If you encounter any problems with PRIMECLUSTER Wizard for Oracle operation you will need to conduct troubleshooting from log files and setup files of PRIMECLUSTER Wizard for Oracle and its related products.
You may use the following files:
Oracle database information
Configuration files
initialization parameter file
Oracle Net Services file
Log files
Oracle alert log
listener log
PRIMECLUSTER information
Refer to "PRIMECLUSTER Configuration and Administration Guide".
PRIMECLUSTER Wizard for Oracle information
Configuration files
/usr/opt/reliant/build/< RMS configuration name >.usfiles/*
Log files
You can collect troubleshooting information for Oracle database and PRIMECLUSTER Wizard for Oracle using "pclsnap" command. The "pclsnap" command is a system information tool and is included in ESF (Enhanced Support Facility). If an error occurs on a PRIMECLUSER system, the command will collect required information to solve the problem. Oracle database information can be collected only if PRIMECLUSTER Wizard for Oracle is correctly set. For details, refer to "4.5 clgetoralog - Collect Troubleshooting Information".