Systemwalker Desktop Patrol V14g Operation Guide: for Administrators

2.1.2 Procedure of Constructing Master Data at Active Directory Linkage

This section describes how to construct the Master data of Desktop Patrol when linking with Active Directory.

Relationship between management information of Active Directory and Master data

It describes the relationship when the management information of Active Directory is registered as the Master data of Desktop Patrol.

On Desktop Patrol, obtain the OU (Organizational Unit) information of Active Directory.

In the following example, only the OU of “Domain Controllers” and user creation is expected to be obtained. In addition, for user information, the user information that belongs to each OU will be used as the user that belongs to the section of Desktop Patrol directly.

Please refer to the following diagram for the relationship of information. (1) ~ (10) of management information of Active Directory corresponds to (1) ~ (10) of the Main Menu.

Example of Management Information of Active Directory

The example of management information of Active Directory is shown as follows.

Display Example of Main Menu

The example when the management information of Active Directory mentioned above is used as the Master data of Desktop Patrol is shown below.

The section information obtained from Active Directory is displayed under the section tree in which the domain name is the highest level section.

In addition, section tree may be different from the display sequence of Active Directory.


When the management information of Active Directory is used as the Master data of Desktop Patrol, the entire section in which the domain name is as the highest level section will become the linkage object. The other sections can be managed in the same way as the time when Active Directory linkage is not performed.


After the OU information of Active Directory has been deleted, when the OU is created again with the same name, the section management information of Desktop Patrol will also be deleted. Therefore, when license management is being used, please do not delete OU information.

About Restrictions of Input Value of Master Data

When linking with Active Directory, the management information of Active Directory will be defined as the Master data of Desktop Patrol as shown in the following table. At this time, the restrictions of input characters will comply with the restriction value of Master data of Desktop Patrol.

In addition, when linking with Active Directory, since password is not defined as Master data, please define is if necessary.

User Management Information

Section Management Information

Building Management Information

User ID

String before the @ of User Principal Name



User Name








Telephone Number

telephone Number



Fax Number

Facsimile Telephone Number



E-mail Address




Section Code


Object GUID


Section Name


OU name


Upstream Section Code


Object GUID


Building Code



The code with over 5 digits is generated automatically.

Building Name



Physical Delivery Office Name

Procedure of linking with Active Directory

The procedure of linking with Active Directory is shown as follows.

Start linking with Active Directory

Start linking with Active Directory according to the following flow.

  1. Execute the dtpadset.exe (Active Directory linkage environment setup) command, to perform the environment setup of Active Directory linkage. For the dtpadset.exe (Active Directory linkage environment setup) command, please refer to “Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Reference Manual”.

    If the environment for linking with Active Directory has been set, the following value will be set automatically as the timing of logon to the Windows domain again in the [User Identification Information] table of CT.

    • User ID: Logon name of Windows domain
      (In case of “”, “domain\user”, the part of “user” will be set.)

    • PC Name: Computer name

Link with Active Directory

  1. Modify the management information on Active Directory.

  2. Execute the dtpadmst.exe (Active Directory information output) command to output Master data. For the dtpadmst.exe (Active Directory information output) command, please refer to “Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Reference Manual”.

  3. Register Master data through the dtpmast.exe (Master data construction) command or the [Environment Setup] window of the Main Menu. For details of the dtpmast.exe (Master data construction) command, please refer to “Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Reference Manual”. For information on how to register through the [Environment Setup] window of the Main Menu, please refer to “2.1.3 Procedure of Constructing Master Data”.


In the Master data output through the dtpadmst.exe (Active Directory information output) command, please do not modify the content apart from password. If the section code, user ID, building code has been modified, linkage cannot be performed normally. When other information is modified, the management information of Active Directory will be overwritten at next time of linkage.


After the operation has been started, the difference (add, modify, delete) from the latest information of Active Directory management information through making the above “Step 2” and “Step 3” into batch file will be reflected to the Master data of Desktop Patrol and operation can be automated.

  • Example of batch file

    In this example, the Master data is output to the work directory, and the master information is registered using the dtpmast.exe (Master data construction) command. If the Master data file has already existed, overwrite this file. Please make proper modification in actual operation.


    SET WORKDIR= Name of work directory (optional)
    SET CMD_DTPADMST="Installation Directory of CS\bnserv\bin\dtpadmst.exe"
    SET CMD_DTPMAST=" Installation Directory of CS\bnserv\bin\dtpmast.exe"

    REM Extract information from Active Directory.

    REM Delete the data exists in Desktop Patrol but does not exist in Active Directory.
    %CMD_DTPMAST% /d /me /f%WORKDIR%/deluser_ad.csv /e%WORKDIR%/deluser_err.log
    %CMD_DTPMAST% /d /mg /f%WORKDIR%/delsect_ad.csv /e%WORKDIR%/delsect_err.log
    %CMD_DTPMAST% /d /mb /f%WORKDIR%/delbldg_ad.csv /e%WORKDIR%/delbldg_err.log

    REM Register the information extracted from Active Directory.
    %CMD_DTPMAST% /s /me /f%WORKDIR%/moduser_ad.csv /e%WORKDIR%\moduser_err.log
    %CMD_DTPMAST% /s /mg /f%WORKDIR%\modsect_ad.csv /e%WORKDIR%\modsect_err.log
    %CMD_DTPMAST% /s /mb /f%WORKDIR%\modbldg_ad.csv /e%WORKDIR%\modbldg_err.log



The information of the [User Identification Information] tab of CT will not be modified automatically, please modify it if necessary.

Stop linking with Active Directory

Stop linking with Active Directory according to the following flow.

  1. Execute the dtpadset.exe (Active Directory linkage environment setup) command to perform the environment setup of Active Directory linkage. For the dtpadset.exe (Active Directory linkage environment setup) command, please refer to “Systemwalker Desktop Patrol Reference Manual”.