License is defined as below.
Log in to the Main Menu, and click “License Management”
→ The “License Management” window will be displayed.
Link of “License Definition” will not appear when user ID of section management account is used to log in.
Click “License Definition”.
→ The following window will be displayed.
Click the “Add” button
→ The following window will be displayed.
Input License information.
Item to be defined | Input character |
” License Name”(required) | Enter License name in groups. Enter characters within 30 multi-byte and 60 single-byte. Specified characters can be alphanumeric characters and the following single-byte characters. (”-””@””.””(“”)””[””]””{“”}””<“”>“”:””;”) |
”Non-Alarm Notification Object” | When grouped software is not to be used as non-alarm notification target of License violation, select ”Non-Alarm Notification Target” |
Remarks. Alarm notification of License violation is the function of notifying when software not allocated with License is in use or number of License is exceeded. For details, please refer to “Alarm Notification” in the “Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Installation Guide”.
Select software supplier from the tree in the field on the left.
→ The software provided by the selected supplier will be displayed in the field on the right.
Select the check box of software of License to be defined for Alarm Notification, click the “Ok” button.
→ License will be defined.
Meanings of the icons are as below.
Please refer to “5.2.2 Modify License Definition” for confirmation of software with defined License.