the troubleshooting information including the information which defined /opt/FJSVclora/etc/clgetoralog.conf exceeds 10MB, the troubleshooting information is collected except for the information which defined /opt/FJSVclora/etc/clgetoralog.conf.
The -a option will collect the troubleshooting information including the information which defined /opt/FJSVclora/etc/clgetoralog.conf even if the size exceeds 10MB.