swsrpdbinfo_ex2k3/swsrpdbinfo_exchange - registers or deletes information about a storage group or database.
<program-directory>\bin\swsrpdbinfo_ex2k3 [-evs Virtual-Server-Name] [-sgname Storage-Group-Name]
<program-directory>\bin\swsrpdbinfo_ex2k3 [-evs Virtual-Server-Name] -clean
<program-directory>\bin\swsrpdbinfo_exchange [-evs Virtual-Server-Name] [-sgname Storage-Group-Name]
<program-directory>\bin\swsrpdbinfo_exchange [-evs Virtual-Server-Name] -clean
<program-directory>\bin\swsrpdbinfo_exchange -delete [-sgname Storage-Group-Name]
<program-directory>\bin\swsrpdbinfo_exchange [-dbname Database-Name]
<program-directory>\bin\swsrpdbinfo_exchange -clean
<program-directory>\bin\swsrpdbinfo_exchange -delete [-dbname Database-Name]
This command registers or deletes information about a storage group or database.
The command is used before Exchange Server backup/restore is performed, or after the file configuration of a storage group (database) is changed.
Executing the command registers or deletes information about the files that constitute a storage group (database) and information on AdvancedCopy Manager device names. (The files that constitute a storage group include mailbox store and public folder store database files, transaction files, and checkpoint file.)
Specifies the storage group name.
If this option is omitted when registering the Exchange database information, information on all storage groups are registered.
If this option is omitted when deleting the Exchange database information with -delete option, information on all storage groups are deleted.
The database name containing a space needs to attach double quotation marks (" ")
Specifies the database name.
If this option is omitted when registering the Exchange database information, information on all databases are registered.
If this option is omitted when deleting the Exchange database information with -delete option, information on all databases are deleted.
The database name containing a space needs to attach double quotation marks (" ")
Specifies when deleting information of the database that is not mounted or does not exist.
If you delete the database information of Exchange Server 2013, execute this command after deleting the Exchange database information.
Specifies the name of an Exchange virtual server (EVS) when cluster operation is used.
Need not be specified unless cluster operation is used.
Specifies when deleting information of the registered storage groups or database whether or not they are mounted.
This option is available for Windows Server 2008 or later 64bit environment.
=0: Completed successfully
>0: Terminated abnormally
Register storage group FirstStorageGroup:
C:\>C:\Win32App\AdvancedCopyManager\bin\swsrpdbinfo_ex2k3 -sgname FirstStorageGroup swsrpdbinfo_exchange successfully completed C:\>
Delete unnecessary storage group information:
C:\>C:\Win32App\AdvancedCopyManager\bin\swsrpdbinfo_ex2k3 -clean swsrpdbinfo_exchange successfully completed C:\>
Register database MailBox1:
C:\>C:\Win32App\AdvancedCopyManager\bin\swsrpdbinfo_exchange -dbname MailBox1 swsrpdbinfo_exchange successfully completed C:\>
Delete unnecessary storage group information or database information:
C:\>C:\Win32App\AdvancedCopyManager\bin\swsrpdbinfo_exchange -clean swsrpdbinfo_exchange successfully completed C:\>
Delete the database MailBox2, regardless of the database status:
C:\>C:\Win32App\AdvancedCopyManager\bin\swsrpdbinfo_exchange -delete -dbname MailBox2 swsrpdbinfo_exchange successfully completed C:\>
The command cannot register database information if:
The specified storage group does not exist.
The specified database does not exist.
For Exchange Server 2007, in condition that all the stores (databases) in the storage groups are mounted, execute this command.
If a part of databases are dismounted, their information is not registered.
This command fails if all the stores in the storage group are dismounted.
For Exchange Server 2010 or Exchange Server 2013, mount databases before execute this command.
This command cannot be executed while one of the following commands is in execution:
swsrpsetvol (Replication volume information setting command)
swsrpdelvol (Replication volume information deletion command)
swsrpdbinfo_ex2k3/swsrpdbinfo_exchange (Exchange database information registration command)
swsrpvssbackup_exchange (Exchange VSS backup execution command)
swsrpvssrestore_exchange (Exchange VSS restore execution command)
swsrpshadowadm_exchange (Exchange VSS shadow copy management command)
swsrpshadowadm (Shadow copy management command)