Oracle DBA user
cloracpy enables users to backup files required for Oracle database setup on the operating node in the tar format. Also, the users can copy the file and set links by extracting the backup data on the standby nodes.
The command can be used in the following cases:
Standby operation
Oracle Database Software is located on local disk of each node.
The $ORACLE_HOME and $ORACLE_BASE settings are the same between the operating node and the standby nodes.
The Oracle database configuration is the same between the operating node and the standby nodes.
Database creation and setup is already completed on the operating node.
The command is executed with Oracle user access privileges
$ORACLE_BASE, $ORACLE_HOME, and $ORACLE_SID are set in the Oracle user environment variables.
The following backup files can be created in the tar format:
All files under $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
All files under $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID
All files under $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
All files under $ORACLE_BASE/diag
The files on the operating node will be stored in the "/tmp/oracle.$ORACLE_SID.tar" file. Then, they will be deployed on the standby node with "tar xvfP /tmp/oracle.$ORACLE_SID.tar" command.
tar command on standby nodes should be executed with Oracle user or root user.
If executed with Oracle user, specify "xvfPp" options. (tar xvfPp /tmp/oracle.<$ORACLE_SID>.tar)
If executed with root user, specify "xvfP" options. (tar xvfP /tmp/oracle.<$ORACLE_SID>.tar)
Since cloracpy creates and deploy the backup files in the tar format using the full path, it cannot be used if the "$ORACLE_BASE" and "$ORACLE_HOME" settings are incompatible between the operating and standby nodes.
Also, if the operation method is different between the operating node and standby nodes, the command cannot be used. If a file with the same name exists, it will be overridden.
0: Normal termination
Non-0: Abnormal termination