ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager V15.0 Operation Guide

7.1.1 Making individual backups of databases Maintaining a backup management list

This section provides information on the maintenance of a backup management list. A backup management list is maintained on the server that performs the backup. Backing up a backup management list

A backup management list is backed up.
For details of this, refer to swstresback (Resource backup command).

Backup management list backup data size

Check the size of the file that the subdirectory of the following directory contains.


In the cluster environment, check the size of the file that the subdirectory of the following directory contains.

/etc/opt/FJSVswsts/<logical node name>/data


When you execute swstresback (Resource backup command) by using the same directory used before to save data, the file system in which these directories exist should be at least three times greater than the size returned in query above.
This is because swstresback (Resource backup command) executes backup in the state holding the data saved before. Restoring a backup management list

A backup management list is restored.
For details of this, refer to swstresrst (Resource restore command). Preserving the volume configuration information

AIX AdvancedCopy Manager uses transaction volumes and backup volumes as volume groups. If LVM volume management information is lost, volumes cannot be backed up or restored correctly. When a volume group is created, it is recommended volume configuration information be backed up using the savevg command in preparation for a system crash. For information on the savevg command, refer to the AIX manuals. Maintaining a replication management list

This section describes the maintenance of a replication management list. Backing up a replication management list

To back up a replication management list, back up the repository of the Management Server. For information about backing up a repository, refer to "Saving a database" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operation Guide" relevant to the OS of the Management Server.

Point Restoring a replication management list

Perform the following steps to restore a replication management list:

  1. Restore the repository to the Management Server. For information about restoring a repository, refer to "Recovering a database" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operation Guide" relevant to the OS of the Management Server.

    • If the Management Server is Windows
      Select "RDB dictionary and DSI recovery (LOAD Mode)" as the recovery method.

    • If the Management Server is Solaris or Linux
      Specify 0 for stgdbrcv -m option (recovery mode) as the recovery method.

  2. On the Managed Server, execute swsrprecoverres (Resource adjustment command) with the -r option.


  • When above 2 steps are performed, operational information for replication management of a repository is copied to a Managed Server, where it is then available for use.

  • When this information for replication management in the repository does not need to be changed, and only the operation information for replication management on the Managed Server is incorrect (for some reason), perform only step 2. Preserving the volume configuration information

AIX AdvancedCopy Manager uses source and replica volumes as volume groups. If LVM volume management information is lost, correct operations cannot be achieved. When a volume group is created, it is recommended volume configuration information be backed up using the savevg command in preparation for a system crash. For information on the savevg command, refer to the AIX manuals. Maintaining a database

For information about maintaining a database used by a Management Server, refer to the "Maintaining a database" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operation Guide" relevant to the OS of the Management Server: Maintaining a registry

This section describes the maintenance of a registry. Perform this procedure on a Management Server or a Managed Server. Backing up a registry

In a command prompt window, back up the following files using the copy command, etc.

File names
In the case of a non-cluster
In the case of a cluster


Save it in the /backup directory.

# cp /etc/opt/swstorage/swnode.ini /backup

Registry backup data size

Check the size of the file to be backed up. Restoring a registry

In a command prompt window, use the copy command or another method to restore the following files.

File names
In the case of a non-cluster
In the case of a cluster


Restore the following file saved in the /backup directory:

# cp /backup/swnode.ini /etc/opt/swstorage