ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.1 Setup Guide

I.2.1 SNMP Trap Settings Using CA Spectrum

This section explains the settings for CA Spectrum to receive Resource Orchestrator SNMP traps.
Also refer to "I.2 Sending SNMP Traps".

For details on CA Spectrum, refer to the CA Spectrum manual.

External Software

The information in this manual has been based on that of CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager r9.1.2.
Depending on the version of CA Spectrum Infrastructure Manager, some of the terms and procedures may differ slightly from those given here.

Installing CA Spectrum

Perform installation of CA Spectrum referring to the CA Spectrum manual.
The following are advisory notices regarding coordination with Resource Orchestrator.


Register the admin server on which the Resource Orchestrator manager has been installed as a management target of CA spectrum.

[Linux Manager]
When installing the Resource Orchestrator manager and SpectroSERVER on the same server, in order to share SNMP traps between Resource Orchestrator and CA Spectrum, ServerView Trap Server for Linux (trpsrvd) is necessary.
ServerView Trap Server for Linux is a program that is used to transfer SNMP traps received at UDP port 162 to other UDP port numbers.

ServerView Trap Server for Linux is shipped with some versions of ServerView Operations Manager. In such cases, install ServerView Trap Server for Linux following the instructions given in the ServerView Operations Manager manual.

If ServerView Trap Server for Linux is not shipped with ServerView Operations Manager, download it from the following site, and install it referring to the attached documents.


Perform the following settings after installing ServerView Trap Server for Linux.

  1. Log in as OS administrator (root).

  2. Change the SpectroSERVER SNMP trap reception port to one other than 162.

    The port number can be changed by editing the file shown below.



    When changing the port number to 9162:


  3. Restart SpectroSERVER.

  4. Edit the /usr/share/SMAWtrpsv/conf/trpsrvtargets file and add the SpectroSERVER SNMP trap reception port.

    Before editing

    # Copyright (C) Fujitsu Siemens Computers 2007
    # All rights reserved
    # Configuration File for trpsrv (SMAWtrpsv)
    # Syntax
    # port [(address | -) [comment]]

    # examples
    # 8162
    # 9162 - test
    # 162

    After editing (When making the SpectroSERVER SNMP trap reception port 9162)

    # Copyright (C) Fujitsu Siemens Computers 2007
    # All rights reserved
    # Configuration File for trpsrv (SMAWtrpsv)

    # Syntax
    # port [(address | -) [comment]]

    # examples
    # 8162
    # 9162 - test
    # 162

    #Transfer to UDP port 9162.

  5. Restart the system.

Setup Procedure

In this section, the procedures for checking SNMP traps that CA Spectrum receives from Resource Orchestrator, as event messages on OneClick (CA Spectrum's console) are explained.
Refer to the CA Spectrum manual for details on each procedure.

  1. Start CA Spectrum's MIB Tools.

  2. Click <Add MIB> on the "Navigation" panel.

    The [MIB Tools: Add MIB] dialog is displayed.

  3. Click <Browse> and select the Resource Orchestrator MIB file.

  4. Click <Compile>.

    Confirm that compiling of the MIB file was successful in the messages displayed in "Compiler" of the [MIB Tools: Add MIB] dialog.

  5. Click <Add & Close>.

    The loaded MIB is displayed in the MIB Tools "Navigation" panel.

  6. On "Navigation" panel, select the Resource Orchestrator MIB, and click the [Map] tab on the "Contents" panel.

  7. Select the trap displayed in "Trap Support", and click <Information> to check the trap details.

  8. Select the trap displayed in "Trap Support", and click <Map Traps>.

    The [MIB Tools: Assign Trap Alarms] dialog is displayed.

  9. Click <set> in "Alarm Severity", and select the severity of alarms for each trap.

  10. Click <OK>.

    The [MIB Tools: Trap Support Results] dialog will be displayed, and you can check the results of the operation.

  11. Click <Close>.

    Check that event codes have been allocated for each trap in the MIB Tools "Trap Support".

  12. Select a trap from "Trap Support", and click <Edit Traps>.

    The Event Configuration application will start.

  13. On the "Navigation" panel, select the event code allocated to the trap.

  14. In "Event Message" of the "Contents" panel, the event message to be displayed when the trap is received is displayed.

    The message can be edited following the format specified by CA Spectrum.
    For details of the format, refer to the CA Spectrum manual.

  15. After changing a message, select [Save All] or [Save Selected] from the Event Configuration application menu and save the settings.

After performing the above settings, perform the operation check described in "I.2 Sending SNMP Traps".