ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Setup Guide

1.2.9 Tenants

This section explains tenants.

You may want to share some resources between departments in case of future changes or faults while maintaining the segregation of resources for each department.

A tenant is the unit for division of management and operation of resources based on organizations or operations.
An L-Platform and an exclusive resource pool for each tenant are stored in a tenant. The exclusive resource pool for each tenant is called a local pool.
There are resource pools which can be used by multiple tenants including local pools. These resource pools are called global pools.
Resources can be divided and used effectively by tenants using local pools and global pools.
For details, refer to "3.2 Tenant and Resource Pool Design".

For creating, modifying, and deleting tenants, refer to "Chapter 8 Tenants" of the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators CE".