This section explains how to start and stop resident processes.
Refer to Chapter 2, "Starting and Stopping Resident Processes" in the Reference Guide for more information about processes, etc.
Start/stop the following service:
Systemwalker SQC DCM
This process is started when using "Pull" method communications provided by this product.
Systemwalker SQC sqcschdle
Start/stop the following service when using Pull-mode communications and the policy distribution function:
Systemwalker SQC thttpd
Refer to "A.5 Starting the thttpd Service/Daemon Automatically" for information about how to start the thttpd service automatically.
When restarting the [Systemwalker SQC DCM] service, do not execute "Restart the service" from the Windows Services window.
First execute "Stop the service", then after waiting a while execute "Start the service".
Use the following scripts to start and stop the processes.
To start the processes:
/etc/rc2.d/S99ssqcdcm start |
To stop the processes:
/etc/rc0.d/K00ssqcdcm stop |
To stop the processes completely:
/etc/rc0.d/K00ssqcdcm stop_wait |
If the stop option (stop) is selected, this command completes without waiting for ending of the process.
If the complete stop (stop_wait) is selected, this command sends a finish signal, and completes after ending of running process.
When restarting the process, stop the process by using the complete stop option (stop_wait), and after command completion, start option (start) to start the process.
This process is started when using "Pull" method communications provided by this product.
To start the processes:
/etc/rc2.d/S99ssqcsch start |
To stop the processes:
/etc/rc0.d/K00ssqcsch stop |
If the policy distribution function is being used, start and stop the resident process by using the following script:
/opt/FJSVssqc/bin/ssqchttp start |
/opt/FJSVssqc/bin/ssqchttp stop |
Refer to "A.5 Starting the thttpd Service/Daemon Automatically" for information about how to start the thttpd daemon automatically.
Agent/Proxy Manager
Start/stop the following service:
Systemwalker SQC DCM
If the Pull mode is to be used for communication and the policy distribution function is to be used, use the following script to start and stop the processes:
Systemwalker SQC thttpd
Refer to "A.5 Starting the thttpd Service/Daemon Automatically" for details on how to start the thttpd service automatically.
When restarting the [Systemwalker SQC DCM] service, do not execute "Restart the service" from the Windows Services window.
First execute "Stop the service", then after waiting a while execute "Start the service".
Use the following scripts to start and stop the processes.
To start the processes:
/etc/rc2.d/S99ssqcdcm start |
To stop the processes:
/etc/rc0.d/K00ssqcdcm stop |
To stop the processes completely:
/etc/rc0.d/K00ssqcdcm stop_wait |
If the stop option (stop) is selected, this command completes without waiting for ending of the process.
If the complete stop (stop_wait) is selected, this command sends a finish signal, and completes after ending of running process.
When restarting the process, stop the process by using the complete stop option (stop_wait), and after command completion, start option (start) to start the process.
If the Pull mode is to be used for communication and the policy distribution function is to be used, use the following scripts to start and stop the processes.
To start the processes:
/opt/FJSVssqc/bin/ssqchttp start |
To stop the processes:
/opt/FJSVssqc/bin/ssqchttp stop |
Refer to "A.5 Starting the thttpd Service/Daemon Automatically" for details on how to start the thttpd daemon automatically.
Enterprise Manager
Start/stop the following service:
Systemwalker SQC DCM
If the policy distribution function is to be used, use the following script to start and stop the processes:
Systemwalker SQC thttpd
Refer to "A.5 Starting the thttpd Service/Daemon Automatically" for details on how to start the thttpd service automatically.
When restarting the [Systemwalker SQC DCM] service, do not execute "Restart the service" from the Windows Services window.
First execute "Stop the service", then after waiting a while execute "Start the service".
Use the following scripts to start and stop the processes.
To start the processes:
/etc/rc2.d/S99ssqcdcm start |
To stop the processes:
/etc/rc0.d/K00ssqcdcm stop |
To stop the processes completely:
/etc/rc0.d/K00ssqcdcm stop_wait |
If the stop option (stop) is selected, this command completes without waiting for ending of the process.
If the complete stop (stop_wait) is selected, this command sends a finish signal, and completes after ending of running process.
When restarting the process, stop the process by using the complete stop option (stop_wait), and after command completion, start option (start) to start the process.
If the policy distribution function is to be used, use the following script to start and stop the processes:
To start the processes:
/opt/FJSVssqc/bin/ssqchttp start |
To stop the processes:
/opt/FJSVssqc/bin/ssqchttp stop |
Refer to "A.5 Starting the thttpd Service/Daemon Automatically" for details on how to start the thttpd daemon automatically.