ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 Setup Guide

19.1.6 Settings for Email Sent via the Application Process

In order to send email via the application process, the information about the mail server and the mail sender information must be registered in admin Server.


The manager must be running if performing mail settings during the application process. Start the manager if it is not running already.
Refer to "2.1 Starting and Stopping the Manager" in the "Operation Guide CE" in the "Operation Guide CE" for information on how to start this product.

Registering the mail server and sender

Login as the system administrator, and register the mail server and the mail sender information to admin server using the procedure shown below.

  1. If SMTP server authentication will be used when the mail is sent, then encrypt the password. This procedure is not necessary if SMTP server authentication will not be used when the mail is sent.

    [Windows Manager]

    > <installation_folder>\IBPM\client\samples\configuration\EncryptPassword.bat -e "password"
    -------ENCRYPTED PASSWORD-------
    encrypted password

    [Linux Manager]

    # /opt/FJSVibpm/client/samples/configuration/ -e "password"
    -------ENCRYPTED PASSWORD-------
    encrypted password
  2. Prepare the mail server and mail sender definition files (they can be created in any location).

    1. SMTP server settings file (smtpserver.conf)

      Set the following items:

      Setting item


      Default value


      Host name or IP address of the SMTP server that will be used to send mail.



      Port number of the SMTP server that will be used to send mail.



      User name that will be used in SMTP server authentication when the mail is sent.
      Specify a backslash followed by a space ("\ ") if SMTP server authentication will not be used when the mail is sent.



      Password that will be used in SMTP server authentication when the mail is sent.
      Specify a backslash followed by a space ("\ ") if SMTP server authentication will not be used when the mail is sent.


      Example: showing how to define the settings file so that SMTP server authentication is used when the mail is sent.

      SMTPPassword=encrypted password

      Example: SMTP server authentication will not be used when the mail is sent.

      SMTPUserName=\ (*)
      SMTPPassword=\ (*)

      *: A space must be specified after the backslash.

    2. Mail sender settings file (emailaddress.conf)

      Set the following items:

      Setting item


      Default value


      Mail sender ('from' address) that will be assigned to the mail in mail address format.

      An example is shown below.

  3. Register the mail server information.

    [Windows Manager]

    <installation_folder>\IBPM\server\deployment\bin\importProperties.bat smtpserver.conf [Process Management Database user] [Process Management Database password]

    *: "swrbadb" as Process Management Database user and Process Management Database password is set during installation.

    [Linux Manager]

    /opt/FJSVibpm/server/deployment/bin/ mtpserver.conf [Process Management Database user] [Process Management Database password]

    *: "swrbadb" as Process Management Database user and Process Management Database password is set during installation.

  4. Register the mail sender information.

    [Windows Manager]

    <installation_folder>\IBPM\server\deployment\bin\importProperties.bat emailaddress.conf [Process Management Database user] [Process Management Database password] Default

    *: "swrbadb" as Process Management Database user and Process Management Database password is set during installation.

    [Linux Manager]

    /opt/FJSVibpm/server/deployment/bin/ emailaddress.conf [Process Management Database user] [Process Management Database password] Default

    *: "swrbadb" as Process Management Database user and Process Management Database password is set during installation.

    The "Default" option must be specified at the end.

  5. Restart the manager

    Restart the manager in order to apply the new settings.
    Refer to "2.1 Starting and Stopping the Manager" in the "Operation Guide CE" for information on how to restart the manager.