ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 Setup Guide

2.1.2 Installation [Windows Manager]

The procedure for manager installation is given below.

Before installing Resource Orchestrator, check that the preparations given in "2.1.1 Preparations" have been performed.

Precautions for Installation

When a terminal server has been installed, execute the following command using the command prompt to change the terminal service to installation mode.

User session is ready to install applications.


The procedure for manager installation is given below.

  1. Log on as the administrator.

    Log on to the system on which the manager is to be installed.
    Log on using the Administrator account.

  2. Start the installer.

    The installer is automatically displayed when the first DVD-ROM is set in the DVD drive. If it is not displayed, execute "RcSetup.exe" to start the installer.

  3. Click "Manager(Cloud Edition) installation".

  4. Following the installation wizard, enter the parameters prepared and confirmed in "Parameters Used for Installation" properly.

  5. Upon request of the wizard for DVD-ROM switching, set the second DVD-ROM and the third DVD-ROM to continue the installation.

It is necessary to set up the manager after installation. For details, refer to "2.1.4 Setup".


  • In the event of installation failure, restart and then log in as the user that performed the installation, and perform uninstallation following the uninstallation procedure.
    After that, remove the cause of the failure referring to the meaning of the output message and the suggested corrective actions, and then perform installation again.

  • If there are internal inconsistencies detected during installation, the messages "The problem occurred while installing it" or "Native Installer Failure" will be displayed and installation will fail. In this case, uninstall the manager and reinstall it. If the problem persists, please contact Fujitsu technical staff.

  • If there are internal inconsistencies detected during installation, the messages "The problem occurred while installing it" or "Native Installer Failure" will be displayed and installation will fail. In this case, uninstall the manager and reinstall it.

  • For uninstallation of managers, refer to "20.1.3 Uninstallation [Windows Manager]". If the problem persists, please collect troubleshooting information and contact Fujitsu technical staff.

  • If rolling back to the previous status before an installation failure has not finished, the message "System has some on incomplete install information. Please delete before this installation" will be displayed and installation will fail. Uninstall the manager and reinstall it. For uninstallation of managers, refer to "20.1.3 Uninstallation [Windows Manager]". If the problem persists even if reinstallation is performed, please collect troubleshooting information and contact Fujitsu technical staff.

  • Nullifying Firewall Settings for Ports to be used by Resource Orchestrator

    When installing Resource Orchestrator on systems with active firewalls, in order to enable correct communication between the manager, agents, and clients, disable the firewall settings for the port numbers to be used for communication.

    For the port numbers used by Resource Orchestrator and required software, refer to "Appendix A Port List" of the "Design Guide CE".

    However, when port numbers have been changed by editing the services file during installation of Resource Orchestrator, replace the default port numbers listed in "Appendix A Port List" of the "Design Guide CE" with the port numbers changed to during installation.

  • If used ports exist when performing installation, the message "The specified port number Port Number selected for ServerView Resource Orchestrator is already used." will be displayed, and installation will fail. If this happens, please contact Fujitsu technical staff.

Post-installation Cautions