ETERNUS SFAdvancedCopy Manager 14.0 Operator's Guide forTape Server Option



This manual describes the functionality of ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager for Tape Backup.

Intended Readers

This manual is intended for a system administrator who performs storage management using ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager.


This manual has the following chapters:

Chapter 1 Overview of Tape Backup of AdvancedCopy Manager

This chapter provides an overview of Tape Backup in ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager.

Chapter 2 Starting and Stopping Daemons

This chapter explains how to start and stop daemons provided by Tape Backup in ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager.

Chapter 3 Designing the Backup Operation

This Chapter explains the configuration required for backup operation using ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager for Tape Backup.

Chapter 4 Tape Server Settings

This chapter explains the settings to be made on the Tape Server before starting the tape backup operation.

Chapter 5 Backup Operations (Normal Transaction Volumes)

This chapter explains backup operations for normal transaction volumes.

Chapter 6 Backup Operations (Symfoware)

Not supported.

Chapter 7 Backup Operations Using the QuickOPC Function

This chapter explains how to perform backups using QuickOPC.

Chapter 8 Customization of the Storage Pool after the Start of Operation

This chapter explains how to customize the tape storage pools, which were defined during installation, after the start of operation.

Chapter 9 Operational Maintenance

This chapter describes how to perform troubleshooting, configuration and database maintenance tasks.

Chapter 10 Restoring from Tape when the Storage Server is Stopped

This chapter explains how to restore data from the Tape Server while the Storage Server is stopped.

Chapter 11 Commands

This chapter describes commands.

Chapter 12 GUI Client Functions

This chapter explains the GUI Client functions of Tape Backup of AdvancedCopy Manager.

Chapter 13 Notes on Operations

This chapter provides additional notes on the Tape Backup operations.

Chapter 14 Disaster Recovery Restore Function Using Tape Media

This chapter provides information on disaster recovery procedures using tape media.

Appendix A Pre-processing and Post-processing of Backup, Restoration, and Tape Copy

This appendix describes shell scripts used for the pre-processing and post-processing of backup, restoration and tape copy.

Appendix B Restoring from the Tape when the Cluster Service is Stopped

This chapter explains the procedure for restoration when the cluster service of a Storage Server is stopped.

Appendix C Backup and Restoration of System Volumes

This chapter explains how AdvancedCopy Manager can be used to back up and restore system volumes.

Related Manuals

This manual is included in the following series of ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager manuals:

Users are advised to read "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager Overview" first to gain an understanding of the general concepts of this software before reading other manuals as necessary.

Notes on Abbreviations


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