System action
Uses the parameter as it is and continues processing if the severity code is E.
Abnormally terminates the program if the severity code is U.
The following information is set in $1 through $5:
$1 : Name of the method with an incorrect parameter is specified.
$2 : Parameter specification (USING or RETURNING)
$3 : USING specified parameter error details
'NUMBER' : The number of parameters is incorrect
PARAMETER=n : The n-th parameter is incorrect.
$4 : External program name or method name
$5 :
[Win32] Statement number (line information [COPY qualification-value] line number.verb-sequence-number-in-a-line)
[Winx64] Statement number (line information [COPY qualification-value] line number)
Modify the program so that the method ($1) indicated by the message will be called with the correct parameter then re-execute the program.
System action
If the severity code is E, the system uses the calling conventions or parameters as-is and continues processing.
If the severity code is U, the system abnormally terminates the program.
[Win32] Correct the program so it can invoke the program ($1) output in the message with a correct calling conventions or parameters, then rerun it. Note that the external program name or method name is set in $2, while the statement number (including the line information [COPY qualification-value] line number.verb-sequence-number-in-a-line) is set in $3.
[Winx64] Correct the program so it can invoke the program ($1) output in the message with a correct calling conventions or parameters, then rerun it. Note that the external program name or method name is set in $2, while the statement number (including the line information [COPY qualification-value] line number) is set in $3.
System action
Continues processing when the severity code is E level, while still using invocation rules or parameters as they are.
Abnormally terminates the program when the severity code is U level.
Based on the content indicated by $1, perform the action described in table below.
$1 | Programmer Response |
USING PARAMETER NUMBER | Match the number of USING phrase parameters |
USING nTH PARAMETER (nTH = 1ST, 2ND, 3RD, 4TH...) | Match the size of the nth USING phrase parameters |
RETURNING PARAMETER | Match the size of the RETURNING phrase parameters |
The following information is specified in $2 and $3:
$2 : A program name, or a class name and method name
$3 :
[Win32] The statement number (line-information [COPY qualification-value] line-number.verb-sequence-number-in-a-line).
[Winx64] The statement number (line-information [COPY qualification-value] line-number).
System action
Severity code E level: Uses the subscript or index value as is, then continues processing.
Severity code U level: Abnormally terminates the program.
The following information is set in $1 through $4:
$1 : he outermost program name or method name
$2 :
[Win32] The statement number (line-information[COPY qualification-value]line-number.verb-sequence-number-in-a-line)
[Winx64] The statement number (line-information[COPY qualification-value]line-number)
$3 : The data name
$4 : he number of dimensions
Specify a correct value for the subscript or index indicated in the message, then re-execute.
System action
Severity code E level: Performs reference with an incorrect value, then continues processing.
Severity code U level: Abnormally terminates the program.
$1 : the outermost program name or method name
$2 :
[Win32] The statement number (line-information[COPY qualification-value]line-number.verb-sequence-number-in-a-line)
[Winx64] The statement number (line-information[COPY qualification-value]line-number)
$3 : The data name
Correct the program so that reference modification of the data item indicated in the message is performed within the specified range.
System action
Severity code E level: Uses the object value specified in the OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause as is, then continues processing.
Severity code U level: Abnormally terminates the program.
The following information is set in $1 through $4:
$1 : The outermost program name or method name
$2 :
[Win32] The statement number (line-information[COPY qualification-value]line-number.verb-sequence-number-in-a-line)
[Winx64] The statement number (line-information[COPY qualification-value]line-number)
$3 : The name of the data that refers to the data including the OCCURS DEPENDING outermost-program-name ON clause
$4 : The object name specified in the ODO clause
Specify a correct value for the object (in the OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause) indicated in the message, then re-execute.
System action
Uses the incorrect value as it is and continues processing if the severity code is E.
Abnormally terminates the program if the severity code is U.
The following information is set in $1 through $3:
$1 : External program name or method name
$2 :
[Win32] Statement number (line information [COPY qualification-value]line-number.verb-sequence-number-in-a-line)
[Winx64] Statement number (line information [COPY qualification-value]line-number)
$3 : Data name
Modify the program so that the reference modification of the data name indicated by the message will not exceed the range then re-execute the program.
System action
Uses zero as the divisor as it is and continued processing if the severity code is E. The result of dividing by zero depends on the system.
Abnormally terminates the program if the severity code is U.
The following information is set in $1 through $3:
$1 : External program name or method name
$2 :
[Win32] Statement number (line information [COPY qualification-value]line- number.verb-sequence-number-in-a-line)
[Winx64] Statement number (line information [COPY qualification-value]line- number)
$3 : Data name
The operand name is not set if the divisor is a value of an arithmetic expression or a function.
Set a value that does not make the divisor zero for the operand indicated by the message then re-execute the program.
System action
Abnormally terminates the programs.
The program or dynamic area may be damaged because of a program error. Check for the cause of the error in the same manner as when JMP0701I-U is written.