ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

D.3.11 Resetting Systemwalker Centric Manager Link Function After Upgrade

When the Systemwalker Centric Manager link function was used with SSC, the Storage Cruiser activation method that was selected on the node popup menu and registered with the Systemwalker Centric Manager administrative client must be reset after the upgrade to ESC.

The mpaplreg command of Systemwalker Centric Manager is used for resetting. Refer to the following sections in the manuals for details.

You must reset the function by performing the following procedure on the Centric Manager Administrative client:

  1. Confirm the node where the node popup menu is registered.

    Input as follows on the command line (assuming the menu name is "SSC").

    > mpaplreg -v -m SSC

    Save the node name from the output result, an example of which is shown below.

    Management domain name:  melba
    Application name:  SSC
    Command line:  "C:\Program Files\Softek_StorageCruiser\Client\bin\client.exe" -sCMGR -c%PAC -a1.2.3.4 -p4916
    Node:  tama
  2. Delete the SSC activation method on the node popup menu.

    Input the following on the command line (assuming the menu name is "SSC").

    > mpaplreg -d -m SSC
  3. Register the ESC activation method on the node popup menu.

    Input the command line as follows for each node name saved as directed in Item 1. Make changes appropriate to the environment if required. (The example assumes the menu name is "ESC", node name is "tama", and the ESC Client is installed in the directory "C:\ProgramFiles\ETERNUS-SSC".)

    > Mpaplreg -a -m ESC -p tama -c "\"C:\ProgramFiles\ETERNUS-SSC\Client\bin\rcxclient.exe\""
  4. Check the popup menu for the node.

    Restart the Systemwalker Centric Manager service on the administrative client, and re-execute [Detect Node] in the monitored area. The ESC icon will be displayed on the node popup menu.

    If the icon of this product is not displayed on the node popup menu, check the registration using the following command (assuming the menu name is "ESC").

    > mpaplreg -v -m ESC