ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.3 Operation Guide

1.8.4 Output file

If an "in-use lock error" occurs, backup function and replication function commands output the error messages shown below and terminate abnormally.

For backup function
swst3607 Locking the volume failed. Please confirm that the volume is being used by other processes. Error=[ERROR], Volume Name=[VOLUME]
For replication function
swsrp3607 Locking the volume failed. Please confirm that the volume is being used by other processes. Error=[ERROR], Volume Name=[VOLUME]

When an error occurs, the output of the investigation tool is saved in the files displayed below (to determine the process using the volume,refer to these files):

Tool output results

Save destination file

handle.exe -a

<Work directory>\var\D2D\<volume_name>_Handle_<date and time>.txt

openfiles.exe /query /v

<Work directory>\var\D2D\<volume_name>_Openfiles_<date and time>.txt

tasklist.exe /v

<Work directory>\var\D2D\<volume_name>_Tasklist-v_<date and time>.txt

tasklist.exe /svc

<Work directory>\var\D2D\<volume_name>_Tasklist-svc_<date and time>.txt

net.ext start

<Work directory>\var\D2D\<volume_name>_Net-start_<date and time>.txt


<Work directory>\var\D2D\<volume_name>_Mountvol_<date and time>.txt

The save destination files listed above are not deleted automatically - when suitable, delete unnecessary files.

Apart from handle.exe and openfiles.exe, other tools can be used to obtain supplementary process information: