ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Installation Guide

4.1.3 Installation procedure

The procedure to install the Manager is described below.
The CD-ROM "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Manager/Agent (Solaris, HP-UX)" is used for installing the Manager. Pre-installation preparations

  1. Local file system checking (for the single user mode)

    Please install this software in multi-user mode.
    When the installation is performed in single-user mode, check whether the local file system is mounted before installation. If it is not mounted, mount the local file system.

    # /usr/sbin/mountall -l


    Refer to the operating system manual, for details of mountall command.

  2. Check if basic software is installed

    Check that required software has been installed and that exclusive software and this software have not been installed.
    Insert the CD-ROM "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1 Manager/Agent (Solaris, HP-UX)" into the CD-ROM drive, and execute the following command.

    # cd CD-ROM_mount_point/manager/Solaris
    # ./ -check

    In the event that the message is output as a result of the above operation, take action as follows.

    • When basic required software is not installed

      Install the required software.

    • When exclusive software has been installed

      Uninstall the exclusive software.

    • When ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Manager has been installed

      Refer to "9.1 [Solaris OS] Manager uninstallation" to stop the Manager, and then uninstall the package displayed.


    • FJSVswstt is a common package to other products, and ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser uses the installed one. Please do not uninstall it.

    • When the SMAWdtcp package supplied with PRIMECLUSTER Enterprise Edition has been installed, please be sure to delete it before installing this software. For details of the methods for deleting this package, please refer to the "Installation Guide PRIMECLUSTER(TM) Enterprise Edition 4.1A30 for Solaris(TM) Operating Environment". Installation time

Installation time for this software is around 10 minutes. Software installation

By executing this software's exclusive installation command "", multiple packages can be installed simultaneously. The command invokes the pkgadd(1M) command and installs the component program packages.

  1. Login with root (super user).

    # su
  2. After performing the procedures in " Pre-installation preparations", move to the directory storing the command.

    # cd CD-ROM_mount_point/manager/Solaris
  3. Execute the command.

    # ./
  4. The following message is output. To execute installation enter "y", to discontinue the installation enter a different character.

    ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.1
    Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED 2006-2010
    This program will install "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser" Manager on your system.
    Do you want to continue the installation of this package? [y, n, ?, q]
  5. Enter "y" and the installation will commence.

    Message examples are as follows:

    INFO : Starting Installation of ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser ...
    Installation of <FJSVswstt> was successful.
    INFO : Package FJSVswstt was successfully installed.
    Installation of <FJSVtrccb> was successful.
    INFO : Package FJSVtrccb was successfully installed. 
    Installation of <FJSVssmgr> was successful.
    INFO : Package FJSVssmgr was successfully installed.
  6. When installation is completed successfully, the following message will be displayed.

    INFO : "ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser" Manager was installed successfully.

    If the installation fails, one of the following messages will be displayed.

    ERROR : Required package_name is not installed.
    ERROR : Exclusive package "software_name" is installed.
    ERROR : Package package_name is already installed. 
    ERROR : Installing package_name was failed.
  7. If the installation fails, check the installation status with the following command.

    # ./ -check

    In cases where the same versions of packages have been installed, delete all packages identified by the above command, using the command. Then recommence the installation process from Step 3.

    # ./


    The is stored in the same directory as the command.

    When the installation failed even if the above procedure was taken, take note of the message displayed and contact Fujitsu technical engineer.

The installation is completed. Continuously, execute the post-installation setup.