ETERNUS SF Express V15.0 Operation Guide

4.2.2 Flow of Performance Management

When a user gives an instruction for performance management of a target device using the Web Console, the performance management unit for this product saves the device performance data for each device, and stores them as performance data to the Administrative server. This performance data is displayed on a graph. Checking disk space on the administrative server

To conduct performance management, sufficient disk space is required on the administrative server for performance data storage. Make sure that sufficient disk space is ensured referring to "ETERNUS SF Installation and Setup Guide". Instruction for performance management

When performing performance management, configure and start the performance management by using the Web Console.

Enter the range of target Logical Volume(LUN_V) that is obtained for performance information in the Web Console.
Specifying the range of Logical Volume(LUN_V) reduces the effects on the disk area stored performance data and the loads resulting from obtaining performance information.

For details on the operation procedures, refer to "Start the performance monitoring" in "ETERNUS SF Web Console Guide".


Since performance information is obtained internally in units of 64 for Logical Volume, performance information in the neighboring area of the Logical Volume setting is also obtained.

For example, if a range of 70 to 80 is set for Logical Volume (LUN_V) on the screen, the information of Logical Volume between 64 and 127 is obtained internally.

At this time, after instructing it to start the performance management, the monitoring range which is displayed on the Web Console is not the value specified at the start time but the value converted to units of 64.

When starting performance management, "Monitoring" is displayed on the "Performance Monitoring Status".

For details on the operation procedures, refer to "Display the performance monitoring status" in "ETERNUS SF Web Console Guide".

The following table shows the value of "Performance Monitoring Status", the corresponding status, and the appropriate actions.

Value of "Performance Monitoring Status"


Appropriate action


Performance is being monitored. (Normal)

The action is no required.


Performance monitoring is being recovered (e.g. device time-out).

The Express's manager cannot communicate with a disk storage system.
Check the network status and the disk storage status.
Log off, when ETERNUS Web GUI is in a login state.


Performance monitoring error (e.g. device time-out, writing to the performance information file failed.)

The Express's manager cannot communicate with a disk storage system.
Check the network status and the disk storage system status.
Log off, when ETERNUS Web GUI is in a login state. In addition, check the write permission to the file and the capacity of the file system.
Then, stop performance monitoring and restart it.


Performance monitoring has stopped. (Normal)

The action is no required.

However, the value of "Performance Monitoring Status" may differ in present value. Reload the setting for ETERNUS Disk storage system and make sure the system is up-to-date.

For details on the operation procedures, refer to "Reload ETERNUS Disk storage system configuration information" in "ETERNUS SF Web Console Guide ". Setting monitoring intervals

The performance information is acquired from ETERNUS Disk storage system at 60 second (fixed) intervals.


In LAN traffic or cross-subnet (where there is a gateway between the performance monitoring target device and the administrative server) situations, it may not be possible to obtain the performance information inside the monitoring interval that was set. Please change the monitoring interval when you cannot acquire performance information on each monitoring interval.

Since the performance management unit is started as a daemon of the administrative server, the unit continues obtaining performance information while the administrative server is active, without starting the Web Console.

The logical configuration of the storage device is recognized, and the obtaining of performance information starts. At the start of obtaining performance information of the selected storage system, an amount of time (tens of seconds to several minutes) is spent to obtain the logical configuration before any performance information is actually obtained. Displaying performance information of the selected device

Confirm by displaying the graph using the Web Console. In addition, the performance information can be output to the CSV format file by using the performance information operation command (storageadm perfdata).

For details on the operation procedures for Web Console, refer to "Display the performance information graph" and "Export the performance information" in "ETERNUS SF Web Console Guide". Displaying storage performance information Displaying Logical Volume and RAID Group performance information

Select the number of Logical Volume or RAID Group whose performance information you want to display in graph.


The ETERNUS Disk storage system performance information about SDV are not supported. The value for the performance information about the RAID Group containing SDV also cannot be guaranteed. Displaying disk (physical drive) performance information

Select the number of the disk whose performance information you want to display in graph. Displaying CM performance information

Select the CM or CM CPU whose performance information you want to display in graph. Displaying CM Port performance information

Select the CM Port from a list of ports whose performance information you want to display in graph. Displaying the number of active disks, power consumption, and temperature performance information

Select the performance information you want to display in graph. Examples of use of performance management

If an I/O delay from the server node to a storage system occurs, the user can check for the cause in the storage system by using the methods described below. These are only examples, so all causes of I/O delays cannot be determined by use of these methods.

  1. Identify the time when the I/O processing delay occurred and the access path where the delay occurred.

  2. Use this software to check the Affinity Group number and Logical Volume number of the ETERNUS Disk storage system defined in the target access path.

  3. Using performance management, display and check the target Logical Volume performance values.

  4. If a response of the Logical Volume unit takes a long time, check RAID Group performance. If a response of RAID Group also takes a long time, find another Logical Volume belonging to RAID Group, and find the LUNs to which the Logical Volume is allocated. Check the I/O statuses of these Logical Volumes, and check for a heavy load on RAID Group. If there is a heavy load, move the appropriate Logical Volume to another RAID Group, or take other appropriate action. Instruction for stopping performance management

Execute performance management processing on the Web Console.

For details on the operation procedures, refer to "Stop the performance monitoring" in "ETERNUS SF Web Console Guide". Updating configuration information

Device configuration information is independently maintained in the performance management.

To change the device configuration, update the device configuration information that is maintained by the performance management functionality according to the procedure shown below. Also perform the update if the configuration for a device that has executed performance management has been changed.

  1. Record the performance monitoring settings contents (if performance monitoring is used)

    <Recorded settings contents>

    • Performance monitoring targets (Minimum LUN_V, Maximum LUN_V)

  2. Stop performance monitoring (if performance monitoring is used)

    Refer to " Instruction for stopping performance management".

  3. Change the configuration for a device that has executed performance management.

  4. Start performance monitoring based on the settings contents recorded in step 1. (if performance monitoring is used).
    Make sure to set it to create configuration information.

    Refer to " Instruction for performance management".


If the configuration for a device that has executed performance management has been changed, the configuration information before the change is used for performance management. Performance information cannot be guaranteed prior to the configuration information update.