This section explains how to set the investigation tool used by the volume lock error investigation function.
Read "1.7.1 Notes when using User Account Control (UAC)" above, before setting an investigation tool.
Since handle.exe does not reduce OS performance, it is recommended to enable this function before operations start (always leave it enabled), so that the cause of "in-use lock errors" can be quickly identified.
And since openfiles.exe does cause OS performance deterioration, it is recommended to enable this function only when an "in-use lock error" has occurred.
To use handle.exe, download it from the following URL and store it in <Work_directory>\var\HandleTool.
In a clustered environment, store handle.exe at all the cluster nodes.
Also after handle.exe is stored, perform the following tasks at all nodes where it is stored.
It is necessary to execute steps 7, 8, and 10 only when the operating system is Windows Server 2008 or later.
Log into Windows using the user account that executes AdvancedCopy Manager commands.
At the command prompt, go to "<Work directory>\var\HandleTool".
Type "handle.exe" and press Enter.
If the "Handle License Agreement" dialog box is displayed, then click "Agree" if you agree with the conditions of use.
Prepare the service name unused in the system.
Execute the following command to confirm whether its service name is used or not.
sc qc "service_name_to_confirm"
How to confirm whether the service name "ACMHandle" is used or not:
C:\>sc qc "ACMHandle"
On later steps, the service name prepared in this step is called "Unused service name".
Execute the following command.
On Windows Server 2012, interactive services need to be enabled beforehand. Set the value of "NoInteractiveServices" contained in the following registry key to 0. If zero (0) is already set, this registry operation is not needed. If the registry operation is wrong, a serious problem can occur. Take good care to edit the registry.
sc create "Unused_service_name" binPath= "cmd.exe /k <Work_directory>\var\HandleTool\handle.exe" type= own type= interact sc start "Unused_service_name"
When the Unused service name is "ACMHandle" and the Work directory is "C:\Win32app\AdvancedCopyManager":
C:\>sc create "ACMHandle" binPath= "cmd.exe /k C:\Win32app\AdvancedCopyManager\var\HandleTool\handle.exe" type= own type= interact C:\>sc start "ACMHandle"
Please display the window by clicking the icon that appears on the task bar.
Click the [Show me the message] or [View the message] button in the window.
If the "Handle License Agreement" dialog box is displayed, then click "Agree" if you agree with the conditions of use.
Click the [Return now] button.
Execute the following command.
sc delete "Unused_service_name"
When the Unused service name is "ACMHandle":
C:\>sc delete "ACMHandle"
If you have enabled the interactive services in step 6, disable it. Set 1 to the value of "NoInteractiveServices" contained in the registry key in step 6. If the registry operation is wrong, a serious problem can occur. Take good care to edit the registry.
If the above tasks are not performed in advance, then commands stop responding when an "in-use lock error" occurs.
At this time, the "Handle License Agreement" dialog box is not displayed.
Use the Task Manager to forcibly end handle.exe processing.
To use openfiles.exe to track information on files opened locally, the 'maintain objects list' option must be enabled. To do that, execute "openfiles /local on" from the command prompt, then restart the system.
If a cluster is operating, then execute the above command and restart the system at all nodes that comprise the cluster.
Next, if and only if one of the conditions below apply, copy %SystemRoot%\system32\openfiles.exe to <Work directory>\var\Openfiles_WOW64 (usually %SystemRoot% is C:\Windows):
The OS is Windows Server 2003, x64 Edition.
The OS is Windows Server 2008(x64), Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2012, and the 32-bit version of AdvancedCopy Manager is being used,
In a clustered environment, then store openfiles.exe at all nodes that comprise the cluster.