ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option

5.4.5 Restoration

This sub-section describes restoring a volume or data that has been backed up. Restoring an entire volume

To restore all data in a volume that was backed up, follow the procedure below:

  1. Stop transaction if you want to perform restoration on a general file system.

  2. If there is any EC session set for the transaction volume, cancel it using " acmcancelsync (Synchronous backup cancel command)". You can check for EC sessions that are set for the transaction volume by using " acmsyncstat (Synchronous backup progress display command)".

  3. Use " acmrestore (Restore command)" to execute restoration.

    • To perform restoration using a specific backup history

      Use the -g, -v, or -t option to specify the target backup history.

    • To perform restoration using the latest backup history

      If no backup history is specified, the Tape Backup function performs restoration using the latest backup history on the disk it manages.

    • Media from which restoration data is read

      • When the target backup history exists only on a disk, data is restored from the disk.

      • When the target backup history exists only on tape, data is restored from tape.

      • When the target backup history exists on both a disk and tape, data is restored from the disk. You can specify TAPE in the -m option if you want to restore data from tape.

    • To change the restoration destination volume

      Specify the -r option.

    The following command execution example performs restoration using the latest backup history.

    [For Solaris]

    # /opt/FJSVswstc/bin/acmrestore /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6
    /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s6 acmrestore completed
  4. The restoration procedure is now complete and the transaction can be restarted (in Step 5). Note, however, that if restoration was performed from the disk, physical copying of the volume is not complete in backend processing. For information on checking the status of the physical copy, refer to "5.4.6 Checking the status of restoration".

  5. If the transaction was stopped in step 1, restart it.


  • If the transaction volume has a backup volume being copied by EC, backup volume under the equivalency maintenance status, or a suspended backup volume, then restoration is not possible.

  • A suspended backup volume cannot be used as the restore destination volume.


If the -g, -v, and -t options are all omitted, the latest backup history is selected from those subject to generation management. Any backup history subject to day management is not selected even if it is the latest backup history.

If you want to restore the latest backup data and it is subject to day management, specify the -t option. Restoring an individual file

Restore an individual file as shown below.

When backup data exists on a disk

  1. Mount the backup volume and use " acmhistdisp (History information display command)" to confirm the backup volume.

  2. Use the copy command provided by the operating system to copy the file to be restored.

  3. Unmount the backup volume.

When backup data exists on tape

  1. Perform restoration by specifying (using the -r option) a volume other than the transaction volume. Use " acmrestore (Restore command)" to do this.

  2. Mount the restoration destination volume specified in step 1.

  3. Use the copy command provided by the operating system to copy the file to be restored.