Systemwalker Desktop Patrol V14g Operation Guide: for Administrators

9.1.5 Set Asset Classification Name

This section describes how to set [Asset Classification Name] displayed in the window in use.

The set [Asset Classification Name] will be reflected to all management windows. Besides, as the setting of [Asset Classification Name], the following operations will be performed.

Setting Operation

Setting Result


As the value of [Asset Classification Name] when registering and modifying the device information, the added value will be selectable.


The value of [Asset Classification Name] set in the registered device will become the revised value.


The value of [Asset Classification Name] set in the registered device will be blank (not set yet).


The procedure for setting [Asset Classification Name] is as follows:

  1. Select [Programs] - [Systemwalker Desktop Patrol] - [Environment Setup] - [Management Ledger Settings] from the start menu of CS.

    The [Management Ledger Settings] window will be displayed

  2. Select the [Set Asset Classification Name] tab.

    The following window will be displayed

  3. Set [Asset Classification Name].

    Operate according to the following situations.

    • Add

      Performed when adding a new [Asset Classification Name].

    • Revise

      Performed when revising [Asset Classification Name].

      But [Fixed Assets], [Lease Assets] and [Rent Assets] cannot be revised.

    • Delete

      Performed when deleting [Asset Classification Name].

      But [Fixed Assets], [Lease Assets] and [Rent Assets] cannot be deleted.


  1. Add a new [Asset Classification Name].

    Click the [Add] button.

    The following window will be displayed

  2. Set the name of the added [Asset Classification Name].

    Set the following information and click the [OK] button.

    Item Name


    [Asset Class Name]

    Set the new added [Asset Classification Name].

    Including single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte symbols and multi-byte characters, 64 characters at most can be set.

    [Asset Classification] is added.


  1. Revise [Asset Classification Name].

    Select the [Asset Classification Name] to be revised, and click the [Update] button.

    The following window will be displayed

  2. Set the name of the revised [Asset Classification Name].

    Set the following information and click the [OK] button.

    Item Name


    [Asset Classification Name]

    Set the revised [Asset Classification Name].

    Including single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte symbols and multi-byte characters, 64 characters at most can be set.

    [Asset Classification Name] is revised.


  1. Delete [Asset Classification Name].

    Select [Asset Classification Name] to be deleted and click the [Delete] button.

    The following window will be displayed

  2. Delete [Asset Classification Name].

    Click the [OK] button.

    [Asset Classification Name] is deleted.