ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

B.9.1 Server node (host) properties

The following table describes properties of elements a server node, as displayed in the window:

The middleware and driver version information that is displayed in the properties is identical to the information output by the version information display command for the middleware and the package version information for the corresponding package. To check the relationship of this version to the product version, refer to documents such as the installation guide for the middleware.


About the VM server node

The following table shows which property explanation should be referred to, depending on which version of VMware is being used:

VMware version

Property explanation to be referenced

VMware Infrastructure 3 Version 3.0

This is handled in the same way as the Linux server nodes. Refer to the Linux explanation of "Table B.1 Server node properties".

VMware Infrastructure 3 Version 3.5 or later
VMware ESXi 3.5 or later

When a server is VM host, refer to "Table B.2 Server node (VM host) properties".
When a server is VM guest, refer to "Table B.3 Server node (VM guest) properties"

Table B.1 Server node properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the host name of a server node as the icon name. If a server node having the same host name is already stored in the manager management database, the host name indicated here may be followed by ". + suffix-number (*1)".

If the host name cannot be resolved, the host name is indicated in the "IP-ip-address" format.

*1 Suffix numbers are assigned sequentially from 0.



Indicates the device status.

The resource view displays the status of whichever of the two, the HBA and multipath, is the more abnormal. The Correlation window displays the status of the devices that are most abnormal out of all elements statuses managed in the server node.

When the monitoring status is "unmonitored" or "undefined", it is indicated as "unknown".

Monitoring Status

"invalid Password"

Indicates the level of recognition of a device by this software.

"normal" indicates that the device is recognized normally.

"unmonitored" indicates that the device is registered with this software but cannot be recognized for operation with a LAN.

"undefined" indicates that operation of the device in a LAN has been verified, though the device is not registered with this software.

In the case of "invalid Password", change the device password stored by this software. Select [Device] - [Change account for device management] from the resource view menu.

Vender ID

Any character string

Indicates information which identifies manufacturer's name or manufacturer.

When cannot specify manufacturer, the following information is displayed.

  • For the Solaris OS versions of Agent, information collected with the uname -i command is displayed.

  • For the Windows versions of Agent, information collected with WMI collection is displayed.

However, for the Linux versions of Agent, for the HP-UX versions of Agent and when no information could be collected, no value is displayed.

Product ID

Any character string

Indicates information which identifies product's name or product.

When cannot specify product, the following information is displayed.

  • For the Solaris OS versions of Agent, information collected with the uname -i command is displayed.

  • For the Windows versions of Agent, information collected with WMI collection is displayed.

  • For the HP-UX versions of Agent, information collected with the uname -i command is displayed.

  • For the AIX version of Agent, information collected with the uname -M command is displayed.

However, for the Linux versions of Agent and when no information could be collected, no value is displayed.

IP Address

IP address

Indicates the IP address of a device in a LAN.

Management Software

Any character string

Indicates the Management Software set in the resource view.

Server Node Information

OS Type

"Linux (SUSE)",

Indicates an OS name.

Solaris denotes the Solaris OS.

Windows NT denotes WindowsNT, Windows2000 denotes Windows 2000, Windows2003 denotes Windows Server 2003, and Windows2008 denotes Windows Server 2008.

Linux, Linux (SUSE) denotes Linux.

Linux(VMware) denotes VMware.

HP-UX denotes HP-UX.

AIX denotes AIX.

OS Version

Any character string

Indicates the OS version number.

For the Solaris OS versions of Agent, 2.6, 7, 8, and 9 are displayed.

For the Windows versions of Agent, 4.0, 5.0 and 5.2 are displayed.

For the Linux versions of Agent, the kernel version numbers are displayed.

For the HP-UX versions of Agent, the release identifiers are displayed.

For the AIX versions of Agent, version numbers are displayed in the "version-number.release-number" format.

Agent Version

Any character string

Indicates the internal version number information of Agent.

However, if no information could be collected from Agent, no value is displayed.

Node identifier

Node identifier

Indicates a PRIMECLUSTER node identifier.

This information is displayed only in the Solaris OS or Linux(RHEL) PRIMECLUSTER environment. Nothing is displayed if Agent fails to collect information.



Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.

Memo pad


Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.


Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.


Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.

Table B.2 Server node (VM host) properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

VM host name

Indicates the host name of VM host.



Indicates the status of a device.
It changes by the status of the access path.
When the monitoring status is "invalid Password", it is indicated as "warning".
When the monitoring status is "unmonitored" or "undefined", it is indicated as "unknown".

Monitoring Status

"invalid Password"

Indicates the level of recognition of a device by this software.
"normal" indicates that the device is recognized normally.
"unmonitored" indicates that the VM host is not running or this software cannot communicate with VM host.
"invalid Password" indicates that this software detected the login name change or password change for VM host.

Vender ID


Not displayed.

Product ID


Not displayed.

IP Address

IP address of VM host

Indicates the IP address of VM host.

Management Software

Any character string

Indicates the Management Software set in the resource view.

Server Node Information

OS Type

Product name of VMware

Indicates the product name of VMware.

OS Version

Version of VMware

Indicates the VMware version number.

Agent Version


Not displayed.

VM Guest Information

VM Guest Name

Virtual machine name, or host name of guest OS

Indicates the virtual machine name of VM guest.
When the VMware Tools is running on the guest OS, the host name of guest OS is indicated.



Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.

Memo pad


Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.


Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.


Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.

Table B.3 Server node (VM guest) properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

VM guest name

Indicates the virtual machine name of VM guest.
When the VMware Tools is running on the guest OS, the host name of guest OS is indicated.



Indicates the status of a device.

[When the VMware Tools is not installed on the guest OS]
"normal" indicates that the virtual machine is running.
"stop" indicates that the virtual machine is not running.

[When the VMware Tools is installed on the guest OS]
"normal" indicates that the VMware Tools is running.
"stop" indicates that the VMware Tools is not running (including that virtual machine is not running).

When the monitoring status is "invalid Password", it is indicated as "warning".
When the monitoring status is "unmonitored", it is indicated as "unknown".

Monitoring Status

"invalid Password"

Indicates the level of recognition of a device by this software.
"normal" indicates that the device is recognized normally.
"unmonitored" indicates that the VM host is not running or this software cannot communicate with VM host.
"invalid Password" indicates that this software detected the login name change or password change for VM host that this VM guest belongs.

Vender ID


Not displayed.

Product ID


Not displayed.

IP Address

IP address of guest OS

Indicates the IP address of guest OS.
When the VMware Tools is not running on the guest OS, no information is displayed.

Management Software

Any character string

Indicates the Management Software set in the resource view.

Server Node Information

OS Type

OS name of guest OS
Product name of VMware

Indicates the OS name of guest OS.
When the VMware Tools is not running on the guest OS, the product name of VMware is displayed.

OS Version

Product version of VMware

When the VMware Tools is running on the guest OS, no information is displayed.
When the VMware Tools is not running on the guest OS, the product version of VMware is displayed.

Agent Version


Not displayed.

VM Host Name

Host name of VM host

Indicates the host name of VM host.



Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.

Memo pad


Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.


Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.


Any character string

The same information as that of the properties of the Domain and Side views is displayed.

Table B.4 Application elements properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Displays the name of an application as the icon name



Displays the application status.

"normal" indicates the status that all information associated with the application is available.

"warning" indicates the status that information associated with the application such as DBMS (database) system information and raw device information cannot be obtained. In this status the icon name for unavailable information is displayed.

Status Description

Character string indicating details about the status

Indicates detail information on the status.

In the "normal" status, no message is displayed.

In the "warning" status, the following message is displayed indicating that the associated information could not be obtained.
"A connection point element doesn't exist. (xxxxxx, ...)"
xxxx is the icon name for unavailable information.

Application Information


Any character string

Displays information on the administrator of the application. (It can be changed manually with the <Change> button.)

Management Software

Any character string

Indicates the start command or URL of Management Software. (It can be changed manually with the <Change> button.)


Any character string

Displays memo information. (It can be changed manually with the <Change> button.)

Table B.5 Oracle database properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a database name as an icon name.

Instance Status


Indicates the instance status.

Status Description


Indicates the instance status.

OPEN is displayed after a startup or alter database open command is executed.

Oracle DB Information

Instance Name

Any character string

Indicates an instance name.

Instance Start Time

Any character string

Indicates the instance start date and time.


Any character string

Indicates the leading 64 characters of the Oracle database version number.

Table B.6 Oracle database integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"DBMS Devices(Oracle)"

Indicates an integration icon name.

DB Information


Any character string

Indicates a database name as an icon name.

Instance Status


Indicates the instance status.

Status Description


Indicates the instance status.

OPEN is displayed after a startup or alter database open command is executed.

Instance Name

Any character string

Indicates an instance name.

Instance Start Time

Any character string

Indicates the instance start date and time.


Any character string

Indicates the leading 64 characters of the Oracle database version number.

Table B.7 Oracle file type properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Instance Name"_Control",
Instance Name"_Data",
Instance Name"_Log"

Indicates an instance name and file type as an icon name.

Control indicates a control file.

Data indicates a data file.

Log indicates a log file.

Table B.8 Oracle file type integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"DBMS File Types(Oracle)"

Indicates an integration icon name.

Oracle DB File Information

File Types

Instance Name"_Control",
Instance Name"_Data",
Instance Name"_Log"

Indicates an instance name and file type as an icon name.

Control indicates a control file.

Data indicates a data file.

Log indicates a log file.

Table B.9 Oracle file properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a raw device name, file name or disk group name as an icon name.

File Status


Indicates the file status.

Status Description

If the file type is a control file:

If the file type is a data file:

If the file type is a log file:

Indicates the file status.

The detailed statuses are as follows for a control file:

CURRENT indicates that the standby database is open after activation or recovery.

BACKUP indicates that the database is being recovered with the backup file.

CREATED indicates that the database is being recovered with the created file.

CLONE indicates the clone database status.

STANDBY indicates the standby database status.

The detailed statuses are as follows for a data file:

ONLINE indicates the online state.

OFFLINE indicates the offline state.

SYSTEM indicates the system data file status.

RECOVER indicates recovery is required.

SYSOFF indicates the offline system status.

The detailed statuses are as follows for a log file:

UNUSED indicates that the REDO log has not yet been written.

CURRENT indicates the current REDO log status.

ACTIVE indicates the active log status, not the current log status.

CLEARING indicates the status of log re-creation.

CLEARING_CURRENT indicates the erasure status of the current log.

INACTIVE indicates the log status not required for instance recovery.

INVALID indicates that the REDO log file cannot be accessed.

STALE indicates that the contents of the REDO log file are incomplete.

DELETED indicates that the REDO log file is not being used.

DB File Information

Log Group Number

Decimal number

For a log file, a log group number is displayed.

Creation Date

File creation date and time

For a control or data file, the file creation date and time are displayed.

Data Type

Any character string

For a data file, the table area name of the file is displayed.

File Type


Indicates the file type.

Control_File indicates a control file.

Data_File indicates a data file.

Log_File indicates a log file.

Table B.10 Oracle file integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"DBMS Files(Oracle)"

Indicates an integration icon name.

DB File Information

File Name

Any character string

Indicates a raw device name, file name or disk group name as an icon name.

File Status


Indicates the file status.

Status Description

If the file type is a control file:

If the file type is a data file:

If the file type is a log file:

Indicates the file status.

The detailed statuses are as follows for a control file:

CURRENT indicates that the standby database is open after activation or recovery.

BACKUP indicates that the database is being recovered with the backup file.

CREATED indicates that the database is being recovered with the created file.

CLONE indicates the clone database status.

STANDBY indicates the standby database status.

The detailed statuses are as follows for a data file:

ONLINE indicates the online state.

OFFLINE indicates the offline state.

SYSTEM indicates the system data file status.

RECOVER indicates recovery is required.

SYSOFF indicates the offline system status.

The detailed statuses are as follows for a log file:

UNUSED indicates that the REDO log has not yet been written.

CURRENT indicates the current REDO log status.

ACTIVE indicates the active log status, not the current log status.

CLEARING indicates the status of log re-creation.

CLEARING_CURRENT indicates the erasure status of the current log.

INACTIVE indicates the log status not required for instance recovery.

INVALID indicates that the REDO log file cannot be accessed.

STALE indicates that the contents of the REDO log file are incomplete.

DELETED indicates that the REDO log file is not being used.

Log Group Number

Decimal number

For a log file, a log group number is displayed.

Creation Date

File creation date and time

For a control or data file, the file creation date and time are displayed.

Data Type

Any character string

For a data file, the table area name of the file is displayed.

File Type


Indicates the file type.

Control_File indicates a control file.

Data_File indicates a data file.

Log_File indicates a log file.

Table B.11 Symfoware database properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a database name as an icon name.

For multi-RDB operations, the database name is displayed in the format of an RDB system name.database name.

DB Information

Create Date

Database definition date and time

Indicates the database definition date and time.

Create User

Any character string

Indicates the database definer name.


Any character string

Indicates the Symfoware version number.

Table B.12 Symfoware database integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"DBMS Devices(Symfo)"

Indicates an integration icon name.

DB Information


Any character string

Indicates a database name.

For multi-RDB operations, the database name is displayed in the format of an RDB system name.database name.

Create Date

Database definition date and time

Indicates the database definition date and time.

Create User

Any character string

Indicates the database definer name.


Any character string

Indicates the Symfoware version number.

Table B.13 Symfoware file type properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Log group name"_UserLogGroup",
DB name"_DBSpace"

For multi-RDB operation, RDB system name":", or RDB system name"". is prefixed to the value.

Indicates the file type as an icon name.

RDBDic indicates the RDB dictionary.

RDBDir is the RDB directory.

Log is the log group management file.

system is the system log group.

Log group name"_UserLogGroup" is a user log group.

DB name"_DBSpace" is a database.

Table B.14 Symfoware file type integration properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"DBMS File Types(Symfo)"

Indicates an integration icon name.

DB File Type Information

File Types

Log group name"_UserLogGroup",
DB name"_DBSpace"

For multi-RDB operation, RDB system name":", or RDB system name"". is prefixed to the value.

Indicates the file type as an icon name.

RDBDic indicates the RDB dictionary.

RDBDir is the RDB directory.

Log is the log group management file.

system is the system log group.

Log group name"_UserLogGroup" is a user log group.

DB name"_DBSpace" is a database.

Table B.15 Symfoware file properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a raw device name or file name as an icon name.

File Status


Indicates the file status.

Status Description

For a dictionary file:

For the RDB Directory file for a user log group:

For a log group management file:

For a log management file:

For a temporary log file:

For an archive log file:

For a database space:

Indicates the detailed status of the file.

For a dictionary file, the detailed statuses are as follows:
HER indicates a hardware failure. SOF indicates a software error. CRV indicates a down recovery error. MRV indicates a media recovery error. TIH indicates a rollback error. IND indicates the in-doubt state (displayed only for load sharing operations). CMD indicates that the RDB command is being executed. FTR indicates the flash treatment blockade state (displayed only for load sharing operations). --- indicates that there is no operation information.

For the RDB Directory file for a user log group, the detailed statuses are as follows:
normal indicates that the file can be used. inhibit indicates that the file is access-inhibited.

For a log group management file, the detailed statuses are as follows:
--- indicates the normal state. trouble and trouble(CMD) indicate an abnormal state.

For a log management file, the detailed statuses are as follows:
avail indicates that the file was created normally. failure and failure(CMD) indicate a destroyed file or an input-output error.

For a temporary log file, the detailed statuses are as follows:
--- indicates that the file is not used. active indicates that the file is being used (Symfoware/RDB operation in progress) or that recovery is required (Symfoware/RDB operation is stopped). trouble and trouble(CMD) indicate an abnormal state.

For an archive log file, the detailed statuses are as follows:
using indicates the file is being used. full indicate the file is waiting to be saved. empty indicates that the file is not used. inh and inh(CMD) indicate an abnormal state. switch indicates forcible file switching. icoff indicates that file has been discarded.

For a database space, the detailed statuses are as follows:
HER indicates a hardware failure. SOF indicates a software error. DER indicates a data error. CRV indicates a down recovery error. MRV indicates a media recovery error. TIH indicates a rollback error. DIR indicates an RDB directory file error. ALD indicates a postscript processing error of the rdbsaloader command. CMD indicates that the RDB command is being executed. FMT indicates that format processing is in progress. IND indicates the in-doubt state (displayed only for load sharing operations). FTR indicates the flash treatment blockade state (displayed only for load sharing operations). --- indicates that there is no operation information.

Database Space Status

Format: Type of operation information/target containing operation information

Type of Operation Information:

Target Containing Operation Information:

Indicates detail information on the database space.

The types of operation information are as follows:
INH indicates that access is suppressed. NUP indicates that write is suppressed. NRC indicates that there is no recovery. NRW indicates that read and write are suppressed. --- indicates that there is no operation information.

Targets containing operation information are as follows:
DBS indicates that operation information has been set on the entire database space. --- indicates that there is no operation information.

DB File Information

File Type

"RDB Dictionary",
"RDB Directory(user)",
"Loggroup Management File",
"Log Management File",
"Temporary Log Index",
"Temporary Log Ai",
"Temporary Log Bi",
"Archive Log",
"DB Space"

Indicates the file type.

RDB Dictionary denotes the RDB dictionary. RDB Directory denotes the RDB directory. RDB Directory(user) denotes the RDB directory for a user log group. Loggroup Management File denotes the log group management file. Log Management File denotes the log management file. Temporary Log Index denotes the index area for temporary logs. Temporary Log Ai denotes the Ai temporary log file. Temporary Log Bi denotes the Bi temporary log file. Archive Log denotes an archive log file. DB Space denotes a database.

Creation Date

Date and time of file creation and re-registration

Indicates the date and time when a temporary log file is created and re-registered.

This information is displayed only for the temporary log file.


Any character string

Indicates a log group name.

This information is displayed only for a system log group log management file, system log group RDB directory file, user log group log management file, and user log group RDB directory file.


Decimal number

Indicates the number of transaction entries.

This information is displayed only for a raw device or a file in which the log index area is defined.

DataBase Space Name

Any character string

Indicates a database space name.

This information is displayed only for a raw device or a file in which a database space is defined.

Table B.16 Symfoware file integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"DBMS Files(Symfo)"

Indicates an integration icon name.

DB File Information

File name

Any character string

Indicates a raw device name or file name as an icon name.



Indicates the file status.

Status Description

For a dictionary file:

For the RDB Directory file for a user log group:

For a log group management file:

For a log management file:

For a temporary log file:

For an archive log file:

For a database space:

Indicates the detailed status of the file.

For a dictionary file, the detailed statuses are as follows:
HER indicates a hardware failure. SOF indicates a software error. CRV indicates a down recovery error. MRV indicates a media recovery error. TIH indicates a rollback error. IND indicates the in-doubt state (displayed only for load sharing operations). CMD indicates that the RDB command is being executed. FTR indicates the flash treatment blockade state (displayed only for load sharing operations). --- indicates that there is no operation information.

For the RDB Directory file for a user log group, the detailed statuses are as follows:
normal indicates that the file can be used. inhibit indicates that the file is access-inhibited.

For a log group management file, the detailed statuses are as follows:
--- indicates the normal state. trouble and trouble(CMD) indicate an abnormal state.

For a log management file, the detailed statuses are as follows:
avail indicates that the file was created normally. failure and failure(CMD) indicate a destroyed file or an input-output error.

For a temporary log file, the detailed statuses are as follows:
--- indicates that the file is not used. active indicates that the file is being used (Symfoware/RDB operation in progress) or that recovery is required (Symfoware/RDB operation is stopped). trouble and trouble(CMD) indicate an abnormal state.

For an archive log file, the detailed statuses are as follows:
using indicates the file is being used. full indicate the file is waiting to be saved. empty indicates that the file is not being used. inh and inh(CMD) indicate an abnormal state. switch indicates forcible file switching. icoff indicates that file has been discarded.

For a database space, the detailed statuses are as follows:
HER indicates a hardware failure. SOF indicates a software error. DER indicates a data error. CRV indicates a down recovery error. MRV indicates a media recovery error. TIH indicates a rollback error. DIR indicates an RDB directory file error. ALD indicates a postscript processing error of the rdbsaloader command. CMD indicates that the RDB command is being executed. FMT indicates that format processing is in progress. IND indicates the in-doubt state (displayed only for load sharing operations). FTR indicates the flash treatment blockade state (displayed only for load sharing operations). --- indicates that there is no operation information.

Database Space Status

Format: Type of operation information/target containing operation information

Type of Operation Information:

Target Containing Operation Information:

Indicates detail information on the database space.

The types of operation information are as follows:
INH indicates that access is suppresed. NUP indicates that write is suppresed. NRC indicates that there is no recovery. NR indicates that read and write is suppresed. --- indicates that there is no operation information.

Targets containing operation information are as follows:
DBS indicates that operation information has been set on the entire database space. --- indicates that there is no operation information.

File Type

"RDB Dictionary",
"RDB Directory(user)",
"Loggroup Management File",
"Log Management File",
"Temporary Log Index",
"Temporary Log Ai",
"Temporary Log Bi",
"Archive Log",
"DB Space"

Indicates the file type.

RDB Dictionary denotes the RDB dictionary. RDB Directory denotes the RDB directory. RDB Directory(user) denotes the RDB directory for a user log group. Loggroup Management File denotes the log group management file. Log Management File denotes the log management file. Temporary Log Index denotes the index area for temporary logs. Temporary Log Ai denotes the Ai temporary log file. Temporary Log Bi denotes the Bi temporary log file. Archive Log denotes an archive log file. DB Space denotes a database.

Creattion Date

Date and time of file creation and re-registration

Indicates the date and time when a temporary log file is created and re-registered.

This information is displayed only for the temporary log file.


Any character string

Indicates a log group name.

This information is displayed only for a system log group log management file, system log group RDB directory file, user log group log management file, and user log group RDB directory file.


Decimal number

Indicates the number of transaction entries.

This information is displayed only for a raw device or a file in which the log index area is defined.

DataBase Space Name

Any character string

Indicates a database space name.

This information is displayed only for a raw device or a file in which a database space is defined.

Table B.17 SQL Server database properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Adds "instance name:" when an instance name is specified.

Indicates the name of a database.

Database Status


Indicates the database status.

Status Description

"pre recovery",
"not recovered",

Indicates the database status.

OK indicates that is normal. pre recovery indicates that the recovery processing in progress. recovering indicates that the recovery processing in progress. not recovered indicates that recovery failed. offline indicates that it is offline.

DB Information

Data definition date

Any character string

Indicates the database definition date and time.


Any character string

Indicates SQL Server version information.

Table B.18 SQLServer database integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"DBMS Devices(SQL Server)"

Indicates an integration icon name.

DB Information


Any character string

Adds "instance name:" when an instance name is specified.

Indicates the name of an integration icon.



Indicates the database status.

Status Description

"pre recovery",
"not recovered",

Indicates the database status.

OK indicates that is normal. pre recovery indicates that the recovery processing in progress. recovering indicates that the recovery processing in progress. not recovered indicates that recovery failed. offline indicates that it is offline.

Create Date

Any character string

Indicates the database definition date and time.


Any character string

Indicates SQL Server version information.

Table B.19 SQLServer file type properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

DB name:file group name

Adds "instance name" when an instance name is specified.

Indicates the name of a file group.

Table B.20 SQLServer file type integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"DBMS File Types(SQL Server)"

Indicates the name of an integration icon.

DB Filegroup Integration

Filegroup Name

DB name:file group name

Adds "instance name" when an instance name is specified.

Indicates the name of a file group.

Table B.21 SQLServer file properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the full path to a file.

Logical Name

Any character string

Indicates the logical name of a file.

File Type

"Data File",
"Log File"

Indicates the file type.

Data File denotes a data file. Log File denotes a log file.

Table B.22 SQLServer file integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"DBMS Files(SQL Server)"

Indicates the name of an integration icon.

DB File Information

File Name

Any character string

Indicates the full path to a file.

Logical Name

Any character string

Indicates the logical name of a file.

File Type

"Data File",
"Log File"

Indicates the file type.

Data File denotes a data file. Log File denotes a log file.

Table B.23 UFS mount point properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the file system type (ufs) and mount point as an icon name.

UFS-File System Information

Device No.

Hexadecimal number

Indicates a device number.

Table B.24 ZFS mount point properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the file system type and mount point as an icon name.
It is displayed as follows.

ufs (zfs) mount point

Table B.25 ZFS area properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the device name, device slice name, or file name as an icon name.

File System Type

File System ID

Any character string

Indicates the ZFS storage pool name.

Device Number

Hexadecimal number

Indicates a device number.

Mount Point

Any character string

Indicates the mount point.

Table B.26 QFS mount point properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the file system type and mount point as an icon name.
It is displayed as follows.

ufs (QFS/SAM-QFS/SAM-FS) mount point

Table B.27 QFS area properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the number specified for Equipment Ordinal field of the mcf file defined when the QFS is constructed, as an icon name.

File System Type

File System ID

Any character string

Indicates the QFS file system name.

Device Number

Hexadecimal number

Indicates a device number.

Mount Point

Any character string

Indicates the mount point.

Table B.28 SafeFILE(/Global) and GFS mount point properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the file system type (sfxfs, sfcfs) and mount type as an icon name.


Any character string

Indicates the version information of SafeFILE(/Global) and GFS.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Management Software

Any character string

Indicates the URL that an administrative client can use to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View".

This information is displayed only in the following cases:

* For the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system

* When "Web-Based Admin View" is running on the server node

To enable a client to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View", the administrative client must satisfy the operating requirements of the "Web-Based Admin View" menu. Moreover, the administrative client is subject to the following restrictions:

* The administrative client must have Java Plug-in.

* The URL of the primary administrative server is displayed.

Table B.29 SafeFILE(/Global) and GFS area properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)


Indicates usage of the SafeFILE, SafeFILE/Global, or GFS partition as an icon name.

META indicates a metadata area.

LOG indicates an update log area.

DATA indicates a file data area.


Any character string

Indicates version information of SafeFILE(/Global) and GFS.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Management Software

Any character string

Indicates the URL that an administrative client can use to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View".

This information is displayed only in the following cases:

* For the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system

* When "Web-Based Admin View" is running on the server node

To enable the administrative client to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View", the administrative client must satisfy the operating requirements of the "Web-Based Admin View" menu. Moreover, the administrative client is subject to the following restrictions:

* The administrative client must have Java Plug-in.

* The URL of the primary administrative server is displayed.

File System Type


Decimal number

Indicates the partition size (in kilobytes).

The displayed value is 0 during configuration change processing.

File System ID

FS identification number or partition ID

Indicates an FS identification number for the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system.

Indicates a partition ID for the SafeFILE and GFS local file system.



"add" is displayed only during partition addition processing.

Device Number

Hexadecimal number

Indicates a device number.


Any character string

Indicates the mount point.

If no device is currently mounted, ----- is displayed for the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system.

Table B.30 SafeFILE(/Global) and GFS area integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"File System Areas( "File System Type (sfxfs,sfcfs) and Mount Point" )"

Indicates usage of the SafeFILE(/Global), GFS area integration information as an icon name.

File System type(sfxfs,sfcfs) and Mount Point is correlated with integrated SafeFILE(/Global) and GFS area.

File System Type Integration



Indicates usage of the SafeFILE, SafeFILE/Global, or GFS partition as an icon name.

META indicates a metadata area.

LOG indicates an update log area.

DATA indicates a file data area.


Any character string

Indicates version information of SafeFILE(/Global) and GFS.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Management Software


Indicates the URL that an administrative client can use to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View".

This information is displayed only in the following cases:

* For the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system

* When "Web-Based Admin View" is running on the server node

To enable the administrative client to open the menu of Management Software "Web-Based Admin View", the administrative client must satisfy the operating requirements of the "Web-Based Admin View" menu. Moreover, the administrative client is subject to the following restrictions:

* The administrative client must have Java Plug-in.

* The URL of the primary administrative server is displayed.


Decimal number

Indicates the partition size (kilobytes).

The displayed value is 0 during configuration change processing.

File System ID

FS identification number or partition ID

Indicates an FS identification number for the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system.

Indicates a partition ID for the SafeFILE and GFS local file system.



"add" is displayed only during partition addition processing.

Device Number

Hexadecimal number

Indicates a device number.


Any character string

Indicates the mount point.

If no device is currently mounted, ----- is displayed for the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system.

Table B.31 Windows file system properties (only applicable to the Windows versions of Agent)

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the file system (fat, fat32, ntfs) and drive letter as an icon name.

File System Information

Volume Serial No.

Hexadecimal number

Indicates a volume serial number.

Volume Label Name

Any character string

Indicates a volume label name.

Disk No.

Any character string

Indicates a disk number (assigned by Windows OS to each LU).

Table B.32 ext2 mount point properties (only available for the Linux versions of Agent)

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the file system type (ext2) and mount point as the icon name.

File System Information

Device Number

Hexadecimal number

Indicates a device number.

Table B.33 ext3 mount point properties (only available for the Linux versions of Agent)

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the file system type (ext3) and mount point as the icon name.

Table B.34 ext3 area properties (only available for the Linux versions of Agent)

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)


Indicates the intended use of the ext3 file system as the icon name.

META/DATA denotes the meta data and file data areas.

JOURNAL denotes the journal area.

File System Type

Device Number

Hexadecimal number

Indicates a device number.

Table B.35 ext3 area integration information properties (only available for the Linux versions of Agent)

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"File System Areas(file system type (ext3) and mount point)"

Indicates the name of ext3 area integration information as the icon name.

Indicates the file system type (ext3) and mount point associated with the integrated ext3 area.

File System Type Integration



Indicates the intended use of the ext3 file system area.

META/DATA denotes the meta data and file data areas.

JOURNAL denotes the journal area.

Device Number

Hexadecimal number

Indicates a device number.

Table B.36 reiserfs mount point properties (only available for the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for EM64T version of Agent and the OS is "Linux (SUSE)")

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a file system type (reiserfs) and mount point as an icon name.

Table B.37 reiserfs area properties (only available for the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for EM64T version of Agent and the OS is "Linux (SUSE)")

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)


Indicates the intended use of a reiserfs file system area as an icon name.

META/DATA denotes a metadata and file data areas.

JOURNAL denotes a journal area.

File System Information

Device Number

Hexadecimal number

Indicates a device number.

Table B.38 reiserfs area integration information properties (only available for the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 for EM64T version of Agent and the OS is "Linux (SUSE)")

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"File System Areas ("file system type (reiserfs) and mount point")"

Indicates the name of the reiserfs area integration information as an icon name.

Indicates the file system type (reiserfs) and mount point associated with an integrated reiserfs area.

File System Area Integration Information

Area Usage


Indicates the intended use of the reiserfs file system area.

META/DATA denotes a metadata and file data areas.

JOURNAL denotes a journal area.

Device Number

Hexadecimal number

Indicates a device number.

Table B.39 SafeDISK(/Global) and GDS volume properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a volume name as an icon name.

Asterisk (*) indicates an area that cannot be allocated for a volume or an area that can be allocated for a volume but has not yet been allocated.



Indicates the volume status to which the slice status on a local node is added.

normal indicates that the volume is active and all of the associated slices are active.

warning indicates that the volume is active and part of the associated slices are inactive.

stop indicates that the volume is suspended and all of the associated slices are suspended.

error indicates that the volume cannot be started or is suspended and part of the associated slices are not suspended.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, it indicates the volume status to which the slice status on a local node is not added.

normal indicates that the volume is active.

stop indicates that the volume is suspended.

error indicates that the volume cannot be started.

Status Description

"exist non active slice",
"all slices stopped",
"exist non stop slice",
"volume cannot be activated due to problem with data"

Indicates the volume status to which the slice status on a local node is added. When the volume status is normal, no information is displayed.

exist non active slice indicates that the volume is active and part of the associated slices are inactive.

all slices stopped indicates that the volume is suspended and all of the associated slices are suspended.

exist non stop slice indicates that the volume is suspended and part of the associated slices are not suspended.

volume cannot be activated due to problem with data indicates that the volume is suspended and cannot be started due to invalid data.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, it indicates the volume status to which the slice status on a local node is added.

ACTIVE indicates the volume is operating.

STOP indicates the volume is stopped.

INVALID indicates that the volume is stopped and cannot be started because data is invalid.

FREE indicates that an area has not yet been allocated for the volume.

PRIVATE is the area used by SafeDISK (/Global) or GDS for control and cannot be assigned as a volume.


Any character string

Indicates version information of SafeDISK(/Global) and GDS.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Management Software


Indicates the URL that an administrative client can use to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View".

This information is displayed only in the following cases:

* For the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system

* When "Web-Based Admin View" is running on the server node

To enable the administrative client to open the menu of Management Software "Web-Based Admin View", the administrative client must satisfy the operating requirements of the "Web-Based Admin View" menu. Moreover, the administrative client is subject to the following restrictions:

* The administrative client must have Java Plug-in.

* The URL of the primary administrative server is displayed.

Mirror Disk Volume Information-1

Volume Status


Indicates the status of a volume on the local node.

ACTIVE indicates that it is active.

STOP indicates that it is suspended.

INVALID indicates that it is suspended and cannot be started due to invalid data.

FREE indicates that it is not assigned as a volume.

PRIVATE is the area used by SafeDISK (/Global) or GDS for control and cannot be assigned as a volume.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.



Indicates the proxy volume status.

join indicates the linkage status.

part indicates the separation status.

"*" indicates that SafeDISK Snapshot has not yet been installed or no proxy volume is used.



Indicates the access mode attribute value (default access mode).

Mode indicates the local node status.

rw indicates that both reading and writing are enabled.

ro indicates that only reading is enabled.

"*" indicates that an area cannot be allocated for the volume or that an area can be allocated but has not yet been allocated for the volume.



Indicates the current access mode of the active volume.

Mode indicates the local node status.

rw indicates that both reading and writing are enabled.

ro indicates that only reading is enabled.

* indicates that the volume has not been started.



Indicates the lock mode.

Mode indicates the local node status.

on indicates a lock against subsequent starts (suppressed).

off indicates no lock against subsequent starts.

* indicates that an area cannot be allocated for the volume or that an area can be allocated but has not yet been allocated.

First Block

Decimal number

Indicates the first block (sector) number.

Last Block

Decimal number

Indicates the last block (sector) number.


Decimal number

Indicates the number of blocks (sectors) as the size.

Mirror Disk Volume Information-2

Skip Mode


Indicates the resynchronization skip mode.

on indicates that the resynchronization skip mode is on.

off indicates that the resynchronization skip mode is off.

* indicates that an area cannot be allocated for the volume or that an area can be allocated but has not yet been allocated for the volume.

Jrm Mode


Indicates the high-speed resynchronization mode.

on indicates the high-speed resynchronization mode is on.

off indicates the high-speed resynchronization mode is off.

* indicates that an area cannot be allocated for the volume or that an area can be allocated but has not yet been allocated for the volume.

Disk Class

Any character string

Indicates the name of the class to which a disk belongs.

Volume Type


Indicates the type attribute.

mirror indicates that the volume belongs to the mirror group.

stripe indicates that the volume belongs to the GDS stripe group.

concat indicates that the volume belongs to the GDS concatenation group.

switch indicates that the volume belongs to a GDS switch group.

single indicates that the volume belongs to a single disk.


Any character string

Indicates that the name of the group to which a volume belongs.

The asterisk (*) indicates a single volume.

Master Volume

Any character string

Indicates the name of the master volume.

The asterisk (*) indicates that SafeDISK and GDS Snapshot are not installed or no proxy volume is used.

Connected Disk

Any character string

Indicates the name of the disk to which a volume belongs.

The asterisk (*) indicates a mirror volume.

Physical Slice


Indicates the physical slice attribute of a volume.

This information is displayed only for GDS.

on indicates that the physical slice attribute of the volume is on.

off indicates that the physical slice attribute of the volume is off.

The asterisk (*) indicates an occupied or unallocated area.

Slice No.

Decimal number

or "*"

Indicates the number of slices that form the volume.

This information is displayed only for GDS.

* indicates that no physical slices are part of the volume.

Slice Information


Any character string

Indicates the name of the slice.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Slice Status


Indicates the slice status on a local node.

ACTIVE indicates that the slice is active.

STOP indicates that the slice is suspended.

INVALID indicates that the slice is temporarily detached because the data are invalid.

COPY indicates that copying is in progress to ensure data.

TEMP indicates that the slice is detached from the volume temporarily and running independently.

TEMP-STOP indicates that the slice is detached from the volume temporarily and suspended independently.

NOUSE indicates that the slice is suspended and no operation is available.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.


Any character string

Indicates the name of the class to which the slice belongs.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.


Any character string

Indicates the name of the highest level group to which the slice belongs.

For a single slice, the asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.


Any character string

Displays the name of the disk or the lower level group (group to which this slice belongs among groups directly connected to the related highest level group) to which the slice belongs.

For the highest level group is a stripe group or a concatenation group an asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.


Any character string

Indicates the name of the volume to which the slice belongs.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Copy Status


Indicates the copy processing status.

run indicates that the copy processing is in progress.

bg indicates that the copy processing is in progress background but access to valid data is available.

intr indicates that the copy processing is suspended.

wait indicates that the copy processing is in queue because many copy processes are currently in execution.

The asterisk (*) indicates that it is not being copied.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Jrm Mode


Indicates the high-speed resynchronization mode.

on indicates that the high-speed resynchronization mode is on.

off indicates that the high-speed resynchronization mode is off.

The asterisk (*) indicates that it is not a mirror slice temporarily detached from the mirror volume.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.



Indicates the access mode.

rw indicates that both reading and writing are available.

ro indicates that only reading is available.

The asterisk (*) indicates that the slice is not a mirror slice temporarily detached from the mirror volume.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Cur Blocks

Decimal number or "*"

Indicates the number of blocks (sectors) already copied.

When the slice is not being copied or EMC TimeFinder or EMC SRDF is conducting the copy processing, the asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Copy Blocks

Decimal number or "*"

Indicates the number of blocks (sectors) needed to be copied.

When the slice is not being copied, the asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Copy Delay Time

Decimal number or "*"

Indicates copy delay time. The unit is milliseconds.

When the slice is not being copied, the asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Copy Type


Indicates the type of copy function being used to copy data between the master and the proxy.

soft indicates that the copy processing is in execution using a copy function (soft copy function) of the GDS sfdsk driver.

EC indicates that the EC function is currently being executed in the ETERNUS series or GR series unit.

OPC indicates that the OPC function is currently being executed in the ETERNUS series or GR series unit.

REC indicates that the REC function is currently being executed in the ETERNUS series or GR series unit.

ROPC indicates that the ROPC function is currently being executed in the ETERNUS series or GR series unit.

TF indicates that the copy processing is in execution using EMC TimeFinder.

SRDF indicates that the copy processing is in execution using EMC SRDF.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Source Proxy Volume

Any character string

Indicates the name of the restoring copy source volume.

For a slice not composing the copy destination master volume in which copy for restoring in progress, the asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Table B.40 SafeDISK(/Global) and GDS volume integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"Mirror Driver Volumes( "Group name" )"

Indicates a SafeDISK(Global) and GDS volume integration information name as an icon name.

The group name that integrated SafeDISK(Global) and GDS volume belong is shown.

Mirror Disk Volume Information-1

Volume Name

Any character string

Indicates a volume name

Asterisk (*) indicates an area that cannot be allocated for a volume or an area that can be allocated for a volume but has not yet been allocated.



Indicates the volume status including the slice status on a local node.

normal indicates that the volume is active and all of the associated slices are active.

warning indicates that the volume is active and some of the associated slices are inactive.

stop indicates that the volume is suspended and all of the associated slices are suspended.

error indicates that the volume cannot be started or is suspended and some of the associated slices are not suspended.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, the value indicates the volume status not including the slice status on a local node.

normal indicates that the volume is active.

stop indicates that the volume is suspended.

error indicates that the volume cannot be started.

Status Description

"exist non active slice",
"all slices stopped",
"exist non stop slice",
"volume cannot be activated due to problem with data"

Indicates the volume status including the slice status on a current node. When the volume status is normal, no information is displayed.

exist non active slice indicates that the volume is active and some of the associated slices are inactive.

all slices stopped indicates that the volume is suspended and all of the associated slices are suspended.

exist non stop slice indicates that the volume is suspended and some of the associated slices are not suspended.

volume cannot be activated due to problem with data indicates that the volume is suspended and cannot be started due to invalid data.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, the value indicates the volume status not enjoined by the slice status on a current node.

ACTIVE indicates the volume is operating.

STOP indicates the volume is stopped.

INVALID indicates that the volume is stopped and cannot be started because data is invalid.

FREE indicates that an area has not yet been allocated for the volume.

PRIVATE is the area used by SafeDISK (/Global) or GDS for control and cannot be assigned as a volume.


Any character string

Indicates version information of SafeDISK(/Global) and GDS.

When version information is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Management Software


Indicates the URL that an administrative client can use to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View".

This information is displayed only in the following cases:

* For the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system

* When "Web-Based Admin View" is running on the server node

To enable the administrative client to open the menu of Management Software "Web-Based Admin View", the administrative client must satisfy the operating requirements of the "Web-Based Admin View" menu. Moreover, the administrative client is subject to the following restrictions:

* The administrative client must have Java Plug-in.

* The URL of the primary administrative server is displayed.

Volume Status


Indicates the status of a volume on the local node.

ACTIVE indicates the volume is operating.

STOP indicates the volume is stopped.

INVALID indicates that the volume is stopped and cannot be started because data is invalid.

FREE indicates that an area has not yet been allocated for the volume.

PRIVATE indicates that an area cannot be allocated for the volume because it is used with SafeDISK (/Global) or GDS for control purposes.



Indicates the proxy volume status.

join indicates the linkage status.

part indicates the separation status.

"*" indicates that SafeDISK Snapshot has not yet been installed or no proxy volume is used.



Indicates the access mode attribute value (default access mode).

Mode indicates the local node status.

rw indicates that both reading and writing are enabled.

ro indicates that only reading is enabled.

"*" indicates that an area cannot be allocated for the volume or that an area can be allocated but has not yet been allocated for the volume.



Indicates the current access mode of the active volume.

Mode indicates the local node status.

rw indicates that both reading and writing are enabled.

ro indicates that only reading is enabled.

* indicates that the volume has not been started.



Indicates the lock mode.

Mode indicates the local node status.

on indicates a lock against subsequent starts (suppressed).

off indicates no lock against subsequent starts.

* indicates that an area cannot be allocated for the volume or that an area can be allocated but has not yet been allocated.

First Block

Decimal number

Indicates the first block (sector) number.

Last Block

Decimal number

Indicates the last block (sector) number.


Decimal number

Indicates the number of blocks (sectors) as the size.

Mirror Disk Volume Information-2

Volume Name

Any character string

Indicates a volume name

Asterisk (*) indicates an area that cannot be allocated for a volume or an area that can be allocated for a volume but has not yet been allocated.

Skip Mode


Indicates the resynchronization skip mode.

on indicates that the resynchronization skip mode is on.

off indicates that the resynchronization skip mode is off.

* indicates that an area cannot be allocated for the volume or that an area can be allocated but has not yet been allocated for the volume.

Jrm Mode


Indicates the high-speed resynchronization mode.

on indicates the high-speed resynchronization mode is on.

off indicates the high-speed resynchronization mode is off.

* indicates that an area cannot be allocated for the volume or that an area can be allocated but has not yet been allocated for the volume.

Disk Class

Any character string

Indicates the name of the class to which a disk belongs.

Volume Type


Indicates the type attribute.

mirror indicates that the volume belongs to the mirror group.

stripe indicates that the volume belongs to the GDS stripe group.

concat indicates that the volume belongs to the GDS concatenation group.

switch indicates that the volume belongs to a GDS switch group.

single indicates that the volume belongs to a single disk.


Any character string

Indicates that the name of the group to which a volume belongs.

Asterisk (*) indicates a single volume.

Master Volume

Any character string

Indicates the name of the master volume.

Asterisk (*) indicates that SafeDISK and GDS Snapshot are not installed or no proxy volume is used.

Connected Disk

Any character string

Indicates the name of the disk to which a volume belongs.

Asterisk (*) indicates a mirror volume.

Physical Slice


Indicates the physical slice attribute of a volume.

This information is displayed only for GDS.

on indicates that the physical slice attribute of the volume is on.

off indicates that the physical slice attribute of the volume is off.

Asterisk (*) indicates an occupied or unallocated area.

Slice Number

Decimal number

or "*"

Indicates the number of slices that form the volume.

This information is displayed only for GDS.

* indicates that no physical slices comprise the volume.

Slice Information


Any character string

Indicates the name of the slice.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Slice Status


Indicates the slice status on a local node.

ACTIVE indicates that it is active.

STOP indicates that it is suspended.

INVALID indicates that the slice is temporarily detached for the data are invalid.

COPY indicates that copying is in progress to ensure data.

TEMP indicates that the slice is detached from the volume temporarily and running by itself.

TEMP-STOP indicates that the slice is detached from the volume temporarily and suspended by itself.

NOUSE indicates that the slice is suspended and no operation is available.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.


Any character string

Indicates the name of the class to which the slice belongs.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.


Any character string

Indicates the name of the highest level group to which the slice belongs.

For a single slice, the asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.


Any character string

Displays the name of the disk or the lower level group (group to which this slice belongs among groups directly connected to the related highest level group) to which the slice belongs.

For the highest level group is a stripe group or a concatenation group the asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.


Any character string

Indicates the name of the volume to which the slice belongs.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Copy Status


Indicates the copy processing status.

run indicates that the copy processing is in progress.

bg indicates that the copy processing is in progress in background but access to valid data is available.

intr indicates that the copy processing is suspended.

wait indicates that the copy processing is in queue because many copy processes are currently in execution.

The asterisk (*) indicates that it is not being copied.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Jrm Mode


Indicates the high-speed resynchronization mode.

on indicates that the high-speed resynchronization mode is on.

off indicates that the high-speed resynchronization mode is off.

The asterisk (*) indicates that the slice is not a mirror slice temporarily detached from the mirror volume.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.



Indicates the access mode.

rw indicates that both reading and writing are available.

ro indicates that only reading is available.

The asterisk (*) indicates that it is not a mirror slice temporarily detached from the mirror volume.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Cur Blocks

Decimal number or "*"

Indicates the number of blocks (sectors) already copied.

When the slice is not being copied or EMC TimeFinder or EMC SRDF is conducting the copy processing, the asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Copy Blocks

Decimal number or "*"

Indicates the number of blocks (sectors) needed to be copied.

When the slice is not being copied, the asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Copy Delay Time

Decimal number or "*"

Indicates copy delay time. The unit is milliseconds.

When the slice is not being copied, the asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Copy Type


Indicates the type of copy function being used to copy data between the master and the proxy.

soft indicates that the copy processing is in execution using a copy function (soft copy function) of the GDS sfdsk driver.

EC indicates that the copy processing is in execution using the EC function of GR700 series.

OPC indicates that the copy processing is in execution using the OPC function of GR700 series or ETERNUS3000.

REC indicates that the copy processing is in execution using the REC function of GR700 series.

ROPC indicates that the copy processing is in execution using the ROPC function of GR700 series.

TF indicates that the copy processing is in execution using EMC TimeFinder.

SRDF indicates that the copy processing is in execution using EMC SRDF.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Source Proxy Volume

Any character string

Indicates the name of the restoring copy source volume.

For a slice not composing the restoring copy destination master volume, the asterisk (*) is displayed.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

Table B.41 SafeDISK(/Global) and GDS group properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a group name as an icon name.


Any character string

Indicates version information of SafeDISK(/Global) and GDS.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Management Software


Indicates the URL that an administrative client can use to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View".

This information is displayed only in the following cases:

* For the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system

* When "Web-Based Admin View" is running on the server node

To enable the administrative client to open the menu of Management Software "Web-Based Admin View", the administrative client must satisfy the operating requirements of the "Web-Based Admin View" menu. Moreover, the administrative client is subject to the following restrictions:

* The administrative client must have Java Plug-in.

* The URL of the primary administrative server is displayed.

Group Information


Decimal number

Indicates the group size.

The group size indicates the size of the smallest disk among connected disks. The size is the number of blocks (sectors).

Free Blocks

Decimal number

or "*"

Indicates the number of free blocks (sectors) that can be allocated to a new volume.

Asterisk (*) indicates a low-level group of GDS.

Master Group

Any character string

Indicates the name of the master group.

Asterisk (*) indicates that SafeDISK Snapshot is not installed or no proxy group is used.

Spare Count

Decimal number

or "*"

Indicates the number of connectable spare disks.

Asterisk (*) indicates a stripe or concatenation group of GDS.

Disk Class

Any character string

Indicates the name of the class to which a disk belongs.


List of any character strings

A list of connected disk names is displayed.

GDS displays a list of connected disk names and low-order group names.

Group Type


Indicates the type attribute.

This information is displayed only for GDS.

mirror indicates mirror.

stripe indicates stripe.

concat indicates concatenation.

switch indicates switch.

Stripe Width

Decimal number

or "*"

Indicates the stripe width (number of blocks).

This information is displayed only for GDS.

* indicates that no stripe group is used.

Table B.42 SafeDISK(/Global) and GDS disk properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a disk name as an icon name.



Indicates the disk status enjoined by the error status of the disk on a local node and a common node.

normal indicates that the disk is operable and no I/O error has occurred.

error indicates that the disk is not operable, or is operable and an I/O error has occurred.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, the disk status not including the error status of the disk on a local node and a common node.

normal indicates that the disk is operable.

error indicates that the disk is not operable.

Status Description

"I/O error has occurred",
"not available for work",
"available for disk exchanging"

Indicates details about the status of the disk that includes the error status of the disk on a local node and a common node. When the disk status is normal, no information is displayed.

I/O error has occurred indicates that the disk is operable in GDS and an I/O error has occurred on a local node or a common node.

not available for work indicates that the disk is not operable.

available for disk exchanging indicates that the disk is operable and can be swapped.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, the value indicates the disk status not including the error status of the disk on a local node and a common node.

ENABLE indicates the disk is operable.

DISABLE indicates the disk is inoperable.

SWAP indicates the disk is inoperable and replaceable.


Any character string

Indicates version information of SafeDISK(/Global) and GDS.

When version information is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Management Software


Indicates the URL that an administrative client can use to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View".

This information is displayed only in the following cases:

* For the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system

* When "Web-Based Admin View" is running on the server node

To enable the administrative client to open the menu of Management Software "Web-Based Admin View", the administrative client must satisfy the operating requirements of the "Web-Based Admin View" menu. Moreover, the administrative client is subject to the following restrictions:

* The administrative client must have Java Plug-in.

* The URL of the primary administrative server is displayed.

Disk Information


Decimal number

Indicates the disk size.

The size is the number of blocks (sectors).

Free Blocks

Decimal number

or "*"

Indicates the number of free blocks (sectors) that can be allocated to a new volume.

* indicates that no single disk is used.


Any character string

Indicates a connected group name.

Asterisk (*) indicates that no disk is connected.

Disk Type


Indicates the type attribute value.

mirror indicates that the disk is connected to the mirror group.

stripe indicates that the disk is connected to the GDS stripe group.

concat indicates that the disk is connected to the GDS concatenation group.

switch indicates that the disk is connected to a GDS switch group.

keep indicates a keep disk.

single indicates a single disk.

spare indicates a spare disk.

undef indicates an undefined disk.

Device Name

Any character string

Indicates a physical disk name.

The name is displayed in one of the following formats:

cCtTdD (for an ordinary hard disk under control of Solaris OS)

mphdI (for an MPHD disk)

mplbI (for an MPLB disk)

emcpowerN (for an emcpower disk under control of Splaris)

sdX (for an ordinary hard disk under control of Linux(RHEL))

emcpowerP (for an emcpower disk under control of Linux)

C indicates a controller. T indicates a target ID. D indicates a disk number. I indicates an MPHD instance number or MPLB instance number. N indicates an emcpower device number or device identifier under control of Solaris OS. P is an emcpower device type name under control of Linux. X indicates a device identifier.


List of any character strings

A list of node identifiers connected to a physical disk is displayed.

Asterisk (*) indicates that SafeCLUSTER and PRIMECLUSTER are not installed.

Disk Status


Indicates the disk status.

ENABLE indicates that the disk is operable.

DISABLE indicates that the disk is not operable.

SWAP indicates that the disk is not operable and can be swapped.

For 1.2 and lower version numbers of Agent, no value is displayed.

IO Status


Indicates the status with regard to disk errors.

This information is displayed only for GDS.

0 indicates that no I/O error has occurred on local and shared nodes.

1 indicates that an I/O error has occurred on the local or shared node.

* indicates that the disk is connected to neither the stripe group nor the concatenation group.

Table B.43 SafeDISK(/Global) and GDS class properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the name of a class as the icon name.


Any character string

Indicates SafeDISK(/Global) and GDS version information.

When version information is unknown, no value is displayed.

Management Software


Indicates the URL that an administrative client can use to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View".

This information is displayed only in the following cases:

* For the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system

* When "Web-Based Admin View" is running on the server node

To enable the administrative client to open the menu of Management Software "Web-Based Admin View", the administrative client must satisfy the operating requirements of the "Web-Based Admin View" menu. Moreover, the administrative client is subject to the following restrictions:

* The administrative client must have Java Plug-in.

* The URL of the primary administrative server is displayed.

Class Information

Class Type


Indicates the type attribute value.

root denotes the root class.

local denotes a local class.

shared denotes a common class.


Any character string

Displays the node identifier as the scope attribute value.

When the class is shared by multiple nodes in a SafeCLUSTER or PRIMECLUSTER system, a list of node identifiers is displayed.

When SafeCLUSTER or PRIMECLUSTER is not deployed, the asterisk (*) is displayed.

Hot Spare


IIndicates the hot spare mode.

on indicates that the hot spare mode is enabled.

off indicates that the hot spare mode is disabled.


Decimal number

Indicates the number of spare disks not connected to the group.

Table B.44 LVM logical volume properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the name of a logical volume as the icon name.

LV Status


Indicates the logical volume status.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Status Description


Indicates details on the logical volume status.

available/stale: The logical volume is available but it includes a physical extent that does not exist in the current volume.

available/syncd: The logical volume is available and in sync.

available: The logical volume is available. A cache for error output and the consistency recovery are both off on the logical volume, and therefore the status cannot be determined between stale and syncd for certain.

unavailable: The logical volume is unavailable.

LVM Version

Any character string

Indicates LVM version information.

LV Information

LV Path Name

Any character string

Indicates the block type device and path name of a logical volume within the volume group.

LV Size(Mbytes)

Any character string

Indicates the logical volume size.

Current LE

Any character string

Indicates the number of logical extents within the logical volume.

Allocated PE

Any character string

Indicates the number of physical extents used for the logical volume.

Used PV

Any character string

Indicates the number of physical volumes used for the logical volume.

Table B.45 LVM logical volume integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"LVM Logical Volumes( "volume group name" )"

Indicates the name of LVM logical volume integration information as the icon name.

"volume group name" indicates the name of the volume and group to which the integrated LVM logical volume belongs.

LV Information-1

LV Name

Any character string

Indicates the logical volume name.

LV Status


Indicates the logical volume status.

Status Description


Indicates details on the logical volume status.

available/stale: The logical volume is available but it includes a physical extent that does not exist in the current volume.

available/syncd: The logical volume is available and in sync.

available: The logical volume is available. A cache for error output and the consistency recovery are both off on the logical volume, and therefore the status cannot be determined between stale and syncd for certain.

unavailable: The logical volume is unavailable.

LVM Version

Any character string

Indicates LVM version information.

LV Information-2

LV Name

Any character string

Indicates Logical Volume name.

LV Path Name

Any character string

Indicates the block type device and path name of a logical volume within the volume group.

LV Size(Mbytes)

Any character string

Indicates the logical volume size.

Current LE

Any character string

Indicates the number of logical extents within the logical volume.

Allocated PE

Any character string

Indicates the number of physical extents used for the logical volume.

Used PV

Any character string

Indicates the number of physical volumes used for the logical volume.

Table B.46 LVM volume group properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the part after "/" in the volume and group path name as the icon name.

VG Status


Indicates the volume group status.

Status Description


Indicates the volume group status.

LVM Version

Any character string

Indicates LVM version information.

VG Information-1

VG Name

Any character string

Indicates the volume and group path name.

VG Write Access


Indicates the current volume and group access mode.


Decimal number

Indicates the number of volume group descriptor areas within the volume and group.

PE Size

Decimal number

Indicates the size of each physical extent.

Total PE

Decimal number

Indicates the total number of physical extents within the volume and group.

Alloc PE

Decimal number

Indicates the number of physical extents currently assigned to the logical volume.

Free PE

Decimal number

Indicates the number of physical extents not assigned.

VG Information-2

Max LV

Decimal number

Indicates the number of logical volumes that can be included in the volume and group.

Cur LV

Decimal number

Indicates the number of logical volumes that currently exist in the volume and group.

Open LV

Decimal number

Indicates the number of logical volumes and groups currently open in the volume and group.

Max PV

Decimal number

Indicates the number of physical volumes that can be included in the volume and group.

Cur PV

Decimal number

Indicates the number of physical volumes that currently exist in the volume and group.

Act PV

Decimal number

Indicates the number of physical volumes currently active in the volume and group.

Max PE per PV

Decimal number

Indicates the number of physical extents that can be assigned from physical volumes in the volume and group.

Total PVG

Decimal number

Indicates the number of physical volumes and groups within the volume and group.

Total Spare PVs

Decimal number

Indicates the number of physical volumes specified as spares for this volume and group.

Total Spare PVs in use

Decimal number

Indicates the total number of spare physical volumes that are active to alternate with failed physical volumes.

Table B.47 LVM physical volume properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the block type device path name of a logical volume within the group as the icon name.

Device paths are displayed using legacy DSFs (cCtTdD) in the following situations:
- For HP-UX11iv2 or earlier
- If only PVLink is being used for path redundancy for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later

Device paths are displayed using persistent DSFs (diskX) in the following situations:
- If path redundancy is not used for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later
- If native multi-paths are being used for path redundancy for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later

PV Status


Indicates the physical volume status.

Status Description

"available/data spared",
"available/active spare",
"available/standby spare",
"unavailable/data spared",
"unavailable/active spare",
"unavailable/standby spare",
"a part of path unavailable",
"all path unavailable"

Indicates details on the physical volume status.

available: The physical volume is available and is not a spare physical volume.

available/data spared: The physical volume is available. However, the data reside on a spare physical volume still active.

available/active spare: The physical volume is available and is an active spare physical volume.

available/standby spare: The physical volume is a spare physical volume and is stand-by against any failure on another physical volume in this volume group. This physical volume can be used simply for obtaining data from a failed physical volume.

unavailable: The physical volume is not available and is not a spare physical volume.

unavailable/data spared: The physical volume is unavailable. However, the data reside on a spare physical volume still active and can be accessed if the spare physical volume is available.

unavailable/active spare: The physical volume is unavailable and is an active spare physical volume, and the data on this physical volume are unavailable.

unavailable/standby spare: The physical volume is a stand-by spare physical volume that cannot be used currently for obtaining data from a failed physical volume.

a part of path unavailable: Part of paths defined to the relevant physical volume or to an alternative link cannot be used.

all path unavailable: All of the paths defined to the relevant physical volume or to an alternative link cannot be used.

LVM Version

Any character string

Indicates LVM version information.

PV Information

PV Name

Any character string

Indicates the block type device and path name of a physical volume within the group.

Device paths are displayed using legacy DSFs (cCtTdD) in the following situations:
- For HP-UX11iv2 or earlier
- If only PVLink is being used for path redundancy for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later

Device paths are displayed using persistent DSFs (diskX) in the following situations:
- If path redundancy is not used for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later
- If native multi-paths are being used for path redundancy for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later

PV Name Alternate Link

Any character string

Alternate links to physical volumes are indicated using legacy DSFs (cCtTdD) in the following situation:
- For physical volumes that use PVLink

Multiple paths to physical volumes are indicated using legacy DSFs (cCtTdD) in the following situation:
- For physical volumes that use the native multi-path function in environments where legacy DSFs have not been disabled or deleted.

Multiple paths to physical volumes are indicated using logical HBA numbers in the following situation:
- For physical volumes that use the native multi-path function in environments where legacy DSFs have been disabled or deleted.

PVG Name

Any character string

Indicates the name of the physical volume group to which the physical volume indicated by the device name of a physical volume is defined. When the physical volume indicated by the device name of a physical volume does not belong to the physical volume group, no value is displayed.

Total PE

Decimal number

Indicates the total number of physical extents on the physical volume.

Free PE

Decimal number

Indicates the number of physical extents on the physical volume that are not assigned.



Indicates the specification of autoswitch behavior for the physical volume.

On: LVM automatically switches the path to the physical volume to an optimum available path.

Off: LVM automatically switches the current path to an optimum available path only if it cannot be used.

Table B.48 LVM physical volume integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

"LVM Physical Volumes("volume name")"

Indicates the LVM physical volume integration information name as the icon name.

The physical volume name is displayed using legacy DSFs (cCtTdD) in the following situations:
- For HP-UX11iv2 or earlier
- If only PVLink is being used for path redundancy for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later

The physical volume name is displayed using persistent DSFs (diskX) in the following situations:
- If path redundancy is not used for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later
- If native multi-paths are being used for path redundancy for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later

PV Fusion Information

MultiPath Driver Device

Any character string

Indicates the block type device path name of physical volume.

Device paths are displayed using legacy DSFs (cCtTdD) in the following situations:
- For HP-UX11iv2 or earlier
- If only PVLink is being used for path redundancy for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later

Device paths are displayed using persistent DSFs (diskX) in the following situations:
- If path redundancy is not used for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later
- If native multi-paths are being used for path redundancy for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later

PV Status


Indicates the physical volume status.

Status Description

"available/data spared",
"available/active spare",
"available/standby spare",
"unavailable/data spared",
"unavailable/active spare",
"unavailable/standby spare",
"a part of path unavailable",
"all path unavailable"

Indicates details on the physical volume status.

available: The physical volume is available and is not a spare physical volume.

available/data spared: The physical volume is available. However, the data reside on a spare physical volume still active.

available/active spare: The physical volume is available and is an active spare physical volume.

available/standby spare: The physical volume is a spare physical volume and is stand-by against any failure on another physical volume in this volume group. This physical volume can be used simply for obtaining data from a failed physical volume.

unavailable: The physical volume is not available and is not a spare physical volume.

unavailable/data spared: The physical volume is unavailable. However, the data reside on a spare physical volume still active and can be accessed if the spare physical volume is available.

unavailable/active spare: The physical volume is unavailable and is an active spare physical volume, and the data on this physical volume are unavailable.

unavailable/standby spare: The physical volume is a stand-by spare physical volume that cannot be used currently for obtaining data from a failed physical volume.

a part of path unavailable: Part of paths defined to the relevant physical volume or to an alternative link cannot be used.

all path unavailable: All of the paths defined to the relevant physical volume or to an alternative link cannot be used.

LVM Version

Any character string

Indicates LVM version information.

PV Name

Any character string

Indicates the block type device and path name of a physical volume within the group.

Device paths are displayed using legacy DSFs (cCtTdD) in the following situations:
- For HP-UX11iv2 or earlier
- If only PVLink is being used for path redundancy for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later

Device paths are displayed using persistent DSFs (diskX) in the following situations:
- If path redundancy is not used for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later
- If native multi-paths are being used for path redundancy for physical volumes with HP-UX11iv3 or later

PVG Name

Any character string

Indicates the name of the physical volume group to which the physical volume indicated by the device name of a physical volume is defined. When the physical volume indicated by the device name of a physical volume does not belong to the physical volume group, no value is displayed.

Total PE

Decimal number

Indicates the total number of physical extents on the physical volume.

Free PE

Decimal number

Indicates the number of physical extents on the physical volume that are not assigned.



Indicates the specification of autoswitch behavior for the physical volume.

On: LVM automatically switches the path to the physical volume to an optimum available path.

Off: LVM automatically switches the current path to an optimum available path only if it cannot be used.

Table B.49 MultiPath driver slice properties (only applicable to the Solaris OS versions of Agent and the Linux versions of Agent)

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a user access device node name as an icon name.

In the Solaris OS version, information is displayed in the following format:

- MPHD: /dev/FJSVmphd/rdsk/mphdMsS

- MPLB,GRMPD 1.x, ETERNUS Multipath Driver (when setting mplb special file): /dev/FJSVmplb/rdsk/mplbMsS

- ETERNUS Multipath Driver (when setting special file of Solaris OS standard): /dev/rdsk/cCtTdDsS

Indicates the added disk device node with the number to distinguish partition in the Linux(RHEL) version.

Driver Version

Driver version

Indicates version information of the multipath driver.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Management Software


Indicates the URL that an administrative client can use to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View".

This information is displayed only in the following cases:

- For the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system

- When "Web-Based Admin View" is running on the server node

To enable the administrative client to open the menu of Management Software "Web-Based Admin View", the administrative client must satisfy the operating requirements of the "Web-Based Admin View" menu. Moreover, the administrative client is subject to the following restrictions:

- The administrative client must have Java Plug-in.

- The URL of the primary administrative server is displayed.

Table B.50 MultiPath driver device properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

In the Solaris OS version, an icon name indicated by this is the name of the user access device node from which a slice portion was omitted.

In the Solaris OS version, information is displayed in the following format:

- MPHD: /dev/FJSVmphd/rdsk/mphdM

- MPLB,GRMPD 1.x, ETERNUS Multipath Driver (when setting mplb special file): /dev/FJSVmplb/rdsk/mplbM

- ETERNUS Multipath Driver (when setting special file of Solaris OS standard): /dev/rdsk/cCtTdD

In the Windows version, this indicates a disk number (assigned by WindowsNT or Windows2000 to each LU).

In the Linux(RHEL) version, this indicates disk device node.

In the AIX version, this indicates block device.



Displays warning when "warning" is included in the multipath status.

When the ETERNUS multipath driver for Windows is used, a warning is displayed when the number of active paths has been reduced. For example, number of paths is reduced from three to two.
When the msdsm is used, a warning is displayed when the access path that is not redundant configuration exists. For example, number of paths is one (single path) at the first time, or it is reduced from two to one.

Driver Version

Driver version

Indicates version information of the multipath driver.

However, no value is displayed if the multipath driver is multipath control for WindowsNT/2000.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Management Software


Indicates the URL that an administrative client can use to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View".

This information is displayed only in the following cases:

- For the SafeFILE/Global and GFS shared file system

- When "Web-Based Admin View" is running on the server node

To enable the administrative client to open the menu of Management Software "Web-Based Admin View", the administrative client must satisfy the operating requirements of the "Web-Based Admin View" menu. Moreover, the administrative client is subject to the following restrictions:

- The administrative client must have Java Plug-in.

- The URL of the primary administrative server is displayed.

MultiPath Device Information

MultiPath Type


Indicates the multipath disk control method.

In the Solaris OS version, the following are displayed:


MPLB, GRMPD, ETERNUS Multiputh Driver: "MPLB" or "MPHD"

In the Windows version, "MP" is displayed.

In the Linux(RHEL) version, "MPLB" is displayed.

In the AIX version, "DPF" is displayed.

Number of Path

Decimal number

Indicates the number of paths.

Table B.51 MultiPath Driver Device integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a MultiPath Driver Device integration information name as an icon name.

In the Solaris OS version, ranges of an icon name indicated by this is the name of the user access device node from which a slice portion was omitted.

In the Windows version, this indicates ranges of disk number (assigned by Windows OS to each LU).

In the Linux(RHEL) version, ranges of disk device node is displayed as a name.

In the AIX version, range of block device is displayed as a name.

MultiPath Device Fusion Information

MultiPath Driver Device

Any character string

In the Solaris OS version, an icon name indicated by this is the name of the user access device node from which a slice portion was omitted.

In the Solaris OS version, information is displayed in the following format:

- MPHD: /dev/FJSVmphd/rdsk/mphdM

- MPLB,GRMPD 1.x, ETERNUS Multipath Driver (when setting mplb special file): /dev/FJSVmplb/rdsk/mplbM

ETERNUS Multipath Driver (when setting special file of Solaris OS standard): /dev/rdsk/cCtTdD

In the Windows version, this indicates a disk number (assigned by Windows OS to each LU).

In the Linux(RHEL) version, this indicates disk device node.

In the AIX version, this indicates block device.



Displays warning when "warning" is included in the multipath status.

When Windows version GRMPD 2.x is used, a warning is displayed when the number of active paths has been reduced.

Driver Version

Driver version

Indicates version information of the multipath driver.

However, no value is displayed if the multipath driver is multipath control for WindowsNT/2000.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Management Software


Indicates the URL that a client can use to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View".

This information is displayed only in the following cases:

- When "Web-Based Admin View" is running on the host

- When multipath disk control is MPHD or MPLB

To enable the client to open the menu of the Management Software "Web-Based Admin View", the client must satisfy the operating requirements of the "Web-Based Admin View" menu. Moreover, the client is subject to the following restrictions:

- The client must have Java Plug-in.

- The URL of the primary administrative server is displayed.

MultiPath Type


Indicates the multipath disk control method.

In the Solaris OS version, the following are displayed:


MPLB, GRMPD, ETERNUS Multipath Driver: "MPLB" or "MPHD"

In the Windows version, "MP" is displayed.

In the Linux(RHEL) version, "MPLB" is displayed.

In the AIX version, "DPF" is displayed.

Number of Path

Decimal number

Indicates the number of paths.

When Windows version GRMPD 2.x is used, the number of active paths is displayed.

Table B.52 EMC PowerPath slice properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

For Solaris OS version, this indicates a pseudo name with "/dev/rdsk/" attached as an icon name.

In Linux version, this indicates a pseudo name with "/dev/" attached as an icon name.

Table B.53 EMC PowerPath device properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

For Solaris OS version, this indicates a pseudo name, whose trailing alphabetic character is omitted, with "/dev/rdsk/" attached, as an icon name.

In Linux version, this indicates a pseudo name, whose trailing alphabetic character is omitted, with "/dev/" attached, as an icon name.

The pseudo name is an identifier used to access a logical device of the storage system.



Indicates the status of an EMC PowerPath device.

"normal" indicates that all paths connected to individual devices are active.

"warning" indicates that a certain path connected to individual paths is disabled.

For Solaris OS version, "normal" is displayed when the status description of the EMC PowerPath device is "alive," and "warning" is displayed when it is "dead".

In Linux version, "normal" is displayed when the status description of the EMC PowerPath device is "open," and "warning" is displayed when it is "close".

Status Description

In Solaris OS version:

In Linux version:

Indicates actual status information on an EMC PowerPath device.

Driver Version

Driver version

Indicates EMC PowerPath version information.

Nothing is displayed when the version is unknown.

MultiPath Device Information

MultiPath Type


Indicates the multipath disk control type.

Number of Paths

Decimal number

Indicates the number of paths.

Logical device ID

Hexadecimal number or alphanumeric string

Indicates a logical device identifier.

Table B.54 EMC PowerPath device integrated information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the name of EMC PowerPath device integration information as an icon name.

MultiPath Device Fusion Information

MultiPath Driver Device

Any character string

For Solaris OS version, this indicates a pseudo name, whose trailing alphabetic character is omitted, with "/dev/rdsk/" attached, as an icon name.

In Linux version, this indicates a pseudo name, whose trailing alphabetic character is omitted, with "/dev/" attached, as an icon name.

The pseudo name is an identifier used to access a logical device of the storage system.



Indicates the status of an EMC PowerPath device.

"normal" indicates that all paths connected to individual devices are active.

"warning" indicates that a certain path connected to individual paths is disabled.

In Solaris OS version, "normal" is displayed when the status description of the EMC PowerPath device is "alive" and "warning" is displayed when it is "dead".

In Linux version, "normal" is displayed when the status description of the EMC PowerPath device is "open," and "warning" is displayed when it is "close".

Status Description

In Solaris OS version:

In Linux version:

Indicates actual status information on an EMC PowerPath device.

Driver Version

Driver version

Indicates EMC PowerPath version information.

Nothing is displayed when the version is unknown.

MultiPath Type


Indicates the multipath disk control type.

Number of Paths

Decimal number

Indicates the number of paths.

Logical device ID

Hexadecimal number or alphanumeric string

Indicates a logical device identifier.

Table B.55 HDLM slice properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates host device name with "/dev/rdsk" and slice identifier as an icon name.

Table B.56 HDLM device properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates host device name with "/dev/rdsk" and slice identifier as an icon name.



Indicate the status of HDLM device

normal: All path status which connects to each device is online.

warning; There is offline path exists.

The status will be displayed as "normal" if all the paths connected to HDLM device are "Online". If status other than "Online" exists, it will be displayed as "warning".

Status Description


Indicate the status of HDLM device's path.

Driver Version

Driver version

Indicate the driver version of HDLM device.

In case that version is unknown, no value is displayed.

MultiPath Device Fusion information

MultiPath Type


Indicate the multipath disk's control type.

Number of Paths

Decimal number

Indicate the path number.

Table B.57 HDLM device integration icon properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates HDLM device integrated information as an icon name.

MultiPath Device Information

MultiPath Driver Device

Any character string

Indicates host device name with "/dev/rdsk" and slice identifier as an icon name.



Indicate the status of HDLM device

normal: All path status which connects to each device is online.

warning; There is offline path exists.

The status will be displayed as "normal" if all the paths connected to HDLM device are "Online". If status other than "Online" exists, it will be displayed as "warning".

Status Description

"Online, Offline(E)"

Indicate the status of HDLM device's path.

Driver Version

Driver version

Indicate the driver version of HDLM device.

In case that version is unknown, no value is displayed.

MultiPath Type


Indicate the multipath disk's control type.

Number of Paths

Decimal number

Indicate the path number.

Table B.58 MPxIO slice properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates the device name including the part of slice, as an icon name.

Table B.59 MPxIO device properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(icon name)

Any character string

Shows the device name without the slice part as the icon name.



Indicates the MPxIO device status.

Normal: All the paths that connect to each device are running.

Warning: Some of the paths that connect to each device are blocked.

If all the MPxIO device status details are "ONLINE" or "STANDBY", "normal" is displayed, otherwise "Warning" is displayed.

Status Description

"ONLINE,OFFLINE", for example

Indicates the MPxIO device path status.

MultiPath Device Information

MultiPath Type


Indicates the multipath disk control type.

Number of Paths


Indicates the number of paths.

Table B.60 MultiPath driver device / LVM physical volume / EMC Power Path device/HDLM device/MPxIO device

Name of display item



Basic Information

Source ID

Any character string

Indicates the names of the multipath driver device, LVM physical volume, and EMC PowerPath device and HDLM device/MPxIO device corresponding to the relevant path.

Path Status


Displays status information on the multipath driver device, LVM physical volume, and EMC PowerPath device and HDLM device/MPxIO device.

"Normal" indicates active path.
"Warning" indicates path in trouble or the path separated from the management of multipath.

In HP-UX version "normal" indicates the normal status of corresponding LVM physical volume.
"Warning" indicates other status than the normal state of corresponding LVM physical volume.

Table B.61 Raw device properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a raw device name as an icon name.

For the Solaris OS versions of Agent, the name is displayed in the following format: /dev/rdsk/cCtTdD.

C, T, and D indicate the controller, target ID, and disk number, respectively.

For the Windows versions of Agent, the name is displayed in the format of pPbBtTlL.

P denotes the SCSI port number, B denotes the SCSI bus number, T denotes the target ID (SCSI-ID), and L denotes the LUN number.

For the Linux versions of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/sdD format.

D is a character standing for the physical drive.

For the HP-UX versions of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/rdsk/cCtTdD format.

C shows the card instance number, T shows the target address, and D shows the device number.

The Legacy DSF is ignored (removed) on HP-UX 11iv3 or later, no information is displayed.

For the AIX version of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/hdiskB format. B is character standing for the block device number.

Table B.62 Raw device integration information properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a raw device integration information name as an icon name.

For the Solaris OS versions of Agent, the name is displayed in the following format: /dev/rdsk/cCtTdD-D.

C, T, and D-D indicate the controller, target ID, and range of disk number, respectively.

For the Windows versions of Agent, the name is displayed in the format of pPbBtTlL-L.

P indicates a SCSI port number. B indicates a SCSI bus number. T indicates a target ID (SCSI-ID). L-L indicates range of LUN number.

For the Linux versions of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/sdD format.

D-D indicates the range of physical devices. For the HP-UX versions of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/rdsk/cCtTdD-D format.

C shows the card instance number, T shows the target address, and D-D shows the range of device.

The Legacy DSF is ignored (removed) on HP-UX 11iv3 or later, no information is displayed.

For the AIX version of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/hdiskB-B format. B-B indicates the range of the block device number.

RawDevice Fusion Information

Raw Device Name

Any character string

Indicates a raw device name.

For the Solaris OS versions of Agent, the name is displayed in the following format: /dev/rdsk/cCtTdD.

C, T, and D indicate the controller, target ID, and disk number, respectively.

For the Windows versions of Agent, the name is displayed in the format of pPbBtTlL.

P indicates a SCSI port number. B indicates a SCSI bus number. T indicates a target ID (SCSI-ID). L indicates a LUN number.

For the Linux versions of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/sdD format.

D indicates the range of physical devices.

For the HP-UX versions of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/rdsk/cCtTdD format.

C shows the card instance number, T shows the target address, and D shows the range of device.

The Legacy DSF is ignored (removed) on HP-UX 11iv3 or later, no information is displayed.

For the AIX version of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/hdiskB format. B is character standing for the block device number.

Table B.63 Raw device slice properties (only applicable to the Solaris OS versions, Linux versions and HP-UX versions of Agent)

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a raw device slice name as an icon name.

For the Solaris OS versions of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/rdsk/cCtTdDsS format.

C shows the controller, T shows the target ID, D shows the disk number, S shows the slice number.

For the Linux versions of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/sdDP format or a /dev/hdDP format.

D shows a character standing for the physical drive and P shows the partition on the physical drive.

For the HP-UX versions of Agent, the name is displayed in a /dev/rdsk/cCtTdDsS format.

C shows the card instance number, T shows the target address, D shows the device number, and S shows the section number.

Table B.64 HBA port properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a logical number of an HBA as an icon name.



Indicates the device status.

When the monitoring status is "unmonitored" or "undefined", "unknown" is indicated.

An agent of the Solaris OS or a Windows server node collects device status information in greater detail than SSC Agent on the same platform. Thus, the device status reported by both agents may not be identical.

Status Description

Any character string

Indicates the device status in detail.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Monitoring Status

Any character string

Indicates the HBA port monitoring status.

Driver Version

Driver version

Indicates the HBA driver version.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.



Indicates the SNIA HBA API version.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Port Information-1

Port No.

Decimal number

Indicates a port number.


Eight-byte WWPN

Indicates the WWPN (World Wide Port Name) set for an HBA.


Eight-byte WWNN

Indicates the WWNN (World Wide Node Name) set for an HBA.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Supported FC Port Types

List of "N", "NL-Private", "NL-Public", "E", "F", "FL", "B", and "G"

A list of Fibre Channel port types supported by an HBA is displayed.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Current FC Port Type


Indicates the type of Fibre Channel port for which an HBA is currently active.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Supported FC Classes

List of "Class2", "Class3", and "Class2(Enable ACK0)"

A list of Fibre Channel classes supported by an HBA is displayed.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Current FC Class

"Class2(Enable ACK0)"

Indicates the FC class in use.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Port Information-2

FC Loop ID Assignment

"Automatic (Ascending order)",
"Automatic (Descending order)",

Indicates the loop ID setting method of Fibre Channel settings for an FC port. This property is valid only for a loop connection.

When it is unknown, "Unknown" is displayed.

FC Loop ID

Decimal number

Indicates loop ID of the Fibre Channel set to the FC port. This property is invalid excluding the loop connection.

Transfer Rate


Indicates the transfer rate set to the FC port. When it is unknown, "Unknown" is displayed.

When it is "Automatic", the transfer rate is either of the followings:
10Gbit/s, 8Gbit/s, 4Gbit/s, 2Gbit/s, 1Gbit/s

Connected WWPN

List of eight-byte WWPN

Indicates the list of WWPN (World Wide Port Name) of the other side node connected with this HBA port. This property is not displayed in the device not supported.

In the Linux server node equipped with PG-FC105 (driver version:V4.20q-1), PG-FC106 (driver version:V4.20q-1) and PG-FCD101, PG-FCD102, no value is shown.

Affinity Information

Controller Number

Controller number

Indicates the controller number of HBA.

This value is displayed only in a Solaris OS environment. It corresponds to X in /dev/rdsk/cXtY. When /dev/rdsk/cXtY does not exist or the destination is tape, the value is not displayed.

SCSI Port Number

SCSI port number

Indicates SCSI port number.

This property is displayed in the Windows environment.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

SCSI Adapter Number

SCSI Adapter Number

Indicates the SCSI adapter number.

This value is displayed only in a Linux environment.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Card Instance Number

Card Instance Number

Indicates the card instance number. When two or more card instance numbers for the HBA are found, a list of card instance numbers is displayed.

This value is displayed only in an HP-UX environment.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Physical Number

Any character string

Indicates physical number of an HBA.

Example for Solaris OS Sbus card:

The example (For FUJITSU/EMULEX) for the Solaris OS PCI card:

Example for a Solaris OS PCI card (for SE0X7F12F):

Example for a Solaris OS PCI card (for XSEFC401AF,XSEFC402AF):

Example for a Solaris OS PCI card (for SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI1FC-QL2, and SG-XPCI2FC-QF2-Z):

The example (For QLOGIC) for the Solaris OS PCI card:

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

This value not displayed in a Windows, Linux, or HP-UX environment.

Logical HBA Number

Logical HBA number

Indicates logical number of an HBA.

Indicates an HBA device name for the AIX version.

When it is unknown, the value is displayed with hbaX format.

Bus Number

Bus number

Indicates a bus number. This value is not displayed in a Solaris OS and HP-UX environment.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Security Mode


Indicates the security setting status of a HBA port. When the type of storage affinity (LUN mapping) is WWPN_BINDING, the value is "valid".

Affinity Type


Indicates the type of storage affinity (LUN mapping) defined on the HBA.

NO_AFFINITY indicates that no definition is set.

ANOTHER_BINDING indicates that storage affinity (LUN mapping) is not defined or zoning is defined with a Fibre Channel switch or a storage device.

WWPN_BINDING indicates that BINDING is defined with a WWPN.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Affinity WWPN

List of Eight-byte WWNN

Indicates the list of WWPN on the storage side corresponding to the access path.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Target ID

List of any character strings

A list of Target ID (Y in cXtY of a special file in the Solaris OS, and T in pPbBtTlL of a Windows raw device, Y in cXtY of a HP-UX raw device) values corresponding to an access path is displayed.

In AIX version, or when the value of this property is not clear, no value is displayed.

Server LUN

List of any character strings

Delimited by a comma (,), LUN lists set for an access path are displayed.

In Windows, each physical drive number that could be obtained is enclosed in () and displayed following the LUN number.

When the number is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Table B.65 HBA properties

Name of display item



Basic Information

(Icon Name)

Any character string

Indicates a product name as an icon name as follows:

"PFCA", "GP7B8FC1", "PW008FC2" or "PW008FC3" for the PW008FC2A, PW008FC2-G, PW008FC3, GP7B8FC1A, GP7B8FC1-G, GP7B8FC1.

"SE0X7F11F" is for SE0X7F11F.

"SE0X7F12F" is for SE0X7F12F.

"LPe11000-S" is for XSEFC401AF.

"LPe11002-S" is for XSEFC402AF.

In SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI1FC-QL2, and SG-XPCI2FC-QF2-Z, the name starts with "375".

"QLA2100F" for the GP5-FC101 and QLA2100F

"QLA2200" for the GP5-FC102, PG-FC102, and QLA2200. "QLA23xx" or "QLA2340" for the QLA2340 in the Windows version.

"FCAW" for the SN10-FC01 and FC64-1063

"LP7K" and "LP8K" for the LP7000/8000 in the Solaris OS version, and "LP7K/8K/9K" in the Windows version.

"LP9K" and "LP9000" for the LP9000 and LP9002S in the Solaris OS version, and "LP7K/8K/9K" or "LP9000" in the Windows version.

"LP9K" or "LP9802" for the LP9802 in the Solaris OS version. "LP7K/8K/9K" or "LP9802" is in the Windows version.

"LP10K" or "LP10000" for the LP10000 in the Solaris OS version.

"LP9K" or "LP9002" for the PG-FC105 and LP9002L in the Solaris OS version, "LP7K/8K/9K" or "LP9002" in the Windows version, and "LP9002" in the Linux version.

"LP7K/8K/9K" or "LP9802" for the PG-FC106 in the Windows version, and "LP9802" in the Linux version.

"LP7K/8K/9K" or "LP1050" is for PG-FC107, PG-FC201, LP1050, LP1050Ex in the Windows version. "LP1050" is in the Linux version.

"QLA23xx" or "QLA2312" for the PG-FCD101, PG-FCD102 in the Windows version, and "QLA2312" or "FCI/O-CARD2Gb/s" in the Linux version.

"LPe1150-F4" is for PG-FC202.

"BX600-FC42E" is for PG-FCD201.

"LP10000" or "2Gb" is for MC-08FC11/MC08FC71.

"LP11000-M4" or "4Gb" is for MC-08FC31.

"LP11002-M4" or "4Gb" is for MC-08FC41.

"LPe11000-M4" or "4Gb" is for MC-08FC51.

"LPe11002-M4" or "4Gb" is for MC-08FC61.

"A6795A" for the A6795A.

"A5158A" for the A5158A.

"A6826A" is for A6826A.

"AB378A" is for AB378A.

"AB378-60101" is for AB378B.

"AB379A" is for AB379A.

"AB379-60101" is for AB379B.

"6228" for the 6228.

"6239" for the 6239.

When it is unknown, "HBA" is displayed.



Indicates the device status.

When the monitoring status is "unmonitored" or "undefined", status becomes "unknown".

Status Description

Any character string

Indicates the device status in detail.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Monitoring Status

Any character string

Indicates the HBA monitoring status.

Driver Version

Driver version

Indicates the HBA driver version.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.



Indicates the SNIA HBA API version.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.

Adapter Information

Port Amount

Decimal number

Indicates port number.

SE0X7F12F, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2/-Z (Solaris 9 OS only), MC-08FC41, MC-08FC61, A6826A, AB379A, and AB379B are dual port HBAs. In this product, however, there is only one port because two HBAs are used to express a single port.

Product ID

Any character string

Indicates product name.

"PFCA", "GP7B8FC1", "PW008FC2" or "PW008FC3" for the PW008FC2A, PW008FC2-G, PW008FC3, GP7B8FC1A, GP7B8FC1-G, GP7B8FC1.

"SE0X7F11F" is for SE0X7F11F.

"SE0X7F12F" is for SE0X7F12F.

"LPe11000-S" is for XSEFC401AF.

"LPe11002-S" is for XSEFC402AF.

In SG-XPCI1FC-QF2, SG-XPCI2FC-QF2, SG-XPCI1FC-QL2, and SG-XPCI2FC-QF2-Z, the name starts with "375".

"QLA2100F" for the GP5-FC101 and QLA2100F.

"QLA2200" for the GP5-FC102, PG-FC102, and QLA2200. "QLA23xx" or "QLA2340" for the QLA2340 in the Windows version.

"FCAW" for the SN10-FC01 and FC64-1063

"LP7K" and "LP8K" for the LP7000/8000 in the Solaris OS version, and "LP7K/8K/9K" in the Windows version.

"LP9K" and "LP9000" for the LP9000 and LP9002S in the Solaris OS version, and "LP7K/8K/9K" or "LP9000" in the Windows version.

"LP9K" or "LP9802" for the LP9802 in the Solaris OS version. "LP7K/8K/9K" or "LP9802" is in the Windows version.

"LP10K" or "LP10000" for the LP10000 in the Solaris OS version.

"LP9K" or "LP9002" for the PG-FC105 and LP9002L in the Solaris OS version, "LP7K/8K/9K" or "LP9002" in the Windows version, and "LP9002" in the Linux version.

"LP7K/8K/9K" or "LP9802" for the PG-FC106 in the Windows version, and "LP9802" in the Linux version.

"LP7K/8K/9K" or "LP1050" is for PG-FC107, PG-FC201, LP1050, LP1050Ex in the Windows version. "LP1050" is in the Linux version.

"QLA23xx" or "QLA2312" for the PG-FCD101, PG-FCD102 in the Windows version, and "QLA2312" or "FCI/O-CARD2Gb/s" in the Linux version.

"LPe1150-F4" is for PG-FC202.

"BX600-FC42E" is for PG-FCD201.

"LP10000" or "2Gb" is for MC-08FC11/MC08FC71.

"LP11000-M4" or "4Gb" is for MC-08FC31.

"LP11002-M4" or "4Gb" is for MC-08FC41.

"LPe11000-M4" or "4Gb" is for MC-08FC51.

"LPe11002-M4" or "4Gb" is for MC-08FC61.

"A6795A" for the A6795A.

"A5158A" for the A5158A.

"A6826A" is for A6826A.

"AB378A" is for AB378A.

"AB378-60101" is for AB378B.

"AB379A" is for AB379A.

"AB379-60101" is for AB379B.

"6228" for the 6228.

"6239" for the 6239.

When it is unknown, "HBA" is displayed.

Vender ID

Any character string

Indicates manufacturer name.

"FUJITSU" for the PW008FC2A, PW008FC2-G, PW008FC3, GP7B8FC1A, GP7B8FC1-G, GP7B8FC1, SE0X7F11F and SE0X7F12F.



"QLOGIC" for the GP5-FC101, GP5-FC102, PG-FC102, PG-FCD101, PG-FCD102, QLA2100F, QLA2200 and QLA2340.

"JAYCOR" for the SN10-FC01 and FC64-1063.

"EMULEX" for the MC-08FC11, MC-08FC31, MC-08FC41, MC-08FC51, MC-08FC61, MC-08FC, PG-FC105, PG-FC106, PG-FC107, PG-FC201, PG-FC202, PG-FCD201, LP7000, LP8000, LP9000, LP9002S, LP9002L, LP9802, LP10000, LP1050 and LP1050Ex.

"Hewlett-Packard" for A6795A, A5158A, A6826A, AB378A, AB378B, AB379A, and AB379B.

"IBM" for 6228, 6239.

When it is unknown, the value is not displayed.