Information for connecting to servers must be added to system configuration information which registered at Section 2.5
This product is able to automate operations by automated operations process and operation components. The operation components that are executed from automated operations process connect to the server on which the operation is to be performed, execute the commands specified in the operation components, and then return control. Also, the commands that can be executed by operation components are not limited to operating system commands, but also include commands for other software products that have been installed on the server.
Connecting to servers and executing commands
To operate the target servers, operation components require connection information (a user ID and password) for connecting to the server, as well as information about the user that will execute the command (the user ID and password).
This information is managed by the CMDB for the Management Server. Before operations start, register server information (such as IP addresses and operating system information) in the CMDB and set up the information that the operation component needs in order to connect to the server (the user ID and password).
Registering server information with the CMDB is performed by the Systemwalker Runbook Automation configuration management agent function.
Registering server connection information and user information with the CMDB is performed using the user information import command.
To register connection information to server is using commands. The following information is required.
Item | Overview |
IP address | Specify the server IP address |
Authentication destination type | Select the operating system authentication. Only operating system authentication can be selected |
User | Specify the user ID. |
Password | Specify the password. |
Administrator user | To treat the user as a user with administrator privileges, specify Administration user For each authentication destination type on the server, only one user can be specified as an Administration |
Server connection user | To treat the user as the user for connecting to the server, specify server connection user. Only one operating system authentication user can be specified as the server connection user. |
Comment | Enter a comment. |
Register/Change user information
You can register/change user information in files created in CSV format, by using the user information import command (refer to "swrba_uaimport" in the Systemwalker Runbook Automation Reference Guide for details) - the command allows data for several users to be processed in one batch.
Note that to use this command, the server that is the object of the CMDB must be registered again as the logic server.
Extract user information
You can obtain information in CSV format about users registered via swrba_uaimport (User Information Import Command), by using the user information export command (refer to "swrba_uaexport" in the Systemwalker Runbook Automation Reference Guide for details)".
The command exports the default password, and not the actual one.
Also, when importing user information, the password will not be modified if the password contains the default value in the data being imported.
Delete user information
You can delete user information, by using the configuration item deletion command (refer to "cidelete" in the Systemwalker Runbook Automation Reference Guide for details).
The conditional expression (xpath) is indicated as follows:
Delete user information (UserAccount) on all servers
xpath=/%UserAccount |
"xpath=/%UserAccount" |
Delete user information (UserAccount) for users whose server IP address is "".
xpath=/%UserAccount[./#expected/swcm:UserAccount/@ipAddress=''] |
"xpath=/%UserAccount[./#expected/swcm:UserAccount/@ipAddress='']" |
Delete user information(UserAccount) for users whose server IP address is "" and who are also connected.
xpath=/%UserAccount[./#expected/swcm:UserAccount[(@ipAddress='')and(@isDefaultUser='true')]] |
"xpath=/%UserAccount[./#expected/swcm:UserAccount[(@ipAddress='')and(@isDefaultUser='true')]]" |
Delete user information (UserAccount) for users whose server IP address is "" and who are also OS managers.
xpath=/%UserAccount[./#expected/swcm:UserAccount[(@ipAddress='')and(@authenticationType='OS') |
"xpath=/%UserAccount[./#expected/swcm:UserAccount[(@ipAddress='')and(@authenticationType='OS') |