The method for collecting information is as follows. Submit the information to the Fujitsu technical staff.
In cluster configurations, collect information on both the primary and secondary nodes of the administrative server.
Login to the administrative server with OS administrator permissions (root).
OS administrator permissions are required to collect the information.
Execute the fjsnap command and managersnap command.
Please execute both commands. If the fjsnap command cannot be executed for some reason, use only the managersnap command.
fjsnap command
# /opt/FJSVsnap/bin/fjsnap -a output
Replace the variable output with the name of the output medium or specific file name to save the collected information.
managersnap command
# /opt/FJSVssmgr/sbin/managersnap [-dir directory] -all
It is possible to change a directory to save the information by specifying -dir option. If the option is omitted, information will be saved in /tmp.