When using a physical network adapter number that is different from the one used in the physical server configuration patterns, create network resources using the following procedure.
From the GUI:
In the ROR console orchestration tree, right-click the target network pool, and select [Create Resource] from the popup menu.
The [Create a network resource] dialog is displayed.
Enter the items necessary for network resources.
For details, refer to "7.3 Network Resources" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE".
Create a network resource by checking the "Use configured virtual switches." checkbox.
From the Command-line:
Create the XML file that defines network resources.
In this case, specify auto="false" in the Network tag.
For details on the Network element and creation of XML files that define network resources, refer to "2.5 Network Resources" of the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".
Execute the rcxadm network create command specifying the XML file created in 1.
For details on the Network element and creation of XML files that define network resources, refer to "2.5 Network Resources" of the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".
For details on the rcxadm network command, refer to "1.3.5 rcxadm network" of the "Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE".