ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 Setup Guide

20.1.4 Uninstallation [Linux Manager]

The procedure for manager uninstallation is given below.

Before uninstalling this product, check that the preparations given in "20.1.1 Preparations" have been performed.

  1. Log in to the system as the OS administrator (root).

  2. Execute the following command.

    # /opt/FJSVswnc/bin/swncctrl stop <RETURN>

  3. Execute the following command.

    # isstop -f <RETURN>

  4. Execute the following command.

    # ismngconsolestop <RETURN>

  5. If the Interstage HTTP Server service is already started, stop the service.

    Confirm the value of "Status" using the ihsdisp command.
    Execute the ihsstop command with "-all" option if a Web Server, which "Status" value is "Running", exists.

    # /opt/FJSVihs/bin/ihsdisp <RETURN>
    Web Server Name   : FJapache
    Status            : Running
    Configuration File: /opt/FJSVihs/servers/FJapache/conf/httpd.conf
    Server Version    : FJapache/10.0
    Current Time      : Wednesday, 13-Jun-2012 13:27:53
    Start Time        : Wednesday, 13-Jun-2012 13:25:54
    Daemon Process ID : 11888
    Child Process ID  : 11894 11895 11896 11897 11898
    Listening Port    : [::]:80
    0 requests currently being processed, 5 idle servers
    # /opt/FJSVihs/bin/ihsstop -all <RETURN>
  6. If the Interstage Java EE DAS service is already started, stop the service.

    Confirm the value of "Status" using the ijdasstat command.
    Execute the ijdasstop command if the value of "Status" is "started".

    # /opt/FJSVisjee/bin/ijdasstat <RETURN>
    Name                            Status
    Interstage Java EE DAS         started
    # /opt/FJSVisjee/bin/ijdasstop <RETURN>
  7. If the Interstage Java Node Agent service is already started, stop the service.

    Confirm the value of "Status" using the ijnastat command.
    Execute the ijnastop command if the value of "Status" is "started".

    # /opt/FJSVisjee/bin/ijnastat <RETURN>
    Name                             Status
    Interstage Java EE Node Agent   started
    # /opt/FJSVisjee/bin/ijnastop <RETURN>
  8. If Interstage Directory Service is being used, stop all the repositories of the service.

    Detect the active repositories using the ireplist command, and then stop all of them using the irepstop command.

    # ireplist <RETURN>
    No Repository Status
    -- ---------- --------
     1 rep001     Active
    # irepstop -R rep001 <RETURN>
  9. Launch the uninstallation command (

    Perform uninstallation according to the uninstaller's interactive instructions.

    # /opt/FJSVcir/ -c <RETURN>


  • When the PATH variable has been configured to enable execution of UpdateAdvisor (Middleware) commands from a user-defined location, performing uninstallation will delete any patches that have been applied to Resource Orchestrator so there is no need to return it to the state prior to application.
    When the PATH variable has not been configured, return it to the state prior to application before performing uninstallation.

  • If a manager is uninstalled and then reinstalled without agents being deleted, it will not be able to communicate with agents used before uninstallation.
    In this case, the certificates to indicate that it is the same manager are necessary.
    After installation, manager certificates are stored in the following directory:


  • When uninstalling the manager, the certificates are backed up in the following directory.
    When reinstalling a manager and using the same certificates, copy the backed up certificates to the above folder.


  • If the certificates backed up on uninstallation are not necessary, delete them manually.
    When operating managers in cluster environments, back up the certificates as indicated in the preparations for uninstallation.
    When reinstalling a manager in a cluster environment and using the same certificates, copy the backed up certificates from the primary node to the above folders.

  • After uninstallation, the installation directories below may remain. In that case, delete any remaining directories manually.

    • /opt/FJSVawjbk

    • /opt/FJSVctchg

    • /opt/FJSVctdsb

    • /opt/FJSVctmg

    • /opt/FJSVctmyp

    • /opt/FJSVctope

    • /opt/FJSVctpw

    • /opt/FJSVctsec

    • /opt/FJSVena

    • /opt/FJSVibpma

    • /opt/FJSVssqc

    • /opt/FJSVtd (Confirm whether directories in this directory can be deleted referring to the caution below.)

    • /opt/remcs

    • /etc/opt/FJSVctchg

    • /etc/opt/FJSVctmg

    • /etc/opt/FJSVctmyp

    • /etc/opt/FJSVctope

    • /etc/opt/FJSVctpw

    • /etc/opt/FJSVctsec

    • /etc/opt/FJSVibpma

    • /etc/opt/FJSVirep

    • /etc/opt/FJSVisas

    • /etc/opt/FJSVisgui

    • /etc/opt/FJSVod

    • /etc/opt/FJSVssqc

    • /var/opt/FJSVcfmg

    • /var/opt/FJSVctchg

    • /var/opt/FJSVctdsb

    • /var/opt/FJSVctmg

    • /var/opt/FJSVctmyp

    • /var/opt/FJSVctsec

    • /var/opt/FJSVena

    • /var/opt/FJSVibpma

    • /var/opt/FJSVirep

    • /var/opt/FJSVisas

    • /var/opt/FJSVisgui

    • /var/opt/FJSVisjmx

    • /var/opt/FJSVssqc

    • /var/opt/FJSVswrbam

    • /var/opt/FJSVtd

    • root_account_home_directory/InstallShield

  • Do not delete /opt/FJSVtd/var/IRDB.

  • After uninstallation, when a password is saved using the rcxlogin command, the password saved in the following directory remains depending on the user account for an OS on which the rcxlogin commands are executed. When re-installing the manager, delete it.
