Systemwalker Runbook Automation Operation Guide

A.1.8 Schedule Definition List Window (Filter)


You can use the Schedule Definition List window (filter) to narrow down the information that is to be displayed by performing filtering.

Calling sequence or built-in sequence

Use the procedure below to display this window:

  1. Login to the RBA console and select a process group.

  2. Click the Schedule Definitions submenu of the Process Management tab.

  3. Select Filter.

The items below can be set as filtering information. When you select the Apply button, filtering will be executed.


The name of the Schedule Definition. Partial matching of the Schedule Definition name will be used in filtering.

Process Definition

The name of the process definition that is using the Schedule Definition. Select the process definition from the drop-down list.


The user ID of the Schedule Definition owner. Full matching of the owner will be used for filtering. Users without administration privilege can only view the Schedule Definitions they own. To view other users Schedule Definitions change the settings of the filter.

Schedule Pattern

The name of the Schedule Pattern that is being used by the Schedule Definition. Select the Schedule Definition from the drop-down list.

Holiday Calendar

The name of the holiday calendar that is being used by the Schedule Definition. Select the holiday calendar from the drop-down list.


The state of the Schedule Definition. Select the state from the drop-down list.


The memo that has been set in the Schedule Definition. Filtering will be based on partial matching search on memo.