Systemwalker Runbook Automation Reference Guide

1.4.18 swrba_patternimport (Schedule Pattern Import Command)


This command registers, changes, and deletes Schedule Pattern information.

In additional, for the Schedule Pattern registered by this command, "*" is displayed in the top of name of Schedule Pattern in the following windows.


[To register or change information]
swrba_patternimport -ent definition file

[To delete information]
swrba_patternimport -del Schedule Pattern name


-ent definition file

Specify the name of the definition file that contains the Schedule Pattern information control statement.

Refer to "Schedule Pattern Information Control Statement" for details.

-del Schedule Pattern name

Specify the name of the Schedule Pattern to be deleted.

Return Values


Normal termination

Value other than 0:

Abnormal termination

Command Location


<Systemwalker Runbook Automation installation directory>\bin
Note: The default location is C:\Fujitsu\Systemwalker\SWRBAM.



Privilege Required/Execution Environment



Schedule Pattern Information Control Statement

The Schedule Pattern information control statement is used to set up Schedule Pattern information.


CAL ---------- (1)
execpatname Schedule Pattern name --------- (2) (*) (Note)
monthset month setting ---------- (3) (**)
dayset day setting ---------- (4) (**)
weekset day of the week setting ---------- (5) (**)
daycancel days for which settings are canceled---------- (6) (**)
monthlyday specification for a date in every month ---------- (7) (**)
monthlyweek specification for a day of the week in every month ---------- (8) (**)
bnsmode selection criteria for business days ---------- (9) (**)
bnsbase the first business day of the fiscal month ---------- (10)(**)
bnsday business day ---------- (11)(**)
bnslimit limit startup days to business days within the fiscal month ---------- (12)(**)

Note: Specify the execpatname operand immediately after the CAL keyword.

(*) : Ensure that these operands are specified.

(**): Specify using one of the combinations below (a: yearly standard; b: monthly standard; or c: business day standard).

  1. monthset, dayset, weekset, daycancel (The "monthset" specification is mandatory. Specify either "dayset" or "weekset" or both. The "daycancel" operand can be specified only if "dayset" has been specified.)

  2. A combination of "monthlyday" and "monthlyweek" (either or both)

  3. bnsmode, bnsbase, bnsday, bnslimit ("bnsmode" and "bnsbase" are mandatory when this operand group is specified)

Explanation of This Control Statement

(1) CAL

A keyword that indicates the start of the Schedule Pattern information control statement.

(2) Schedule Pattern name

Specify the name of the Schedule Pattern, using no more than 24 bytes. Spaces and user-defined characters cannot be included in the Schedule Pattern name. If the name of an already existing Schedule Pattern is specified then the previous settings will be erased.

(3) month setting

To define Schedule Pattern information using a yearly standard, specify the number for the month for which the Schedule Pattern is to be set. Ensure that this operand is specified. To specify multiple months, specify months using the following format: "3,5,10,..". ***To FJ: Please check if the following "startup days" is OK. It could be "schedules*** To specify startup days with the same pattern every month, specify "EVERY".

(4) day setting

To define Schedule Pattern information using a yearly standard, specify the number for the date for which the Schedule Pattern is to be set. Specify multiple days using the following format: "1,2,15,21,...".

(5) day of the week setting

To define Schedule Pattern information using a yearly standard, specify the Schedule Pattern in terms of "day of the week" units. Specify days of the week using the first three letters of the name of the day of the week. Specify multiple days of the week using the following format: "SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT".

(6) days for which settings are canceled

To define Schedule Pattern information using a yearly standard, specify specific days for which the Schedule Pattern settings are to be canceled. Specify the month and date for the day for which the schedule is to be canceled using two digits for each part in an "MMDD" format.

Specification examples for day settings cancellation

Specification examples are shown below.

Canceling the Schedule Pattern that has been set up for January 1

daycancel 0101

Canceling the Schedule Pattern that has been set up for January 1 and 10, and February 10

daycancel 0101,0110,0210

(7) monthly date specification

To define Schedule Pattern information using a monthly standard, specify the dates when monthly process definitions are to be started. To set up a particular date ("DD") of every month as a startup day, specify "DD". Multiple startup days can be set up in this way. To make the last day of the month a startup day, specify "LAST".

(8) monthly day-of-the-week specification

To define Schedule Pattern information using a monthly standard, specify the days of every week when monthly process definitions are to be started. Only one instance of this operand can used to set up one week. To set up multiple weeks, specify this operand multiple times. The specification format is a number between 0 and 6 indicating the week (where the numbers 1 to 5 indicate the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth weeks of the month, 0 indicates "every week" and 6 indicates "the last week of the month") followed by three letters indicating the day of the week. An example specification format is "5,SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,SAT".

(9) business day selection standard

To define Schedule Pattern information using a business day standard, specify which of the business day standards is to be used (the beginning of the fiscal month or the end of the fiscal month).


Business days are counted from the beginning of the fiscal month.


Business days are counted backward from the end of the fiscal month.

(10) first business day of the month

To define Schedule Pattern information using a business day standard, specify which day is the beginning of the fiscal month. "0" cannot be specified.

1 to 28

These values indicate the 1st day of the calendar month through to the 28th day of the calendar month.


This value indicates the last day of the calendar month.

(11) business day

To define Schedule Pattern information using a business day standard, specify business days. To specify multiple days, separate each day by a comma (","). "0" cannot be specified.

1 to 31

These values indicate the ordinal position of the business day, counting from the first business day (the beginning of the fiscal month). These values cannot be specified if "END" has been specified for the bnsmode operand.

-1 to -31

These values indicate the ordinal position of the business day, counting backward from the last business day (the end of the fiscal month). These values cannot be specified if "START" has been specified for the bnsmode operand.

(12) limit startup days to business days within the fiscal month

If Schedule Pattern information is defined using the business day standard, this operand specifies whether to "limit startup days to business days within the fiscal month" (ON or OFF). If the bnsmode operand has been specified, the default value is "ON".


Limits startup days to business days within the fiscal month.


Does not limit startup days to business days within the fiscal month.

Specification example for the Schedule Pattern information control statement

The following example shows how to set up a Schedule Pattern with the following dates as startup days.
