ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.1 Setup Guide

C.8.1 Creating Definition Files

This section explains how to create definition files.

For definition files common to virtual L-Servers, refer to "Chapter 8 Creating Definition Files".

Configure the definition files for enabling Solaris Zones so that VM hosts are registered based on whether the Logical Domains Manager daemon is enabled or disabled.
For details, refer to "C.7.1 Creating Definition Files".

Definition file of whether to execute saving of vm guest(s) configuration

Define whether executing saving of VM guest(s) configuration automatically when there is change in VM guest(s) configuration.

This Definition is applied for all VM hosts.

The target operation is as follows.

Storage Location of Definition File

[Windows Manager]

[Linux Manager]


In the storage location above, the sample definition file (sparc_vm.rcxprop.sample) is stored.
When using the sample as the definition file, delete the ".sample" included in the file name.

Definition File Name


Character Code


Line Break Code

[Windows Manager]

[Linux Manager]

Definition File Format

In the definition file, an item to define is entered on each line. Enter each line in the following format.


When describing a comment, please describe # in a head character.

Definition File Items

One of the following items can be specified.




Specify if executing saving of vm guest(s) configuration.

  • If "true" is specified

    Executing saving of vm guest(s) configuration

  • If "false" is specified

    Do not Executing saving of vm guest(s) configuration.


When Executing saving of vm guest(s) configuration



  • When more than two lines are written, the configurations described in the last line are valid.

  • Blank spaces and tabs directly before and after an equal sign ("=") are ignored.

  • Describe the definitions carefully, as entry is case-sensitive.

  • When it corresponds to the following conditions, operation becomes the same as the case when "true" is specified.

    • When a definition is omitted

    • When value other than "true" and "false" is specified

  • If you edit and save a UTF-8 text file using Windows Notepad, the Byte Order Mark (BOM) is stored in the first three bytes of the file, and the information specified on the first line of the file will not be analyzed correctly. When using Notepad, specify the information from the second line.

  • The definition file configurations are reflected without restarting the manager in Resource Orchestrator.