ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

B.10.4 Method of displaying performance

In the device tree of the Performance Management window, select and right-click an element whose performance you want to display, and then select [Show Performance Graph] on the pop-up menu. Elements for which performance can be displayed are as follows: In the tables, "A" indicates "Available" and "N/A" indicates "Not Available".

Multiple elements (whose type must be the same) can also be selected. Click two or more elements while holding down the Ctrl or Shift key, right-click, and then select [Show Performance Graph]. However, when the multiple device names are selected and right-click, the [Show Performance Graph] pop-up menu is not displayed.

The dialog shown below appears. Enter the performance display parameters.

The dialog contents depend on elements selected. For information on the input method, see "7.2 Flow of Performance Management". Specify the day and time displayed in the center of the graph in "Date Specification". You can specify a period of up to 7 days.

After input is completed, click the <OK> button, and a graph window is displayed on the right.