ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Setup Guide

1.1 Features

Resource Coordinator VE is a server management product which improves the usability and availability of server systems. It uniformly manages physical servers as well as virtual servers created using server virtualization software (VMware and others).

The level of functionality provided by Resource Coordinator VE differs depending on the managed hardware environment. For details, refer to the corresponding "Note" in "1.2 Hardware Environment" of the "ServerView Resource Coordinator VE Installation Guide".

This section explains some of the features provided by Resource Coordinator VE.

I/O virtualization

I/O adapters (HBA) for servers are shipped with an assigned physical address that is unique across the world. This World Wide Name (WWN) is used by the storage network to identify servers. Until now, the WWN settings on storage networks needed to be updated whenever servers were added, replaced, or switched over. Resource Coordinator VE uses I/O virtualization technology that makes server-side I/O control possible. It does this by replacing physically-bound WWNs with virtual WWNs assigned to each server based on its role in the system. Resource Coordinator VE can handle two different I/O virtualization technologies (HBA address rename and VIOM).
With VIOM, the ability to re-define MAC addresses of network interfaces, boot configuration, and network configuration means that it is no longer necessary to re-configure network devices or applications that depend on Mac address values.


  • The "I/O Virtualization Option" is required when using HBA address rename.

  • ServerView Virtual-IO Manager should be installed on the admin server when integrating Resource Coordinator VE with VIOM.

  • The following functions are not available if ServerView Deployment Manager is used on the same subnet (admin LAN) as Resource Coordinator VE. In such cases, it is recommended to use ServerView Deployment Manager and ServerView Virtual-IO Manager instead.

    • Cloning

    • Backup and restore

    • HBA address rename

    • Server switchover based on HBA address rename, or backup and restore.

    Refer to "Appendix H Co-Existence with ServerView Deployment Manager" for details.