ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

9.1.1 Making individual backups of databases Maintaining a backup a management list

This section provides information on the maintenance of a backup management list. A backup management list is maintained on the server that performs the backup. Backing up a backup management list

For details on how a backup management list is backed up, refer to "swstresback (Resource backup command)" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Server.

Backup data size of backup management list

For details, refer to "Maintenance of Database" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Server. Restoring a backup management list

For details on how a backup management list is restored, refer to "swstresrest (Resource restore command)" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Server. Maintaining a database

This section describes the maintenance of a database used by a Storage Management Server. Saving a database

Execute stgdbdmp (database save command) on the Storage Management Server to save a database space. For details, refer to "Saving a database" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Management Server.


  • Use this save method only when configuration information is changed due to an addition of a Storage Server or fetching of device information. You are recommended to periodically save a database, for example, once a day.

  • To prepare for an input-output error in an external file while save data is being acquired, you are recommended to keep at least two generations of saved data.

Backup data size of database

Calculate the backup data size using the following formula.

60 + (number of devices to be managed x 0.001) megabytes Finding an error in a database

Refer to the RDBSWSTF.log file, and beginning from the last line, search for any message with "rdb: ERROR: qdgXXXXX-" in its contents (also check the messages output at the same time). Obtain the value of "qdgXXXXX" to determine the recovery mode.
For details of the pathname of RDBSWSTF.log file and the explanation of qdb messages, refer to "Finding an error in a database" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Management Server. Recovering a database

Execute stgdbrcv (database recovery command) on the Storage Management Server for database recovery if an input-output error occurs in a database space.
For details, refer to "Recovering a database" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Management Server.


To execute the database recovery command, log in as a root user.


  • After the database recovery command ends normally, acquire the latest save data using the " Saving a database". Fujitsu recommends using a different save data storage directory than the save data storage directory used by the recovery command.

  • After the database recovery command ends normally, restart (start after stopping) the AdvancedCopy Manager daemons. For an explanation on restarting the daemons, see "Chapter 2 Starting and Stopping Daemons". Maintaining authentication management list

This section describes the maintenance of the authentication feature. Execute the command on the server (ie, the Storage Server) where the authentication feature is implemented. Backing up an authentication management list

On the Storage Management Server, execute the /opt/FJSVswssc/bin/smmkbat command to extract authentication management information. The root user must execute this command.
For details, refer to "Backing up an authentication management list" in the "AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Management Server.

Backup data size of authentication management list

Calculate the backup data size using the following formula.

400 + (length of the account name with an access permission assigned + 29 (*1) ...) bytes

*1 Add the lengths of all accounts with an access permission assigned. Restoring an authentication management list

For details on restoring an authentication management list, refer to "Restoring an authentication management list" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Management Server. Maintaining a registry

This section describes the maintenance of a registry. Perform this procedure on the Storage Management Server or the Storage Server. Backing up a registry

Back up the registry file by executing the cp command.
For details, refer to "Backing up a registry" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Management Server and Storage Server.

Backup data size of registry

Check the size of the registry file to be backed up.
For details, refer to "Backing up a registry" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Management Server and Storage Server. Restoring a registry

Restore the registry file by executing the cp command.
For details, refer to "Restoring a registry" in the "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Operator's Guide" for the operating system of the target Storage Management Server and Storage Server. Maintaining tape management information

This section describes the maintenance of tape management information. Perform this maintenance on the Tape Server. Backing up a tape management information

Execute the tape management information backup command after following the procedure explained below. Tape management information includes a TSM database.
For details of the command, refer to "11.4.9 tboresback (Tape management information backup command)".

Editing the TSM environment file to be backed up

To back up information on the environment files of the TSM database, back up the files specified in the backup target TSM environment file (/etc/opt/FJSVswstm/conf/tsmbkfile).

If the database location has been changed from the default, the file must be edited.

Edit the file as follows: By default, the following information is specified in the /etc/opt/FJSVswstm/conf/tsmbkfile file.

  1. If the database location has been changed, change the paths of the dsmserv.opt, dsmserv.dsk, and nodelock files.

  2. If the contents of the following keys in the dsmserv.opt file have been modified, change the paths of the volhist.out and devconfig.out files. The contents of the keys are the paths specified in tsmbkfile.

  3. Table 9.4 Keys for which file paths are to be changed

    Key name

    File name





Backup data size of tape management information

Check the size under the following directory.


In cluster operation mode, check the size under the following directory.

/etc/opt/FJSVswstm/<logical node name>/data/ctrl

Also check the sizes below as the free space of the TSM database.

Size of the files specified in /etc/opt/FJSVswstm/conf/tsmbkfile
30% of size of the DB names specified in /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.dsk Restoring a tape management information

For details of how to restore tape management information, refer to "11.4.10 tboresrst (Tape management information restore command)".


Because the tboresrst command overwrites the existing TSM database and log file, Fujitsu recommends saving these files in advance.
The procedure to save files is as follows:

  1. Check the file names.

    # cat /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.dsk
    /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/log.dsm              <-  Log file
    /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/db.dsm               <-  Database
  2. Copy the files to any directory.

    # cp -p /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/log.dsm /work/tsm_bkup
    # cp -p /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/db.dsm /work/tsm_bkup