ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 Setup Guide

20.1.2 Unsetup

This section explains the procedure for manager unsetup.


For manager unsetup, execute the unsetup command.

Unsetup is executable from either the media or the extracted module.

[Windows Manager]

  1. Log in as the administrator.

  2. Execute the unsetup command.

    • When executing from the media

      >Installation_medium\RcSetup.exe <RETURN>

    • When executing from the extracted module

      >Installation_folder\SVROR\Manager\sys\setup\RcSetup.exe <RETURN>

  3. Select unsetup from the menu to execute the unsetup command.

[Linux Manager]

  1. Log in to the system as the OS administrator (root).

  2. Execute the unsetup command.

    • When executing from the media

      # Installation_medium/ <RETURN>

    • When executing from the extracted module

      # /opt/FJSVrcvmr/sys/setup/ <RETURN>

  3. Select unsetup from the menu to execute the unsetup command.