Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator User's Guide

A.2 Response/Operation Information Collection Policy Creation Command

This section explains the Response/Operation Information Collection Policy Creation Command.

Refer to Section 1.1.2, "sqcAPolicy (Response/Operation Information Collection Policy Setup Command)" and Section 1.1.3, "sqcSetPolicy (Policy Application Command)” in the Reference Guide for more information.

Required privileges


The user must have the privileges of a member of the Administrators group.


The user must have the privileges of the system administrator (superuser).

  1. Create response/operation information collection policy


    Installation directory\bin\sqcAPolicy.bat



  2. Apply the policy


    Installation drectory\bin\sqcSetPolicy.exe [-h host name] [-p <IP address>]


    /opt/FJSVssqc/bin/ [-h <host name>] [-p <IP address>]


From Systemwalker Service Quality Coordinator V13.3.0 or later, the services/daemons do not have to be stopped before the policy application command is executed.

When using the "-h" or "-p" option, stop the service or daemon first by referring to "A.4 How to Start and Stop Resident Processes".

However, if the services/daemons are running and performance data for various middleware is being collected when the policy application command is executed, then the collection of this performance data will be temporarily suspended while policies are applied. Collection of this performance data will start again after the policies have been finished being applied.

Options of sqcSetPolicy (Policy Application Command)

-h <host name>

Use this option to specify a system name to change the managed system name.

Also, use this option to specify a system name for the managed system in the following kinds of cluster operations:

  • Where the server is a Manager and information about resources within the server is to be collected.

    => Specify the inheritance node.

  • Where the server is an Agent in a cluster system that uses node name inheritance.

    => Specify node name of each Agent.

If this option is omitted, host name which is set at the installation or the system name which was set at the last -h option will be used as system name.

Host name will not be updated automatically, so use this option to change the host name.


If this command is re-executed or an Agent is reinstalled where an operating environment for this product already exists and an Agent has already been registered, then use the same system name as was used before if the -h option is specified.

If the system name has to be changed for some reason, first delete the previous system name information from the PDB using the data deletion command explained in Section 1.7.3 “sqcPDBerase (Data Deletion Command)" in the Reference Guide for details. However, in this case, performance information that has already been collected cannot be displayed.

-p <IP address>

In the dashboard, management target is managed by using IP address.

When using the dashboard, be sure to specify IP address of the management target by using this option after installation. Specify the IP address of the connection Manager or Enterprise Manager which is available for connection.

Specify the inheritance node if the cluster system is being used.

If this option is omitted, IP address which was set at the last -p option will be used.

IP address will not be updated automatically, so use this option to change the IP address.


If this command is executed at the first time after the installation, and if this option is omitted, IP address will be set by the address which is automatically collected. However, if multiple IP addresses are existed, IP address which can communicate with the connection Manager or Enterprise Manager might not be acquired. Be sure to specify IP address of the management target by using -p option.