This command deletes Interstage Single Sign-on.
The following resources will be deleted:
The following Interstage Single Sign-on servers
Repository server (update type)
Authentication server
Business server (*1)
SSO repository referenced by the repository server (update type)
Web server that built the repository server (update type) and the authentication server (*2)
*1: The ssoclunsetup command deletes all Business Servers for Interstage Single Sign-on built on the machine where it is executed. Note, however, that the Web server itself will not be deleted.
*2: Only the Web server (Web server name: SSOauth) that built the repository server (update type) and the authentication server will be deleted. Other Web servers will not be deleted.
ssoclsetup |
When this command is executed, the confirming message whether to execute the deletion is displayed. Input yes when deleting it. When character strings other than yes are input, this command displays Command canceled. and doesn't execute the deletion.
Return Values
Normal termination
Abnormal termination
Command Location
<Systemwalker Runbook Automation installation directory>\sso\bin |
/opt/FJSVswrbam/sso/bin |
Privilege Required/Execution Environment
This command requires administrator privileges. When using Windows Server 2008 or later operating system, run as an administrator.
This command can be executed on a Management Server.
This command requires system administrator (superuser) privileges.
This command can be executed on a Management Server.
This command does not backup resource before deletion of the Interstage Single Sign-on system. So, backup resource before deletion if you need.
This command stops first the servers belong to the Interstage Single Sign-on system and the SSO repository that is referred by the repository server (Update System), and deletes the Interstage Single Sign-on system afterwards. Moreover, this command doesn't start the Web server (Interstage HTTP Server) that constructs the Business server.
The command ends normally even if this command is executed with the deleted resource doesn't exist. However, because the deleted resource doesn't exist, the resource is not deleted.
After executing this command, it might become impossible to delete the Web server (Interstage HTTP Server) that constructs the Business server of the Interstage Single Sign-on system. For this case, execute ihsdelete command with -c option to delete Web server. Refer to explanation about ihsdelete in Interstage Application Server Reference Guide (Command Edition), "Web Server Operation Edition", "Interstage HTTP Server Operation Commands".
ssoclunsetup Repository Server : Exist Authentication Server : Exist Business Server : Exist Web Server (SSOauth) : Exist SSO Repository (rep001) : Exist Are you sure to delete the Single Sign-on system? (yes/no) yes IHS: INFO: ihs01000: The command terminated normally. IREP: INFO: irep70002: Repository environment deleted. [rep001]
/opt/FJSVswrbam/sso/bin/ssoclunsetup Repository Server : Exist Authentication Server : Exist Business Server : Exist Web Server (SSOauth) : Exist SSO Repository (rep001) : Exist Are you sure to delete the Single Sign-on system? (yes/no) yes UX : IHS: INFO : ihs01000: The command terminated normally UX : IREP: INFO : irep70002: Repository environment deleted. [rep001]
Displayed items and these meaning are shown below.
Displayed Tem | Meaning |
Repository Server | Repository server (Update System) |
Authentication Server | Authentication Server |
Business Server | Business Server |
Web Server (Web server name) | The Web server that constructs the repository server (Update System) and Authentication server. Note: Web server name has been limited to SSOauth. |
SSO Repository (repository name) | The SSO repository that referred by the repository server (Update System). |
Displayed states and these meaning are shown below.
Status | Meaning |
Exist | Exist |
Not exist | Not exist |