PRIMECLUSTER GLS for Windows User's Guide 4.3

3.4.3 Virtual Adapter Settings

This section describes how to set a virtual adapter, assuming the following criteria:

Figure 3.7 Virtual Adapter Settings

Use the hanetconfig command to make virtual adapter settings. Note that you must be a member of the Administrators group to execute hanetconfig.

  1. Create the virtual adapter sha0 comprised of the physical adapters Local Area Connection 1 and Local Area Connection 2 by executing hanetconfig with the create subcommand.

    > hanetconfig create -n sha0 -t "Local Area Connection 1","Local Area Connection 2"
    FJSVhanet: INFO: 00000: The command ended normally.


    • Deactivate all virtual adapters by executing the stphanet command before adding new adapters. For more details, refer to "6.2.7 stphanet."

    • Regardless of whether they belong to GLS or to another manufacturer's product, virtual adapters should not be specified as physical adapters to be bundled in a virtual adapter.

  2. Check that the settings are correct by executing the print subcommand of the hanetconfig command.

    > hanetconfig print
     Name     VID  Adapters
     sha0     ---- Local Area Connection 1, Local Area Connection 2


    • Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each virtual adapter that you create.

    • The physical adapter that you specify first is usually first used as the operational adapter.