ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Setup Guide

E.4.4 Setup

The setup procedure when using Xen as server virtualization software is as follows:

  1. Create Storage Connection Definition Files

    Give descriptions, separating the admin IP addresses of VM hosts belonging to the scope of PRIMECLUSTER GDS shared classes using commas, and giving the scopes of shared clusters on individual lines.

    When changing the shared class configuration, modify the definition files.

    Location of the Definition File


    Definition File Name


    Definition File Format


  2. Register Resources

    1. Register storage management software

      Register PRIMECLUSTER GDS on VM hosts as storage management software.

      Register 1 of the VM hosts belonging to the scope of PRIMECLUSTER GDS shared classes. It is not necessary to register all VM hosts which belong to the scope.

      When registering PRIMECLUSTER GDS as storage management software, single disks which were created in advance during pre-setup preparations, are automatically registered in Resource Orchestrator as virtual storage resources.

      Execute the rcxadm storagemgr command to register storage management software.

      For details on the rcxadm storagemgr command, refer to "1.7.1 rcxadm storagemgr" of the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".

    2. Register managed servers (domain 0)

      1. Register Managed Servers

        Refer to "2.5.1 Registering Rack Mount or Tower Servers" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

      2. Register LAN Switches

        Refer to "2.5.2 Registering LAN Switches" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

  3. Register Resources in Resource Pools

    1. Register VM host resources (domain 0)

      1. In the ROR console orchestration tree, right-click the target VM pool, and select [Register Resources] from the popup menu.

        The [Register Resources] dialog is displayed.

      2. Select the VM host to register.

      3. Click <OK>.

    2. Register virtual storage resources

      1. In the ROR console orchestration tree, right-click the target storage pool, and select [Register Resources] from the popup menu.

        The [Register Resources] dialog is displayed.

      2. Select the virtual storage resource to register.

      3. Click <OK>.

    3. Register network resources

      If the NIC and network resources are connected when an L-Server is created, the settings matching the network resource definition will be registered automatically for the VM host that the L-Server will operate on.
      For details, refer to "Manual Network Configuration".

      1. In the ROR console orchestration tree, right-click the target network pool, and select [Create Resource] from the popup menu.

        The [Create a network resource] dialog is displayed.

      2. Enter the items necessary for network resources.

        For details, refer to "7.3 Network Resources" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

    4. Register address set resources (MAC addresses)

      Create and register an address set resource (MAC address) in the address pool.

      For details, refer to "7.6 Address Set Resources" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

  4. Create an L-Server Template

    Create an L-Server using an L-Server template.

    The L-Server is the L-Server to collect cloning images from.

    1. Export an L-Server template

      Refer to "8.2.1 Exporting a Template" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

    2. Edit an L-Server template

      For details on the XML definition of L-Server templates, refer to "2.2.2 Virtual L-Server Templates" of the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".

      In this case, perform the following configuration:

      • Specify RHEL-Xen for the VM type.

      • Specify "None" for the redundancy.

      • Specify "Fixed" for the positioning.

    3. Import an L-Server template

      Refer to "8.2.3 Importing a Template" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

Manual Network Configuration

For the virtual bridge created in advance, only provide the function for connection with the virtual bridge. Manually perform virtual bridge settings in advance.

Use a different VLAN ID for each virtual bridge to connect with the virtual bridge.

Additionally, the following settings must be performed in advance.

  1. Create a Virtual Bridge

    Create a virtual bridge with the same name (including upper and lower case characters) for all VM hosts comprising the cluster.
    This enables migration of VM guests between VM hosts.

    When a virtual bridge has already been manually configured and server virtualization software other than RHEL5-Xen is being used with the same manager, set a different name from the one used by the virtual switch, virtual network, and virtual bridge on the other virtualization software.

  2. Configure Virtual Bridge Communication Settings

    Right-click the LAN switch in the server resource tree, and select [Modify]-[Network Settings] from the popup menu.

    Configure LAN switches to enable communication using the tagged VLAN between virtual bridges using the same name.

    The ROR console can be used for VLAN configuration of LAN switch blade external ports.
    For details, refer to "2.4.4 Configuring VLANs on LAN Switch Blades" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".

  3. Define the Supported Virtual Bridge and VLAN ID

    Supported virtual bridges and VLAN IDs are defined in the virtual bridge definition file of Resource Orchestrator.

    For details on definition file format, refer to "File Format for Virtual Bridge Definitions".

  4. Create Network Resources

    • From the GUI:

      1. In the [Create a network resource] dialog containing the VLAN ID that was specified in 2. and 3., check the "Use configured virtual switches." checkbox and create a network resource.

    • From the Command-line:

      1. Create the XML file that defines network resources.

        Define the VLAN ID specified at 2. and 3. in the XML file.

        In this case, specify auto="false" in the Network tag.

      2. To create the network resource, execute the rcxadm network create command specifying the XML file created in a.

        The network resources are created.

        For details on the rcxadm network command, refer to "1.3.5 rcxadm network" of the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".

        For details on Network elements, refer to "2.5 Network Resources" of the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".

An example of virtual NIC configuration and connection with virtual bridge using network resources is given below:

Figure E.21 Virtual NIC Configuration and Connection with Virtual Networks Using Bridge Resources

File Format for Virtual Bridge Definitions

Location of the Definition File


Definition File Name


Definition File Format

Describe the virtual bridge definition file in one line as below:

"Virtual_bridge_name"=VLAN ID

For the VLAN ID, a value from 1 to 4094 can be specified.



Blank spaces before and after equal signs ("=") are ignored.

Describe the virtual bridge correctly, as the entry is case-sensitive.
Save files using the UTF-8 character code.

When there are multiple lines with the same virtual bridge name, all specified lines are valid.

When the same VLAN ID is included in a line with a different virtual bridge name, the first occurrence in the file is valid and the lines after it are ignored.

An error occurs during L-Server creation if the definition of the VLAN ID of the network resource connected to the NIC cannot be found.

L-Server Creation

Use the following procedure to create L-Servers:

L-Server Operations

When using RHEL5-Xen, L-Server operations cannot be performed using the ROR console.
Use the rcxadm lserver command, for L-Server operations.
For details, refer to "1.3.1 rcxadm lserver" of the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".

Changing L-Server Specifications

To change L-Server specifications, execute rcxadm lserver modify.
For details on the specifications that can be changed, refer to "2.3.2 Definition Information for Virtual L-Servers (XML)" in the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".

The value after changing the specifications can be checked in the [Resource List] tab in the orchestration tree.

From the command-line, execute rcxadm lserver list and rcxadm lserver show.
For details, refer to "1.3.1 rcxadm lserver" of the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".

Check the CAP value of a guest domain that is operating, using the virsh schedinfo command.

Check the CAP value of a guest domain that has been stopped, using the domain configuration files.

For details, refer to the "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Virtualization Guide".

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Virtualization Guide

URL: (As of February 2012)

The CAP value is calculated as follows:

CAP value = ((Specified_CPU_clock_speed GHz * 1000) * CPU_number * 100) / physical_CPU_clock_speed MHz