ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

B.7.14 SCSI port properties

Name of display item



SCSI Bus Information

Group Number

0, 1

Indicates the group name of the storage side where a channel adapter (SCSI CA) is mounted.

CA Exchange Unit Number

Hexadecimal number

Indicates the unit of channel adapter (SCSI CA) replacement. Channel adapters having the same value are affected by hot system replacement.

Port Number

Hexadecimal number

Indicates the port number of a channel adapter (SCSI CA).

Device Status


Indicates the device status.

When the monitoring status is "unmonitored" or "undefined", it is indicated as "unknown".

Monitoring Status

"invalid Password"

Indicates the level of recognition of a device by this software.

"normal" indicates that the device is recognized normally.

"unmonitored" indicates that that the device was previously recognized but currently cannot be recognized.

"undefined" indicates that operation of the device in a LAN has been verified, though the device is not registered with this software.

In the event of "invalid Password", change the device password stored by this software. Select [Device] - [Change Account Information for Device Management] from the menu.


Decimal number

Indicates a SCSI ID.


Decimal number

Indicates a SCSI LUN.

Driver Version

Driver version

Indicates the driver version.