ETERNUS SF Express V15.0 Operation Guide

B.1 storageadm perfdata (Performance information management command)

This section explains the command for managing performance information.


storageadm perfdata - Manages performance information


For Windows
$INS_DIR\ESC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm perfdata export outdirname -ipaddr ipaddr [-recent 24]

($INS_DIR means "Program Directory" specified at the ETERNUS SF Manager installation.)

For Linux
/opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm perfdata export outdirname -ipaddr ipaddr [-recent 24]


This command outputs one-hour or 24-hour performance information for disk storage system before the command is executed.

By specifying the IP address of a disk storage system whose performance information is output and the time in the command operand, the disk storage system performance information is output in CSV format.

A target disk storage system must be managed by Express and performance monitoring is either still running or already completed.

The details of CSV files are as follows.

Table B.1 CM performance information for disk storage system



File name


Header line

Date, CM0xXX:CPUX - CPU Use Rate, CM0xXX:CPUX - Copy Remain, ...

Data line

date,CM00u,CM00r, ... ,CMNNu,CMNNr

The following information is output for each field. (After date, the information is repeated for the actual number of CMs.)
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time. (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
CM00u : CM0x00:CPU0 (*1) CPU Load at date (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
CM00r : CM0x00:CPU0 (*1) CM Copy remaining amount at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is GB.)
CMNNu : CM0xNN:CPUN (*1) CPU Load at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
CMNNr : CM0xNN:CPUN (*1) CM Copy remaining amount at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is GB.)

Table B.2 Logical Volume performance information for disk storage system



File name

(nnnn indicates the Logical Volume number by hexadecimal notation.)

Header line

Date, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Read IOPS, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Write IOPS, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Read Throughput, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Write Throughput, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Read Response Time, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Write Response Time, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Read Cache Hit Rate, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Write Cache Hit Rate, LogicalVolume0xXXXX - Prefetch Cache Hit Rate.

Data line


The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time. (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
read : Read Count at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
write : Write Count at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
through-r : Read data transfer rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
through-w : Write data transfer rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
resp-r : Read Response Time at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is msec.)
resp-w : Write Response Time at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is msec.)
hit-r : Read Cache Hit Rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
hit-w : Write Cache Hit Rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
fetch : Read Pre-fetch Cache Hit Rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)

Table B.3 RAID Group performance information for disk storage system



File name

RAID Group/nnnn.csv
(nnnn indicates the RAID Group number by hexadecimal notation.)

Header line

Date, RAID Group0x0xXXXX - Read IOPS, RAID Group0x0xXXXX - Write IOPS, RAID Group0x0xXXXX - Read Throughput, RAID Group0x0xXXXX- Write Throughput, RAID Group0x0xXXXX - Read Response Time, RAID Group0x0xXXXX - Write Response Time, RAID Group0x0xXXXX - Read Cache Hit Rate, RAID Group0x0xXXXX - Write Cache Hit Rate, RAID Group0x0xXXXX - Prefetch Cache Hit Rate.

Data line


The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time. (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
read : Read Count at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
write : Write Count at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
through-r : Read data transfer rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
through-w : Write data transfer rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
resp-r : Read Response Time at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is msec.)
resp-w : Write Response Time at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is msec.)
hit-r : Read Cache Hit Rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
hit-w : Write Cache Hit Rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
fetch : Read Pre-fetch Cache Hit Rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)

Table B.4 Disk performance information for disk storage system



File name

(nnnn indicates the DE number by hexadecimal notation.)

Header line

Date, DE0xXX:DiskX - busy time, ...

Data line

date,Disk0, ... ,DiskN

The following information is output for each field. (After date, the information is repeated for the actual number of Disks.)
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time. (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
Disk0 : Disk0 Disk busy rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)
DiskN : DiskN Disk busy rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is %.)

Table B.5 CA/CM Port performance information for dis storage system



File name

(nnnn indicates the CA/CM Port number by hexadecimal notation. CA/CM port numbers are assigned in ascending order, starting with 0000 for the lowest CA/CM port number in the device.
CM0x0 CA0x0 Port0 is 0000,
CM0x0 CA0x0 Port1 is 0001,
CM0x7 CA0x3 Port2 is 007E,
CM0x7 CA0x3 Port3 is 007F.)

Header line

  • Case of CA Port

    Date, CM0xX:CA0xX:PortX - Read IOPS, CM0xX:CA0xX:PortX - Write IOPS, CM0xX:CA0xX:PortX - Read Throughput, CM0xX:CA0xX:PortX - Write Throughput

  • Case of CM Port

    Date, CM0xX:PortX - Read IOPS, CM0xX:PortX - Write IOPS, CM0xX:PortX - Read Throughput, CM0xX:PortX - Write Throughput

Data line


The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time. (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
read : Read Count at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
write : Write Count at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is IOPS.)
through-r : Read data transfer rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)
through-w : Write data transfer rate at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is MB/S.)

Table B.6 Performance information for disk storage system active disks



File name


Header line

Date, Total Disks, Active Disks

Data line


The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time. (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
total : Overall number of loaded disk devices at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is Disk.)
active : Overall number of active disk devices at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is Disk.)

Table B.7 Power consumption performance information for disk storage system



File name


Header line

Date, System Power Consumption

Data line

date, power

The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time. (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
power: Power used by the device as a whole at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is W.)

Table B.8 Temperature performance information for disk storage system



File name


Header line

Date, System Temperature

Data line

date, temperature

The following information is output for each field.
date : Performance Information Acquisition Time. (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss format)
temperature: Air intake temperature at device at date. (Decimal notation. The unit is degrees Centigrade.)



Outputs performance information for the specified time in CSV format.


Specify the directory that outputs performance information.
Performance information is output to the outdirname directory based on the following configuration.

The following free space (unit: MB) is required for this directory.

(((0.1 + 0.4 * installed DEs + 0.1 * installed CM ports + 0.2 * (LUs + RAID grous)) * 1440) + (0.2 + 0.6 * installed DEs + 0.2 *installed CM ports + 0.4 * (LUs + RAID groups))) / 1024


-ipaddr ipaddr

This option specifies the IP address of the device that outputs performance information.

The output target device must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Storage devices output performance information must be registered in this software.

For the settings of performance monitoring, refer to "Performance management".

-recent 24

This option collects the latest 24-hour performance data.

If this option is skipped, the latest 1-hour performance data is collected.


For Windows

Output of performance information for a device with IP address to the c:\work directory:

> C:\ETERNUS_SF\ESC\Manager\opt\FJSVssmgr\sbin\storageadm perfdata export "C:\work" -ipaddr
For Linux

Output of performance information for a device with IP address to the /tmp directory:

# /opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/storageadm perfdata export /tmp -ipaddr


The full path of an existing directory must be specified in outdirname.