ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.1 Setup Guide

C.7.1 Creating Definition Files

This section explains how to create definition files.

For definition files common to virtual L-Servers, refer to "Chapter 8 Creating Definition Files".

This section explains the definition files specific to Solaris Zones.

Definition Files of Managed Resource Pools

In Resource Orchestrator, the resource pool for Solaris Zones, with the name "pool_resource", is the target of management.
When changing the managed resource pools for Solaris Zones, specify either MANAGED_POOL or the admin IP address for the VM host, or both of them, in the definition file in advance.
When MANAGED_POOL and the admin IP address of the VM host are both specified, priority is given to the admin IP address of the VM host.
Use the UTF-8 character code for definition files.

Storage Location of the Definition File

[Windows Manager]

[Linux Manager]


The sample definition file (container_resource.sample.rcxprop) is stored in the storage location above.

When using the sample as the definition file, place the file after deleting the ".sample" included in the file name.

Definition File Name


Definition File Format

In the definition file, an item to define is entered on each line. Each line must be entered in the following format.

Key = Value

If there is duplicated configuration information for the same VM host, the values that appear first will be used.

Table C.22 Definition File Items




Specify this item when using common resource pools in the overall managed VM host (global zone) in Resource Orchestrator.

Admin IP address of the VM host

Define a resource pool for each managed VM host (global zone) in Resource Orchestrator.

When there are no definitions corresponding to the managed VM host, the resource pool with the name "pool_resource" will be the target of management.


  • When definitions are changed during operation, or the resource pool name is changed in a Solaris Zone environment, also change the calculation and display of the resource capacity in Resource Orchestrator. Do not change the definitions during operation.

  • When changing the VM host IP address, also modify the definition files.

  • When the descriptions start with a "#", the string is regarded as a comment line.

Definition Files of Reserved Memory Size for VM Hosts

Define the reserved memory size for the global zone of a Solaris Zone.

When calculating and displaying available memory resources, the reserved memory size for VM hosts specified in this definition file is used.

Use the UTF-8 character code for definition files.

Storage Location of the Definition File

[Windows Manager]

[Linux Manager]


The sample definition file (global_zone_reserved_memory.rcxprop.sample) is stored in the location above.
When using the sample as the definition file, place the file after deleting the ".sample" included in the file name.

Definition File Name


Definition File Format

In the definition file, an item to define is entered on each line. Each line must be entered in the following format.

Key = Value

When the same key is stated in multiple lines, the definition in the line described last is valid.

Definition File Items

Specify the following items:




Specify the reserved memory size to be used between VM hosts (global_zone) managed by ROR.
Enter an integer. The unit of the value is MB.

Admin IP address of the VM host

Specify the reserved memory size for the VM host (global_zone) to which the specified IP address has been assigned.
Enter an integer. The unit of the value is MB.
Priority is given to this setting over the value specified for ALL.


  • If this definition is modified during operation, the resource amount calculated and displayed by Resource Orchestrator will be changed as well.

  • When changing the IP address of the VM host, modify this definition file.

  • If valid values are not specified in this definition file, it will be treated as if the value for capped-memory configured for the global zone has been specified.
    If capped-memory has not been configured for the global zone, it will be treated as if 0 has been specified.

Definition Files for Enabling Solaris Zones

Define if registering VM hosts as Solaris Zones regardless of whether the Logical Domains Manager daemon is enabled or disabled.

Storage Location of the Definition File





The sample definition file (sparc_vm.rcxprop.sample) is stored in the location above.
When using the sample as the definition file, delete the ".sample" included in the file name after changing the content.

Definition File Name


Character Code


Line Break Code

[Windows Manager]

[Linux Manager]

Definition File Format

In the definition file, an item to define is entered on each line. Each line must be entered in the following format.

Key = Value

Definition File Items

Specify the following items:




Specify if registering VM hosts as Solaris Zones regardless of whether the Logical Domains Manager daemon is enabled or disabled.

  • If "true" is specified

    Registers VM hosts as Solaris Zones regardless of whether the Logical Domains Manager daemon is enabled or disabled.

  • If "false" is specified

    Registers VM hosts based on whether the Logical Domains Manager daemon is enabled or disabled.


When registering VM hosts as Solaris Zones regardless of whether the Logical Domains Manager daemon is enabled or disabled



  • When more than two lines are written, the configurations described in the last line are valid.

  • Blank spaces and tabs directly before and after an equal sign ("=") are ignored.

  • Describe the definitions carefully, as entry is case-sensitive.

  • If you edit and save a UTF-8 text file using Windows Notepad, the Byte Order Mark (BOM) is stored in the first three bytes of the file, and the information specified on the first line of the file will not be analyzed correctly. When using Notepad, specify the information from the second line.

  • The definition file configurations are reflected without restarting the manager in Resource Orchestrator.