ETERNUS SF Express V14.1 User's Guide

6.4.1 Setup

This section explains how to set up Advanced Copy function for execution.

The setup procedure is shown below. PATH environment variables settings

When using Express Advanced Copy commands, it is recommended to add a bin directory of Express Advanced Copy Control Module to path environmental variables.
For example, the procedure for Windows Server 2008 R2 is shown below.

  1. [Start] > Right-click on [Computer] and select [Properties].

  2. Left clink on [Advanced system settings].

  3. Select the [Advanced] tab of system properties, and click the [Environment Variables] button.

  4. Add the values below to the PATH variables.

    <Express Manager program directory>\AdvancedCopy Manager Copy Control Module\bin


    The default directory name of Express Manager program is "C:\Program Files (x86)\ETERNUS SF".


    • Use a semi-colon to separate multiple directories.

    • When the Advanced Copy function executes it only with Copy Control Management GUI, this setting is unnecessary. Access Path Settings

With Express Manager, there must be a logical path between the Express Manager server and the ETERNUS Disk storage system. This logical path is referred to as an "access path". To create an access path, the ETERNUS Disk storage system must have a logical volume for control purposes.

Allocate one logical volume within the ETERNUS Disk storage system to the Express Manager server for access path use.

The settings procedure for the access path is explained below.

  1. Allocate to the server the ETERNUS logical volume to be set up as the access path.

    The allocated logical volume is recognized as a disk.

  2. Initialize the disk in MBR (DOS) or GPT disk format.

  3. Create a partition, and allocate a drive letter.


Deletion procedure for "Active Partition Flag" is as follows.

DISKPART> select disk 2
DISKPART> list part
DISKPART> select part 0
DISKPART> inactive