ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser 14.0 User's Guide

B.7.2 Server node (VM host) properties

This is the explanation for VMware Infrastructure 3 Version 3.5 or higher or VMware ESXi 3.5 or higher. When using VMware Infrastructure 3 Version 3.0, refer to "B.7.1 Server node (host) properties".

Name of display item



Basic Information

Device Name

VM host name

Indicates the host name of VM host.

Device Status


Indicates the status of a device.
It changes by the status of the access path.
When the monitoring status is "invalid Password", it is indicated as "warning".
When the monitoring status is "unmonitored" or "undefined", it is indicated as "unknown".

Monitoring Status

"normal ",
"invalid Password"

Indicates the level of recognition of a device by this software.
"normal" indicates that the device is recognized normally.
"unmonitored" indicates that the VM host is not running or this software cannot communicate with VM host.
"invalid Password" indicates that this software detected the login name change or password change for VM host.

IP Address

IP address of VM host

Indicates the IP address of VM host.

Management Software

URL of VI Web Access

Indicates the URL of VI Web Access.
(It can be changed manually with the <Change> button. For details, see "B.7 Resource View Properties".)

Firmware Version


Not displayed.

Event Notification function setup


This software does not support the event notification (Fault management by receiving SNMP Trap).
Always indicates "Un-supported".

Server Node Information

OS Type

Product name of VMware

Indicates the product name of VMware.

OS Version

Version of VMware

Indicates the VMware version number.

MultiPath Type


Not displayed.

MultiPath Instance Name (LUN)


Not displayed.

MultiPath Access Path


Not displayed.

VM Guest Information

VM Guest Name

Virtual machine name, or host name of guest OS

Indicates the virtual machine name of VM guest.
When the VMware Tools is running on the guest OS, the host name of guest OS is indicated.

Monitoring Status

"normal ",
"invalid Password"

Indicates the level of recognition of a device by this software.
"normal" indicates that the device is recognized normally.
"unmonitored" indicates that the VM host is not running or this software cannot communicate with VM host.
"invalid Password" indicates that this software detected the login name change or password change for VM host that VM guest belongs.

VM Guest Status


Indicates the status of a device.

[When the VMware Tools is not installed on the guest OS]
"normal" indicates that the virtual machine is running.
"stop" indicates that the virtual machine is not running.

[When the VMware Tools is installed on the guest OS]
"normal" indicates that the VMware Tools is running.
"stop" indicates that the VMware Tools is not running (including that virtual machine is not running).

When the monitoring status is "invalid Password", it is indicated as "warning".
When the monitoring status is "unmonitored", it is indicated as "unknown".

IP Address

IP address of guest OS

Indicates the IP address of guest OS.
When the VMware Tools is not running on the guest OS, no information is displayed.

OS Type

OS name of guest OS
Product name of VMware

Indicates the OS name of guest OS.
When the VMware Tools is not running on the guest OS, the product name of VMware is displayed.