ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Setup Guide

2.5.1 [Resource List] tab

The [Resource List] tab in the Main Panel displays a list of resources related to the resource that was selected in the resource tree.
For details on the icons used to indicate different resources, refer to "5.2 Resource Status" of the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Operation Guide".
The table below shows the information displayed in the Resource List for each selectable resource.

Table 2.17 Resource List

Selected resource

Content displayed

Server Resources

Information on all registered chassis, servers, and LAN switches.


Information on registered servers and LAN switches mounted in the selected chassis.
For PRIMERGY Partition Models information on the partitions configured on the PRIMERGY Partition Model is displayed.


Information on the physical OS's, VM hosts, and VM guests running on the selected server.

Physical OS

Information on the selected physical OS.

VM host

Information on the VM guests running on the selected VM host.

VM guest

Information on the selected VM guest.

LAN switch

Information on the selected LAN switch.

Unregistered server

Information on the selected unregistered server.

Network resources

Information on all registered LAN switches (except LAN switch blades).

Power Monitoring Device

Information on all registered power monitoring devices.


Information on the selected PDU or UPS.

Double-clicking a resource in the "Resource List" displays its "Resource Details" tab in the Main Panel. This tab shows detailed information on the selected resource.
In the "Resource List" tab, resources experiencing problems are shown by a status icons displayed on top of their resource icon. Switch to the "Resource Details" tab to check the faulty component or open external management software to investigate the problem.
For details, refer to "Chapter 5 Monitoring" of the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Operation Guide".

Clicking a column heading in the "Resource List" will sort the displayed resources in ascending or descending order.

Physical servers, Physical OS's, VM hosts, and VM guests are displayed under the "Server List".
Resources displayed in the "Server List" can be filtered by selecting or deselecting their corresponding checkboxes.