For systems where Symfoware Server is being managed by Service Quality Coordinator, Symfoware Server cannot be stopped using the normal method. Stop Symfoware using either of the following methods:
Stop Symfoware using the forced disconnection mode (redbsstop -mc). (This command can be used from Symfoware Server 9.0.)
First stop the Service Quality Coordinator service, and then stop Symfoware Server.
Please follow the following steps when stopping the Service Quality Coordinator service first, and then stopping the Symfoware Server.
Stop the Service Quality Coordinator Agent
Stop the service/daemon by referring to "A.4 How to Start and Stop Resident Processes".
Temporarily change policies
Change the policies by referring to "A.3 sqcMdPolicy (Temporary Policy Change Command)".
Stop Symfoware Server
Execute the rdbstop command. (Refer to the Symfoware Server manuals for more information.)