You can change the Oracle SYSTEM user password without stopping operation by using the following steps on the node where userApplication is Online.
Discontinue monitoring the Oracle instance resources
Execute the following command to stop monitoring Oracle resources. In standby operation, execute it on the operating node. In single-node cluster operation, execute it on the one node.
# /opt/FJSVclora/sbin/hvoradisable -a <userApplication>
Be sure to check the following message in syslog before going to the next step:
[Info] [0101] Fault Watching is disabled
Change the Oracle SYSTEM user password
Change the Oracle SYSTEM user password, or unlock SYSTEM user account.
Change the Oracle SYSTEM user password
In standby operation, change the password on the operating node. In single-node cluster operation, change it on the one node.
The following example shows how to change password to "oracle".
# su - <Oracle user>
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL> alter user system identified by oracle;
SQL> exit
Unlock SYSTEM user account
Refer to [Case 2] of "A.1.3 Warning State".
Register the Oracle SYSTEM user password to PRIMECLUSTER Wizard for Oracle
Register the Oracle SYSTEM user password to PRIMECLUSTER Wizard for Oracle using "clorapass" command.
In standby operation, register the password on the operating node. In single-node cluster operation, register it on the one node.
# /opt/FJSVclora/sbin/clorapass Enter OracleSID > sid (Enter ORACLE_SID) Enter Password > ****** (Enter "oracle" for password.) Re-enter Password > ****** (Re-enter "oracle" for password.) finished
Restart monitoring the Oracle instance resources
Execute the following command to restart monitoring Oracle resources. In standby operation, execute it on the operation node. In single-node cluster operation, execute it on the one node.
# /opt/FJSVclora/sbin/hvoraenable -a <userApplication>
Be sure to check the following message in syslog after execution:
[Info] [0102] Fault Watching is enabled
For the "hvoradisable" or "hvoraenable" command, refer to "4.1 hvoradisable - Discontinue Monitoring Resources", "4.2 hvoraenable - Restart Monitoring Resources".
For information on how to change the Oracle SYSTEM user password, refer to the Oracle Database manual.
For the "clorapass" command, refer to "4.3 clorapass - Register Password for Monitoring".
When passwords of Oracle user, Grid user, and Oracle SYS user are changed, the setting of PRIMECLUSTER Wizard for Oracle does not need to be changed.