ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Installation Guide

2.4.2 Installation [Windows]

Install the HBA address rename setup service using the following procedure.

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, check that the preparations given in "2.4.1 Preparations" have been performed.

  1. Log on to Windows as the administrator.

    Log on to the system on which the HBA address rename setup service is to be installed. Log on as a user belonging to the local Administrators group.

  2. Start the installer from the window displayed when the first Resource Orchestrator DVD-ROM is set.

    Click "HBA address rename setup service installation" on the window.


    If the above window does not open, execute "RcSetup.exe" from the DVD-ROM drive.

  3. Enter parameters prepared and confirmed in "Parameters Used for Installation" according to the installer's instructions.

  4. The Resource Orchestrator setup window will be displayed.

    Check the contents of the license agreement window etc. and then click <Yes>.

  5. The [Select Installation Folder] window will be displayed.

    Click <Next>> to use the default Installation Folder. To change folders, click <Browse>, change folders, and click <Next>>.


    When changing the folders, be careful about the following points.

    • Do not specify the installation folder of the system (such as C:\).

    • Enter the location using 100 characters or less. Do not use double-byte characters or the following symbols in the folder name.

      """, "|", ":", "*", "?", "/", ".", "<", ">", ",", "%", "&", "^", "=", "!", ";", "#", "'", "+", "[", "]", "{", "}"

    • When installing this product to Windows 2003 x64 Edition or Windows 2008 x64 Edition, the following folder names cannot be specified for the installation folders.

      • "%SystemRoot%\System32\"

      • Folder names including "Program Files" (except the default "C:\Program Files (x86)")

  6. The [Start Copying Files] window will be displayed.

    Check that there are no mistakes in the contents displayed on the window, and then click <Install>>.

    Copying of files will start.

    To change the contents, click <<Back>.

  7. The Resource Orchestrator setup completion window will be displayed.

    When using the HBA address rename setup service immediately after configuration, check the "Yes, launch it now." checkbox.

    Click <Finish> and close the window.

    • If the check box is checked

      The HBA address rename setup service will start after the window is closed.

    • If the check box is not checked

      Refer to "8.2.1 Settings for the HBA address rename Setup Service" of the "Setup Guide CE", and start the HBA address rename setup service.


  • Corrective Action for Installation Failure

    When installation is stopped due to errors (system errors, processing errors such as system failure, or errors due to execution conditions) or cancellation by users, remove the causes of any problems, and then take corrective action as follows.

    • Open "Add or Remove Programs" from the Windows Control Panel, and if "ServerView Resource Orchestrator HBA address rename Setup Service" is displayed, uninstall it and then install the service again.
      For uninstallation, refer to "3.4 HBA address rename setup service Uninstallation".


      For Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista, select "Programs and Features" from the Windows Control Panel.

    • If "ServerView Resource Orchestrator HBA address rename setup service" is not displayed, install it again.