This command is used to build Interstage Single Sign-on.
The following Interstage Single Sign-on servers are built or added on one server.
Repository server (update type)
Authentication server
Business server
The command builds the repository server (update type) and the authentication server on the same Web server (Interstage HTTP Server).
ssoclsetup FQDN SSLConfName [-rn RepositoryName] [-lp LDAPPort] |
Specify FQDN (Host name + Domain name) of the server that executes this command. FQDN can't be specified by the following forms.
Host name Only
IP Address
FQDN can be specified by alphanumeric character from 1 to 255 and the following signs.
Period "."
Hyphen "-"
When you specify FQDN, Note the following rules.
The signs can't be used the head and the end of FQDN and Period.
The numerical value can't be specified at the head of top level domain.
Specify the SSL definitions to be used by the Web server (Interstage HTTP Server) where the repository server (update type) and the authentication server are built. The SSL definitions must be created in advance. The specification cannot be omitted.
To specify the SSL definitions, use 32 or less alphanumeric characters and the following symbols:
Hyphen "-"
Round bracket "()"
Square bracket "[]"
Underscore "_"
Specify the repository name of the SSO repository. If this option is omitted, "rep001" will be specified.
To specify a repository name, use 8 or less alphanumeric characters and underscore "_".
When specifying a repository name, take note of the following:
Only an alphanumeric character can be specified as the first character.
An upper case character will be treated as a lower case character if specified.
This command creates a new SSO repository using the repository name specified. Do not specify in this option a name of a repository that has already been created.
Specify the port number of the SSO repository to be built. If this option is omitted, "389" will be specified.
Return Values
Successful completion
Abnormal ending
Command Location
<Systemwalker Runbook Automation installation directory>\sso\bin |
/opt/FJSVswrbam/sso/bin |
Privilege Required/Execution Environment
This command requires administrator privileges. When using Windows Server 2008 or later operating system, run as an administrator.
This command can be executed on a Management Server.
This command requires system administrator (superuser) privileges.
This command can be executed on a Management Server.
When this command is executed, the ID service file is updated. When the ID service file is updated, the message that has the prefix sso00204 appears in the event log. If the OS is Linux, the event log means the system log.
When you discontinue this command while this command is operating, the environment of the single sign-on system is constructed with the setup not normally completed. For this case, execute this command again after executing the ssoclunsetup command.
When FQDN of the server is, and SSL definition is AuthSSL:
ssoclsetup AuthSSL Please input SSO Repository administrator DN password Password: Retype: IREP: INFO: irep10815: Password file was created. file=C:\INTERS~3\F3FMsso\ssoatcsv\conf\tmp_passwdfile checking the repository configuration... (1/4) initializing the repository... (2/4) creating the public directory. (3/4) updating the repository management list... (4/4) IREP: INFO: irep70001: Repository environment configured. [rep001] IHS: INFO: ihs01000: The command terminated normally. IHS: INFO: ihs01000: The command terminated normally. IHS: INFO: ihs01000: The command terminated normally. IREP: INFO: irep70000: Repository environment setup updated. [rep001] IHS: INFO: ihs01000: The command terminated normally.
When FQDN of the server is, and SSL definition is AuthSSL:
# /opt/FJSVswrbam/sso/bin/ssoclsetup AuthSSL Please input SSO Repository administrator DN password Password: Retype: UX:IREP: INFO: irep10815: Password file was created. file=/etc/opt/FJSVssosv/conf/ tmp_passwdfile checking the repository configuration... (1/4) initializing the repository... (2/4) creating the public directory. (3/4) updating the repository management list... (4/4) UX:IREP: INFO: irep70001: Repository environment configured. [rep001] UX:IREP: INFO: irep10000: Repository started. [rep001] UX:IHS: INFO: ihs01000: The command terminated normally. UX:IHS: INFO: ihs01000: The command terminated normally. UX:IHS: INFO: ihs01000: The command terminated normally. UX:IREP: INFO: irep70000: Repository environment setup updated. [rep001] UX:IREP: INFO: irep10000: Repository started. [rep001] UX:IHS: INFO: ihs01000: The command terminated normally.