Systemwalker Runbook Automation Reference Guide

3.15.16 Event Library

The event library provides the following classes:

Article number/class name Event Event

Class Name


List of Methods



String event_confirm(String hostname,
String eventmessage, String startdate,

String starttime, String enddate,

String endtime, String targethostname,

String extendedoptions, String mwtype,

String mwinstalledpath, String ostype,

String username, String password,

String execusername, String execpassword)

Checks whether an event has occurred based on the event database of the operation management product that is monitoring events.

The search result of event DB is returned if confirmation of the event occurrence was successful.

An exception is returned if confirmation of the event occurrence failed.

String event_ updatestatus(String hostname,
String eventnumber, String eventstatus,

String mwtype, String mwinstalledpath,

String ostype, String username,

String password, String execusername,

String execpassword)

Change the status of events in the event database of the operation management product that is monitoring events.

"Success" is returned if the status of the event was changed successfully.

An exception is returned if the status of the event failed to be changed.

Integer return_code()

Return the return value of the results of the occurrence confirmation or status change of event.

Input Information

hostname	Specify the host name or IP address.
eventmessageSpecify the text string that searches for events in the confirmation of an event's occurrence.
startdate	Specify the date when the event occurred in the YYYYMMDD format.
starttime	Specify the time when the event occurred in the hhmmss format.
enddate	Specify the date when the event ended in the YYYYMMDD format.
endtime	Specify the time when the event ended in the hhmmss format.
targethostname	Specify the host name that is the event's occurrence source.
extendedoptions	Specify the following parameters of the linked command. Those are the time that becomes starting or end point, the option and parameter except the host name of event occurrence.
eventnumber	Specify the event number changing the status.
eventstatus	Specify the event's status after it has changed.
mwtype	Specify the name of the operation management product that monitors events.
mwinstalledpath	Specify the installation directory of the operation management product.
ostype	Specify the operating system of the server that monitors events.
Specify Windows or Linux.
username	Specify the name of the user connecting to the host using SSH.
If the operation component connects with the file transfer infrastructure, the connected user name will be fixed at either of the following names and cannot be changed. In this case, the user name is ignored even if specified.
- If the Business Server is running on Windows: SYSTEM user
- If the Business Server is running on Linux: root
password	Specify the password of the user connecting to the host using SSH.
If the operation component connects with the file transfer infrastructure, the password is ignored even if specified.
execusername	Specify the name of the user executing processes.
If the host specified by the "hostname" option is running on Windows and the connection is made using the file transfer infrastructure, execute the command as a SYSTEM user. In this case, the user name is ignored even if specified.
execpassword	This library does not use the value of "execpassword".
The value of "execpassword" is ignored even if specified.


File Location


<Installation directory>\SWRBAM\rbaope\bin\parts\lib\standard\swrba_event.rb

