ETERNUS SF Express V15.0 Operation Guide

B.2 esfsnap (Express's manager troubleshooting information collection command)

This section explains the command for collection the troubleshooting information of the Express's manager.


esfsnap - Collects the troubleshooting information of the Express's manager


For Windows
$INS_DIR\Common\bin\esfsnap -dir dirname [-all]

($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.)

For Linux
/opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/esfsnap -dir dirname [-all]


This command collects the troubleshooting information of the Express's manager on the Management Server when a problem occurs. Only user of OS administrative group can execute this command.

Please send the collected data to a Fujitsu system engineer.


-dir dirname
For Windows

Specify a directory where the troubleshooting data is stored. It is necessary to specify the full path name that begins with a drive letter for dirname.
The maximum length that can be specified for dirname is 70 bytes.

The collected troubleshooting data are stored in the directory which its name begins with "esfsnap_". Before executing this command, please check that dirname directory has the following free space.

Collected information

Required free space

Initial investigation information

More than 40MB

All troubleshooting information

More than "80 + (2 * number of registered device)" MB

For Linux

Specify a directory where the troubleshooting data is stored. It is necessary to specify the full path name for dirname.

The collected troubleshooting data are created as the file which its name begins with "esfsnap_". Before executing this command, please check that dirname directory has the following free space.

Collected information

Required free space

Initial investigation information

More than 40MB

All troubleshooting information

More than "80 + (2 * number of registered device)" MB


Collects all troubleshooting data on servers. Data includes lots of information, which will increase the size of the data. This option is not necessary for initial investigation.


For Windows

Collecting the troubleshooting data for initial investigation on D:\temp directory.

> C:\ETERNUS_SF\Common\bin\esfsnap -dir D:\temp
For Linux

Collecting the troubleshooting data for initial investigation on /tmp directory.

# /opt/FJSVesfcm/bin/esfsnap -dir /tmp